is saving time and money in plants and laboratories everywhere. ... Inc. ROCHESTER. 2. NEW. YORK. 84 A. World's largest producer of. Plastic Laborator...
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Pressure Reaction Apparatus


Parr Series 4500 *

Sizes: 1000 a n d 2000 m l .


M a x . Press. 1000 psig.


M a x . Temp. 3 5 0 C.

LITERATURE Laboratory Furniture. Illustrated 24page brochure contains descriptions a n d specifications for furniture units, as well as instructions on how t o plan a laboratory. Fisher Scientific Co. (Bull. F&-227)." 18

* Internal stirrer *

Gas inlet fittings


G a s release valve

Other features: Thermowell, Sampling tube, Safety h e a d

Environmental Temperature Cabi­ nets. Four-page brochure describes s t a n d a r d models of low t e m p e r a t u r e environmental refrigeration equipment. Webber Corp. 19

and Electric heater.

Microscopes. N e w 20-page booklet discusses 14 models of company line of research microscopes. Bausch & L o m b Optical Co. (D-1057) 20 All internal ports Type 3 1 6 stainless steel or from other alloys on special order. Internal cool­ ing coil can be a d d e d , if desired. Ask for Specification

Zircon ia Ware. N e w booklet explains properties of stabilized zirconia labora­ tory items, a n d includes history, chemi­ cal a n d physical properties, porosity, and refractory comparison chart on zirconia. L a b o r a t o r y E q u i p m e n t Corp. 21

No. 4500



For further information, circle number 84 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 73 A


fole N A L G O N ...flexible plastic tubing NALGON TUBING* is saving time

and money in plants a n d laboratories everywhere. Perfect flexibility, high chemical resistance, absolute safety, true transparency a n d excellent dimensional stability prove efficiency in use . . . a n d it's economical too! T h e Vi" m with %β" wall sells for less t h a n 15c per foot. You'll find NALGON easy t o handle a n d available in all Sizes f r o m Vg" Π) t h r o u g h 2" Π). Ask your dealer for catalog E-956








World's largest producer of Plastic Laboratory Ware

For further information, circle number 84 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 73 A 84 A


Freeze-Drying Equipment. Fourpage bulletin supplements c o m p a n y catalog of freeze-drying equipment, emphasizing newly available units a n d accessories. A r t h u r S. LaPine & Co. 22 S p e c t r o g r a p h s Electrodes. Price list provides catalog numbers, quantities, and costs of spectroscopic electrodes and powders available. Jarrell-Ash Co. 23 Laboratory A p p a r a t u s . Sixteen-page booklet contains information on various new laboratory items, including v a c u u m a n d pressure filters, power supply, flask heater, ovens a n d incubators, cen­ trifuges, heating tapes, a n d electrobalance. Scientific Glass A p p a r a t u s Co. (No. 28). 24 K e n n a m e t a l . Booklet of 22 pages enumerates characteristics of kenna­ metal, a group of t h e carbides of tung­ sten, t i t a n i u m , a n d other metals which were developed for properties u n a t t a i n ­ able in steel. K e n n a m e t a l , I n c . (Bull. No. B-lll) 25 A m m o n i u m S a l t s . Illustrated booklet of 16 pages outlines chemical a n d physi­ cal characteristics of q u a t e r n a r y a m ­ monium salts, along with their formula­ tions a n d applications. Armour & Co. 26 Chemicals. N e w catalog lists over 4,000 chemicals available, including fine organics, inorganic reagents, indicators, and biological stains. Matheson, Cole­ m a n & Bell. 27