rotameter mounted on a needle- valve-operated flow controller. Controller has an internal dia- phram assembly designed to give a constant pressure for...
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PALMER Mercury Actuated T e m p e r a t u r e Indicating Instruments

Rotameter/Controllers New line of flow-rate controllers for purge a n d other flow control a n d indication applications is selfcontained. Single u n i t includes the rotameter m o u n t e d o n a needlevalve-operated flow controller. Controller has an internal diap h r a m assembly designed to give a constant pressure for any setting of

dustrial water supplies a n d wastes, a n d for the addition of leads a n d g u m inhibitors to gasoline. Meter may be easily adapted to batch, constant rate, or flow-responsive op­ eration. Standard package prices start at $900. Dept. IEC, B-I-F In­ dustries, Providence 1, R. I. 1-3

pH Recording


C o n t i n u o u s a n d accurate record­ ing of glass electrode p H for process study or titration by measure or m o n i t o r is provided with new p H recording adapter. A n electrometer circuit—stable, linear, a n d of high resistance—provides smooth, noni n t e r r u p t e d conversion with opti­ m u m o u t p u t at m a x i m u m sensi­ tivity approximately 1 millivolt per p H unit. Adjustable sensitivity a n d variable displacement give flexi­ bility in setting p H range of the re­ corder. Accommodates standard commercial glass electrodes. A d a p t e r costs $140. Dept. IEC, Ε. Η. Sargent & Co., 4647 West Foster Ave., Chicago 30, III. 1-4

Temperature A-4