Does not in- terfere with drawers or cupboards. Leg height ad- justable from 28" to 38" high. Write today for illustrated literature. PA L0 laboratory...
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NEW PRODUCTS Barnes Engineering Co. Called Optit h e r m infrared detectors, t h e devices are said to be extremely fast a n d sensitive. T h e y can be used as sensing elements in radiometers, pyrometers, gas analyzers, infrared spectrometers, p r o d u c t control units, or other infrared instruments. Sensitive elements of the detectors are 10-micron-thick (0.01 m m . ) rectangular flakes of thermistor material. T h e dimensions of each element can be varied from 0.1 t o 10.0 n u n . T h i s area

determines t h e field of view of t h e de­ tector when used in a n optical system. Two thermistor flakes are normally in each detector assembly. 12 Temperature Controller

A t e m p e r a t u r e controller which offers three types of controls is now available from Hallikainen I n s t r u m e n t s . T h e i n s t r u m e n t m a y be used as a n on-off controller, a proportional controller, or a porportional with reset.


T h e u n i t is supplied with resistancet y p e t e m p e r a t u r e bulbs having a time constant of less t h a n 1 second, a n d providing for a range of —70° to 200° C. for liquid b a t h s and —70° to 300° C. for air b a t h s . I t is not necessary t o order ranges for a n y particular project because t h e i n s t r u m e n t is supplied in one range to m a t c h t h e bulb used. 13 Microfurnace

A new microfurnace, Model M F - 1 , is being manufactured b y t h e Elizabeth Instrument Co. I t is particularly suited t o ash fusion a n d melting point temperature determinations, phase studies in ceramics a n d metals, microseparations, sintering studies, and other high t e m p e r a t u r e investigations.

add MORE bench space where you need i t . . at LESS cost than ever!


I n operation, t h e specimen is u n d e r direct observation b y a stereoscopic microscope a t all times. T e m p e r a t u r e readings are performed simultaneously, allowing accurate m e a s u r e m e n t of o b ­ servable occurrences. T h e furnace will h e a t t o 2000° F. in 45 minutes, a n d stabilizes quickly a t t e m p e r a t u r e . I t requires no special training t o install and operate. T h e microfurnace is a self-contained unit, consisting of t h e furnace, control console, microscope, a n d illuminator. T h e microscope is stereoscopic with wide-field objectives and paired a c h r o ­ matic eyepieces. 14 Including 9 ft. Rail & Screws. Extra Rail $ 4 . 5 0 per 3 - f t . length including screws.

^Patent Pending

• Rolls along permanent bench on Aluminum Alloy guide rail. • Locks in any position; easily moved to a new one. • Always level at bench height. • Fitted by anyone . . . in a jiffy! • Additional rail permits use of table in any other laboratory.

N O W you can get 5 sq. ft. (or more) of extra w o r k i n g space just where and when you need it at amazingly low cost! Palo's new low price on ROLLA-BENCH means you can multiply your bench space in the most efficient and economical way possible. Provides 1 8 " χ 2 4 " additional w o r k i n g space ( 2 4 " χ 3 0 " w i t h the flap u p ) , rigidly connects w i t h any type of permanent bench, and can instantaneously be rolled along to a new position where needed. Solid teak top and flap, supported by tubular steel legs w i t h solid rubber casters. Does not i n ­ terfere w i t h drawers or cupboards. Leg height a d ­ justable from 2 8 " to 3 8 " high. Write today for illustrated literature.


LABORATORY SUPPLIES, Inc. 81 R e a d e S t r e e t

N e w York 7

Far further information, circle number 64 A on Readers' Service Card, page 55 A

64 A

Chromatographic A l u m i n a Processed a n d standardized specifi­ cally for c h r o m a t o g r a p h i c use, a series of analytical-grade adsorption aluminas are being m a d e available from Bio-Rad Laboratories. Currently s u p ­ plied are standardized acid, basic, and n e u t r a l materials of a c t i v i t y grade I (Brockmann). 15 Constant Temperature System Precision Scientific Co. has redesigned t h e T e m p Trol, a portable c o n s t a n t t e m p e r a t u r e circulating system used for accurate t e m p e r a t u r e control of refractometers, spectroscopes, viscometers, colorimeters, jacketed conductivity cells, spectrophotometers, saccharimeters. T h e new design features a t h e r m o For further information, see coupon on page 55 A ANALYTICAL