Palladium Medal mil be awarded to DuPont's Edgar Woolard Jr

After a number of supervisory positions in manufacturing, he became director of the company's products marketing division in 1973, transferring to DuP...
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AWARDS Hawthorne has been editor of the Journal of Inorganic Chemistry since 1969. Among Hawthorne's awards are the ACS Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry (1988), the first Boron-USA Edgar S. Woolard Jr., chairman and to an individual deemed to have made Award for Distinguished Service in the chief executive officer of DuPont, will outstanding contributions to the world Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry (1988), the Richard C. Tolman Medal receive the International Palladium chemical industry. Medal, awarded by the American SecThe 60-year-old Woolard joined Du- Award of the ACS Southern California tion of the Societe de Chemie Industri- Pont in 1957 as an industrial engineer at Section (1986), and the ACS Award in elle. The medal will be awarded at the the company's Kinston, N.C., plant. Af- Inorganic Chemistry (1973). He is a society's ceremony at the Plaza Hotel ter a number of supervisory positions in member of the National Academy of in New York City in May, and is given manufacturing, he became director of Sciences and the American Academy of the company's products marketing divi- Arts & Sciences, and a fellow of the Jasion in 1973, transferring to DuPont's pan Society for the Promotion of Scitextile fibers department in 1977 as gen- ence and the American Association for eral manager of the products and plan- the Advancement of Science. Hawthorne received a B.A. degree ning division. In 1981, Woolard became vice president for textile fibers. He was from Pomona College, Claremont, Calif., made company executive vice president in 1949, and a Ph.D. in organic chemistry • and a member of the board of directors from UCLA in 1953. in 1983, vice chairman in 1985, and became chairman and chief executive officer in 1989. Southern Chemist Paul Copp, chairman of the Palladium Medal Committee says, "Ed Wool- Award nominations ard is one of the most respected CEOs in the industry. His contributions to The Southern Chemist Award will be both DuPont and the chemical industry presented at the ACS joint Southeastduring the past six years have been Southwest Regional Meeting to be held outstanding. His ongoing work in the Nov. 29-Dec. 1 in Memphis. The purareas of environmental stewardship pose of this award is to recognize and and regulatory reform are excellent ex- honor distinguished service to chemisamples of his leadership." • try in the South and to focus national attention on the scientific progress of the region. The award consists of a and a cash honorarium. Funds Hawthorne is recipient of Chicago's Gibbs Medal medal for the award are provided by the ACS Memphis Section. M. Frederick Hawthorne, professor of Nominees should have a record of at chemistry and biochemistry at the Unileast 10 years of accomplishments and versity of California, Los Angeles, is the 1994 recipient of the Willard Gibbs at least 10 years of work in the South. Medal of the ACS Chicago Section. The For the purpose of this award, the award, which is given annually, "recogSouth is defined as the area encomnizes eminent chemists, who, through passed by the following ACS local secyears of application and devotion, have tions: Alabama, Auburn, Baton Rouge, brought to the world developments that Carolina-Piedmont, Central Arkansas, enable everyone to live more comfortably Central North Carolina, Chattanooga, and to understand the world better." Coastal Empire, East Tennessee, Eastern North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, According to the citation, Hawthorne Hampton Roads, Jacksonville, Kenwas honored for outstanding contributucky Lake, Lexington, Louisiana, Louistions to the fields of inorganic chemistry ville, Memphis, Mississippi, Mobile, and organometallic chemistry through his seminal discoveries in the rapidly exNashville, North Alabama, North Caropanding area of borane clusters. In parlina, Northeast Georgia, Northeast Tenticular, his work has provided pioneernessee, Northwest Louisiana, Ole Miss, ing insights into the syntheses, strucOuachita Valley, Pensacola, Savannah tures, bonding, and reactivity patterns of the interfaces of chemistry with the bio- River, South Carolina, Southwest Georpolyhedral borane anions, carboranes, sciences, medicine, and other fields of gia, Southwest Louisiana, University of and metallocarboranes. His research has contemporary importance such as mo- Arkansas, Virginia, Virginia Blue Ridge, made possible major new advances at lecular recognition. Western Carolina, and Wilson Dam.

Palladium Medal mil be awarded to DuPont's Edgar Woolard Jr.

FEBRUARY 27,1995 C&EN 55

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AWARDS Nominations should consist of a letter that includes biographical details as well as accounts of technical accomplishments, a publications list, and two seconding letters from persons not at the nominee's place of business that elaborate on the qualifications of the nominee. Send six copies of all materials by April 15 to Patricia A. Kilzer, Department of Chemistry, Christian Brothers University, 650 East Parkway South, Memphis, Tenn. 38104. •

Ferry Fellowship applications invited The Education Committee of the ACS Rubber Division announces the availability of its John D. Ferry Fellowship. This award will be made to a doctorallevel student in the field of rubber and polymer science. The $10,000 annual fellowship will support full-time education and research at a North American university. It will be renewable for one additional year. The purposes of the fellowship are to perpetuate the tradition of research excellence exemplified by Ferry, who is professor emeritus of chemistry at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, to foster and motivate excellence in postgraduate education in rubber and polymer science; and to nurture originality and creativity in research on the physics, especially mechanical properties and molecular dynamics, of rubbers and polymers. Candidates may be nominated by a professor or a department active in doctoral-level research in rubber and polymer science. All nominations should be submitted by May 31, and should contain the following: undergraduate and graduate transcripts, a research proposal describing anticipated project activity, a candidate's statement describing how this endeavor would fit into his or her career plans, and a recommendation from the thesis adviser. Nominations must not be more than five pages long (not including transcripts). Announcement of the candidate selected will be made July 1. For more information, contact Education Office, ACS Rubber Division, P.O. Box 499, Akron, Ohio 44309-0499; phone (216) 9727814. •