Oct 1, 1992 - Publication Date: October 1992. ACS Legacy .... October 9, 2018, marks the 3rd Annual National Nanotechnology Day, and each year ACS ...
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INSTRUMENTATION counterparts. We hope that the use of the technique will grow to encompass a more quantitative role. All spectra presented were obtained with a Perkin Elmer Model 1800 FT-IR and a Spectra Tech IRPLAN IR microscope outfitted with a small area (250 χ 250 μπι) MCT detector. Unless noted otherwise, the spectra were obtained at 4 cirT1 resolution using a medium Beer-Norton apodization function. Grazing angle spectra were obtained on the same spectrometer with a Spectra Tech Surface Scope. Both systems were purged with dry nitrogen.

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/. E. Katon (standing), professor of chemistry and director of the Molecular Microspec­ troscopy Laboratory at Miami University, received a B.A. degree from Bowling Green State University, an M.S. degree from Kansas State University, and a Ph.D. from the University ofMaryland before joining Miami University in 1968. His research focuses on the analytical and physical chemistry applications ofIR and Raman spectroscopies. A. J. Sommer received a B.S. degree from Delaware Valley College and an M.S. degree and a Ph.D. from Lehigh University. In 1986 he joined the Molecular Microspectroscopy Laboratory. Currently the assistant director of the laboratory, his research centers around the development and applications ofIR, Raman, and FT-Raman microspectroscopies.