For further information, circle number 60 A on Readers' Service Card, page 99A. 60 A ·. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY three standards for methods of reporting...
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SacliutK I IP&uMCde BOMBS

Series 2000 and 2200 bombs are fired by an electric hot wire while submerged in running water. Series 2100, 2300 and 2320 bombs are fired by directing a gas flame against the fusion cup.

42 ml. Series 2200

22 ml. Series 2000 22 ml. Series 2100

The combustion reaction is completed within a few seconds after ignition and the gaseous products are immediately absorbed by the alkaline reagents. The remaining cake dissolves quickly when the bomb cup is placed in warm distilled water, thereby putting the original sample into solution for analysis.

8 ml. Series 2320 2.5 ml. Series 2300

For r a p i d c o m b u s t i o n r e a c t i o n s w i t h Na2 0 2 t o mine: A R S E N I C , FLUORINE, SILICON ganic







and especially





rubber and other organic

in c o a l , coke, or-




PARR Peroxide Bombs a r e o f f e r e d in f o u r sizes: Bomb She ml

Bomb Type

Macro Macro Semi-Micro Micro •

42 22 8 2.5

M a x . Total Combustible M a t t e r gram

1.3 0.50 0.20 0.085

Accelerator gram

2.0 1.0 0.2 0.1

Sodium Peroxidi gram

30 15 4.0 1.5

Ask your Parr Dealer or write direct for Specification 2000 describing this apparatus.

PARR EST. 189?





For further information, circle number CO A on Readers' Service Card, page 99 A 60 A



NEW BOOKS three s t a n d a r d s for methods of reporting results, six standards for methods of test, a glossary of terms, a list of industrial water requirements, and a bibliography. T h o u g h no changes have been made in t h e chapters of t h e manual, seven new methods, two additional proposed methods, and a n important revision are included in this latest printing. Eine Apparatur zur elektrophoretischen Trennung v o n Stoffgemischen. F.

Micheel and R. Engel. 25 pages. Westdeutscher Verlag/Kôln u n d Opladen, Germany. 1956. Fully illustrated with diagrams, graphs, a n d photographs, this book presents a detailed explanation of an a p p a r a t u s for electrophoretic separation of mixtures. E a c h component is described in a separate chapter, with information on t h e cell, t h e cooling system, electrodes, circuits, temperature calibration, etc. Tabellen zur Auswertung der Rontgendiagramme von Pulvern. II. K. Dettmar and H. Kircher. vii + 94 pages. Verlag Chemie, G m b H . , Weinheim/Bergstr., G e r m a n y . 1956. D M 50. This table has been calculated and arranged t o simplify t h e evaluation of Debye-Scherrer x-ray powder diagrams, particularly in connection with t h e card index of t h e American Society for Testing Materials. Undertaken in Farbenfabriken Bayer, t h e table was calculated b y means of a n I B M electronic calculating punch a n d written with a n I B M tabulator. T h e preface t o t h e book (also given in English) explains arrangement of t h e table, values given, and equations for use in interpreting functions. Die Polarographie in Der Medizin, Biochemie und Pharmazie. M. Brezina and P. Zuman. 800 pages. Akademisch Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig C I , Germany. 1956. D M 48. This large volume begins with a discussion of t h e basic principles of polarography, describing a p p a r a t u s used, interpretation of curves, methods of polarographie analysis, polarometric titrations, and advantages of polarographie analysis. Heavily emphasizing techniques, succeeding sections cover determination of inorganic substances, determination of organic substances, a n d polarographie studies of enzyme reactions, among other topics. Several tables are included for use in polarographie determinations, a n d a listing of related literature is given for further reference.