PART II - ACS Publications

gas-catalyst surface equilibrium is rapidly established, .... kg hydrocarbon per liter catalyst per hour. .... A new method of measuring heterogeneous...
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applied kinetics



issue, we present Part I1 of the annual review Iinnothefthiskinetics. The first part of this review appeared May issue and deals with books and reviews, basic experimental investigations, and fundamental theories. Part I1 deals with catalysis-theoretical and experimental-kinetics of polymerization, chemical reactor technology, pilot plant and commercial-scale studies, and less common reactions. Applied Catalysis-Theomtical and Experimental Theory. Incorporation of theoretical treatments with experimental work is particularly important in interpretation of data in catalysis. This has been emphasized by Wei (7D)who pointed out that rigorous mathematical formulations are frequently of no u8e unles they can correlate and explain the experimental data. However, care must be exercised in dealing with the data in heterogeneous catalytic kinetics, for the kinetics measured in the fluid phase may not be the true representation of the process on the catalyst surface. This type of disguise can be attributable to pmcessep of adsorption-desorption, turbulence and diffusion, and to the rate of mas transfer to and from the surface of the catalyst. A theory of paramagnetic catalysis has been proposed to explain the ortho-para conversiom in molecular hydrogen, deuterium, and tritium ( 2 0 ) . The theory considers the catalytic ortho-para transition to be caused by an inhomogeneous magnetic field resulting from the binary collisions of catalyst and reactants. I n the applications of the magnetic method to the study of chemisorption and catalyst mechanisms, the electronic theory was considered for metals from several aspects (30). The magnetic properties of very s m a l l metallic particles were examined-Le., their collective paramagnetism and criteria for its existence and the determination of the particle sizes. I n catalytic reactions of the type A D -L AD on NiO catalysts (for example, oxidation of CO and comSchlosser and Henog (40) considered bustion of Hz), the ionosorbed acceptors A-i.e., oxygen-to be associated with defect electrons (Ni surfice ions) which behave as the counterions. On the other hand, the


annual review The first part of this review appeared in the May issue. Part I I deals with the

1966-67 literature covering catalysis, polymerization kinetics, reactor technology, pilot plant studies, and less common reactions

ionosorbed donors D-Le., CO, Hz-are related to electrons acting as countercharges, and the rate of chemisorption of D should be favored by the increasing concentration of defect electrons in the catalyst. The effect of doping on the reactions is relatively weak, which implies that the rate-controlling step is the reaction of chemisorbed A ions with gaseous molecules of D. Parravano (5D) also suggests use of existing theories of the defect solid state in dealing with the problems of the catalyst surface reactivity for the case where the gas-catalyst surface equilibrium is rapidly established, However, if the approach to the equilibrium is slow, a logical way of handling the problems would be to use a fixed distribution function to statistically describe surface parameters and properties. I n the latter case, an additional independent expression on surface structure is required since the statistical description of the kinetics is not sensitive to the detailed surface models. The efficiency of the catalyst in the first-order reaction as affected by the distribution of pore lengths may be treated by a model (6D) consisting of cylindrical pores of equal radii, r, but of variable lengths, 1. The 6) with an length lies in the range from (2 - 6) to (i average value of 1. Curves describing the efficiency as a function of M6 with M i as a parameter indicate a reduction in the efficiency with increase in M6 a t a constant Mi ( M = 1 / 2 K,/D,r; K, = specific surface reaction rate, and D , = molecular diffusivity of A inside the pores). However, the efficiency becomes independent of the variation in the length when a high diffusion resistance is encountered. A half-order reaction proceeding in the catalyst pores with the rate being determined by both diffusion and chemical reaction has been shown (70) to shift toward a/4-order under the influence of a strong diffusional resistance. Equations expressing an exothermic first-order reaction in the presence of porous catalysts (as a n infinite slab) with steady heat conduction and external diffusion resistance could be simplified to ( 8 0 ):


d28 -

d 5’

+ qo2(ea- e) exp(e) = 0

where e = E ( T - T0)/RTo2is the catalyst dimensionless temperature, E is the activation energy, T represents the local bed temperature, T Ois the surface temperature of catalyst, R refers to the gas constant, eo is a maximum value of internal heat generation, 4 = x / l is the dimensionless slab depth coordinate, 1 is the half slab depth, and $0 is Thiele’s modulus related to catalyst surface. Two criteria for evaluation of effects of diffusion and heat transfer suggested by Horak (9D) are:

(ryRp2/CaoD,,) I 6Xk when the reaction rate is not affected by diffusion and

(E/RTO2)(ryAHRp2/Z)5 6 when heat transfer has no influence on the rate of reaction. I n these expressions, r is reaction rate, y and R, are the effective specific weight and the radius of the catalyst particle, Ca0 is the concentration of compound A , De, the effective diffusion coefficient, xk the conversion, AH the heat of reaction, and E the effective thermal conductivity. Application of the above method has been made in the catalytic hydrogenation of benzene on Ni-AlzOa catalysts. The result of studies on the asymptotic stability of a monomolecular reaction system in a single catalyst particle was presented by Kuo and Amundson (700). Lumped mass and heat transfer resistances a t the catalyst surface were considered, and the presence of multiple steady states was clearly shown. A set of general irreversible consecutive reactions was analyzed using the above model. For first-order concurrent reactions : A A1 and B B1, the selectivity of catalysts with the macromicropores has been shown to be y3/4S1/4 as compared to y1’2S1’2for catalysts with the cylindrical pores (77D), where y is the ratio of the coefficients of normal gaseous diffusion of A and B, and S the ratio of the equilibrium constants K A and K,. The above expressions are valid in the region of strong diffusion resistance in the pores. When more complex models are involved with successive branching out of the pores, (1/2n) and 1/2”, rethe exponents for y and S are 1 spectively, where n is the order of branching. I n the




VOL. 6 0

NO. 7

JULY 1968


case of the catalyst pore branching for a first-order irreversible reaction, the observed activation energy, Eobs,is related to the activation energy of the reaction, Eo, by (720) :

Eobscould be determined in the high-temperature region where high diffusion resistance is prevalent, while Eo would be obtained in the low-temperature range where the active catalyst centers control the reaction. According to Filippov and Lebedev (730), the relation between the amount of poison adsorbed on the active centers of catalysts and the relative poisoning follows an exponential form. They present a n equation describing the typical poisoning isotherms for metallic catalysts, as well as methods for estimating the number of active centers on the surface from the poisoning isotherms. Equations have been derived by Carberry and Gorring (740) in relating the degree of catalyst contamination (or regeneration) with time. The case considered was the first-order reaction with finite rates of interphase and intraparticle diffusion based on the shell-progressive mechanism. The rate constants for ammonia synthesis reactions with reversible catalyst poisoning with water vapor could be estimated by the approximate equation (750) : k = (kI2 k22)1'2. Although the exact solutions to the problems are complex, results with good accuracy (less than 5 y 0 deviation for mole fraction, z, of NH3 auk 4, 91-101 ({966)) (Bulg). (48D) Tanaka, H., Nishiwaki, N., Hirata, M., A.I.Ch.E.J. 13 (l),194-9 (1967). (49D) L iubarskii, , , G. D., Khor'kov, V. F., Lopatin, V. L., Metody Issled. Katalizat o r o v i atalttrch. Reakisii, Sb. 2, 164-74 (1965)( Russ). (SOD) Heyne, H., Tompkins, F. C., Proc., Roy. Sac., Ser. A 292 (1431), 460-78 (1966). (51D) Ignat'eva, L. A., Khalikova, R. Kh., Z h . Prikl. Spektrosk. 5 (5), 642-7 (1966) (Russ). (52D) Young, R. P., Sheppard, N., J . Catal. 7 (31,223-33 (1967). (53D) Peri, J. B., J . Phys. Cham. 70 (5), 1482-91 (1966). (54D) Ibid., (lo), 3168-79 (1966). (SSD) Triebmann, D., Simon, A., Ber. Bunrenger, Physik. Chem. 70 ( S ) , 562-70 (1966) (Ger). (56D) Poltorak, 0. M., Boronin, V. S., Zh. Fiz. Khim. 40 (111, 2671-87 (1966) (Russ). (57D) Fedorkina, S. G., Khasan, S., Emelyanova, G. I., Vestn. .Mosk. Univ., Ser. I 1 21 (5), 16-21 (1966) (Russ). (58D) Kostkova, Hana, Ropn Uhlie. 8 (lo), 302-5 (1966) (Czech). (59D) Yamadaya Shako, Uchida, Hiroshi, Tokjo Kogyo Shikensho Hokoku 61 (6), 253-9 (1966) (japan). (60D) Chernov, V. A . , Antipina, T. V., Kinetika i Katalir 7 (4), 739-42 (1966) (Russ). (61D) Hightower, J. W., Hall, T.V. K., J . Phys. Chem. 71 (4), 1014-23 (1967). (62D) Spitsyn, V. I., 2. Physik. Chem. 232 (5-61, 325-42 (1966) (Ger). (63D) Breslav, Yu. A., Kotov, A. G., Pshezhetskii, S. Ya., Dokl. Akod. .&'auk SSSR 172 ( Z ) , 37982 (1967) (Russ). (64D) Yamashina, T., Sano, M., "v'ippon Kagaku Zosshi 87 (6), 553-6 (1966) (Japan). (65D) Kozak, Z., Akerman, K., Przemyrl Chem. 45 (41,189 (1966) (Pol). (66D) Boury, M., Dalmai, G., Imelik, B., Prettre, M., J . Chim. Phys. 63 (4), 611-14 (1966) (Fr). (67D) Coekelbergs, R., Collin, R., Crucq, A . , Decot, J., Degols, L., Timmcrman, L., J . Catal. 7 (11, 85-95 (1967). (68D) Henrici-Olive, G., Olive, S., Chimica 21 ( Z ) , 87-9 (1967) (Ger). (69D) Semenova, T. A Liarkina M. I Lyudkovskaya, B. G., Shteinberg, B. I Kozlov, L. I., Khit&a, N. FI,^Meiddy IssIed. Kola(. Katal. Reakts. 2, 346-57 (1965) (Russ). (79D) Travagli, G., Ann. Chim. 5 6 (111, 1351-7 (1966) (Ital). (71D) Nicklin, T., IVhittaker, R.J., Dixon, M., Halure 212 (5068), 1357-8 (1966). (72D) Harrison, D. P., Rase, F. R.,IND. ENC.CHEM.FCNDAMENTALS 6 (Z), 161-9 (1967). (73D) Dokukina, E. S., Golovina, 0. A . , Sakharov, M. hl., Aseeva, R. M., Kinetika r . Katoliz 7 (4), 660-5 (1966) (Russ). (74D) Quivoron, C., Sci. Progr. Nature, No. 3380, 449-54 (1966) (Fr). (75D) Fatkulina, L. G., Rustamov, Kh. R., Uzb. Khim. Zh. 10 (6), 63-4 (1966) (Russ). (76D) Brown, H. C., Brown, C. A., Tetrahedron Suppl. No. 8 , Pt. 1, 149-64 (1966), (77D) Hightower, J. W.,Emmett, P. H., J . Colloid Interface Sci. 22 (2), 158-60 (1966). (78D) Broecker, F. J . . , TVedler, G., Discussions Faraday Soc. 1966 (41), 87-94. (79D) Klier, K., Kuchynka, K., J . Catalysis6 (l), 62-71 (1966). (SOD) Li, Wen-Chao, et ol., Acta Foculio-Chim. Sinica 6 (3), 202-6 (1965) (Ch). (81D) Machmer, Paul, 2. Anorg. All,. Chem. 349 (1-2), 68-73 (1966) (Ger). (82D) Sitonite Yu. P Mozzhukhina V. M Shashkov, A. S., Krylova, I. V., Zh. F i z . Khi;. 40 (li)),2860-4 (196;) (Russ'j. (83D) Holscher, A. A., Sachtler, W. M. H., DiscussionsFaraday Soc. 1966 (41), 29-42. (84D) Kondo J. Uchijima, T., Yoneda, Yukio, Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 99 (12), 2781-2 (19d6) iEng). (85D) Teichert, A., Ciborowski, S Krujowe Symp. Zastosow. Izotop. Tech. 3rd Stettin, Pol. 1966 (Sect. 93),7 pp. ($01). (86D) Tovbin, M. V., Kozlova, T. P., Kinetika i Kataliz 7 (41, 747-9 (1966) (Russ). (87D) Antipina, T. V., Uvarov, A. V., Tikhomirova, S. P., Ibid., (51, 910-12 (1966) (Russ). (88D) Dunken, H., Wiss. 2. Tech. Hoch.cch, Karl-Mnrx-Stadt 6 (3), 1-6 (1964) (Ger). (89D) Tongelen, M. van, J . Catalysis5 (31, 535-7 (1966). (90D) Steele, L. R., Copper, W. H., Ibid., 6 (I), 147-51 (1966). (91D) Shagisultanova, G. A., Neokladnova, L. S . , Kinetika i Kutalir 7 (51, 894-6 (1966) (Russ). (92D) Venkateswarlu K. S Virmani, Y. P., Pmc. N u c l . Radiat. Chem. Symp., Waltair, India 1966,'163-7d'(Eng). (93D) Carter, J. L., Sinfelt, J. H., J . Phys. Chem. 70 (9), 3003-6. (94D) Alekseev, A . M., Kirillov, I. P., Opolovnikova, N. P., Safonov, E. K., Izu. Vysrhykh Uchebn., Zawdenii., Khim. i Khim. Tekhnol. 9 (4), 604-8 (1966) (Russ). (95D) Ghosh, A. K., Rajwar, D. P., Bhattacharyya, D., Cham. Ind. (London) 1967 (6), 225-8. (96D) Shitova, h".B., Matveev, K. I., Danilova, M. M., Kinetrka i Kateliz 7 ( 6 ) , 995-8 (1966) (Russ). (97D) Eastham, J. F., Settle, F. A., Screttas, C . G., Exchange Reactions, Proc. Symp., Upton, N . Y. 1965, 335-44, discussion 344-5. (98D) Krivanek, hi., Rubinstejn, A. M., Slinkin, A . A., Nikolojenko, V., Zavadil, V., Coliection Czech. Chem. Commun. 91 ( 8 ) , 3023-30 (1966) (Ger). (99D) Echigoya, E., Ochiai, Y., Kogyo Kagaku Zasshi 69 (9), 1858-63 (1966) (Japan). (100D) Belousov, V. M., Gershingorina, A . V., Rubanik, M. Ya., Verlan, Zh. F.9 Kinetika i Kataliz 7 (5), 850-8 (1966) (Russ). (101D) Rienaecker, G., Toursel, W., Monatsber. Deut. Akad. Win. Berlin 8 (l), 22-6 (1966) (Ger). (102D) Say, G. R., Rase, H. F., IND.END.CHEY.PROD. RES. DEVELOP. 5 (3), 250-2 (1966). (103D) Lyudkovskaya, B. G., Mikhailovskaya, N. N., Zh. Prikl. Khim. 39 (ll), 2609-13 (1966) (Russ). (104D) Weychert, Stefan. Schmidt-Szalowski, Krzysztof, Roczniki Chem. 40 ( 2 ) , 285-9 (1966) (Pol).

(105D) Lavrentovich, R . F., Rusov, M. T., Artyukh, Yu. N., Kinetika i Kataliz 7 (3), 553-6 (1966) (Russ). (106D) Deren, J., Russer, Barbara, J . Catalysis 7 (4), 396-8 (1967). (107D) Carter, J. L., Cusumano, J. A., Sinfelt, J. H., J . Phys. Chem. 70 (7), 2257-63 (1966). (108D) Sazonov L. A Logvinenko, M . G., Plyasova, L. M., Kinetika i Katafir 7 (5), 795-9 (i966) (suss). (109D) Snyder, L. R., Ward, J. W., J . Phys. Chem. 70 (12), 3941-52 (1966). (110D) Kral, H., Z . Physik. Chem. 48 (3-4), 129-44 (1966) (Ger). (111D) Nicolescu, I. V Spinzi, M Gruia, Maria, Papia, A Dumitrescu, Violeta Vieweg, H. G., Now:k, S., Koeznecke, H. G., Rev. R o u m a k Chim. 11 (3), 363: 82 (1966) (Eng). (112D) Gershingorina, A. V., Belousov, V. M., Rubanik, M. Ya., Katal. Katal., Akad. Nauk Ukr. SSR, Respub. Mezhvedom. Sb. No. 2,41-50 (1966) (Russ). (113D) Chambers, R. P., Boudart, Michel, J. Catalysis 6 (l), 141-5 (1966). (114D) Sokalski, Z., Catalysis Chem. Kinet. 1964, 129-70 (Eng). (115D) Sashihara, T. F., Syverson, A., IND. ENO.CHEM.PROCESS DESIGNDEVELOP. 5 (4), 392-6 (1966). (ll6D) Macarus, D. P., Syverson, A., Ibid., pp. 397-404. (117D) Venuto, P. B., Hamilton, L. A., Landis, P. S., J . Catalysis 5 (3), 484-93 (1966). (118D) Antipina, T. V., Vershinina, N. D., Kinefika i Kutafir 7 (3), 559-62 (1966) (Russ). 119D) Govindarao V M. H., Deshpande, P. K., Kuloor, N. R.,Indian J . Technof. 4 (E), 234-9 (196;) {Eng). (120D) Metelitsa, D. I., Denisov, E. T., Zh. F i r . Khim. 40 (91, 2162-7 (1966) (Russ). (121D) Have1 Stanislav Sb. Ved. Praci, Vysoka Skofa Chem. Technol., Pardubica 1965 (l), 831122 (Czec)h). (122D) Prevost-Gangneux Michele Clement Genevieve, Balaceanu, Jean Claude, B u f f .Sod. Chim. I&.1966 (9): 2905-13 (l&). (123D) Klisurski, D. G., C. R . Acad. Bufg. Sci. 19 (12), 1159-62 (1966) (Eng). (124D) Bliznakon, V., Jiru, P., Klissurski, D., Collection Czech. Chem. Commun. 3 1 (7), 2995-7 (1966) (Ger). (125D) Okada, Hiroshi, Hashimoto, Harukichi, Kogyo Kagaku Zasshi 69 (ll), 213741 (1966) (Japan). (126D) Kallo, D., Z . Physik. Chem. (Frankfurt) 50 (3-41, 152-61 (1966) (Ger). (127D) Frunza, Gh. I., Rev. Chim. 17 (3), 131-5 (1966) (Rorn). (128D) Brill, R., J.PolymerSci., P t . CNo. 12, 353-62 (1966). (129D) Tovbin, M . V., Pshenichnaya, 0. V., Kataf. Kataf., Akad. Nauk Ukr. SSR Respub. Mezhvedom. Sb. No. 2,149-54 (1966) (Russ). (130D) Hillis, M . R., Kemball, C., Roberts, M. W., Trans. Faraday SOC.62 (12), 3570-85 (1966). (131D) Takezawa, N., Shokubai (Tokyo) 8 (5), 390-401 (1966) (Japan). (132D) Vladov, D., Dinkov, Sh., J.Catalysis5 (3), 412-18 (1966). (133D) Herzong, W., Schlosser, E. G., Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 7 1 (4), 344-52 (1967) G e r ) . (134D) Mekhandzhiev, D., Bliznakov, G., Compt. Rend. Acad. Bufgare Sci. 19 (l), 45-8 (1966) (Eng). (135D) Pichat, P., Veron, J., Claudel, B., Matthieu, M. V., J . Chim. Phys. 69 (7-8), 1026-30 (1966) (Fr). (136D) Carberry, J. J., Brit. Chem. J. 11 (9), 1013-18 (1966). (137D) Masuda, M., J . Res. Inst. Catalysis Hokkaido Univ. 14 (l), 85-92 (1966) (End. (138D) Miya, B., Hoshino, F., Iwasa, I., J.Catalyris5 (3), 401-11 (1966). (139D) Brusset, H., Luquet, F., Chim. Ind., Genie Chim. 96 (3), 557-64 (1966) (Fr). (140D) Mathur, G. P., Thodos, G., Chem. Eng.Sci. 21 (12), 1191-200 (1966). (141D) Cullis C R Henson R. M., Trimm, D. L., Proc. Roy. Sac. (London), Ser. A 295 (1440),'?2-83 (1666). (142D) Imai, N., Osamu, T., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jup. 40 (l), 81-4 (1967) (Eng). (143D) Dorfman, Ya. A Sokolskii, D. V., Izv. Akad. Nauk K a z . SSR, Ser. Khim. 16 (l), 42-7 (1966) (RGss). (144D) Akhmerov, K. M., Flid, R. M., Kartashov, L. M., Kinetika i Kataliz 7 (2), 295-302 (1966) (Russ). (145D) Samchenko, N. P., Rusov, M. T., Strel'tsov, 0. A., Katal. Katal., Akad. Nauk Ukr. SSR, Respub. Mezhvedom. Sb. No. 2,87-95 (1966) (Russ). (146D) Robertson, A. J. B., Willhoft, E. M. A., Trans. Faraday SOC.63 (Z), 476-87 (1967). (147D) Hagiwara, H., Kojima, E., Echigoya, E., Bull. Chem. SOC.Japan 39 (8), 1800-6 (1966) (Eng). (148D) Minachev, Kh. M., Khodakov, Yu. S., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser, Khim. 1966 (5), 819-22 (Russ). (149D) Bolotov, B. A., Usacheva, N. P., Zh. Prikf. Khim. 39 (4), 919-25 (1966) (Russ). (150D) Sattler R E Pitzer, E. W., Am. Chem. Soc., Diu. Fuel Chem., Preprints 10 (Z), C-88-b-69 $966). (151D) Semenova, T. A., Markina, M. I., Shteinberg, B. I., Kozlov, L. I., Maiorov, I. K., Khim. Prom. 42 (4), 277-80 (1966) (Russ). (152D) Biclanski, A., Dziemba' R., Sloczynski, J., Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser. Sci. Chim. 14 (81, 569-72 (1966) (Gng). (153D) Kagan, Yu. B., Ponomarenko, A. T., Rozovskii, A. Ya., Kinetika i Kataliz 7 (4), 679-87 (1966) (Russ). (154D) Bashkirov, A. N., Kryukov, Yu. B., Simonyants, E. G., Liberov, L. G., Dokl. Akad. NaukSSSR 171 (3), 609-12 (1966) (Russ). (155D) Venuto, P. B., Landis, P. S., J . Catalysis 6 (Z),237-44 (1966). (156D) Shimulis, V. I., Kinetika i Kataliz 7 (3), 498-507 (1966) (Russ). (157D) Cusumano, J. A., Dembinski, G. W., Sinfelt, J. H., J . Catalysis 5 (3), 471-5 (1966). (158D) Bhattacharyya, S. K., Sanyal, S. K., J . Ibid., 7 (Z), 152-8 (1967). (159D) Todo, N., Kurita, M., Hagiwara, H., Kogyo Kagaku Zasshi 69 (E), 1463-6 (1966) (Japan). (160D) Agami, C., Prevost, C., Compt. Rend., Ser. C 263 (2), 153-6 (1966) (Fr). (161D) Baddour, R.F., Deibert, M . C., J . Phys.Chem. 7 0 (7), 2173-81 (1966). (162D) Rosswurm, H., Haevecker, R., Doiwa,A., Z . Anorg. Allgem. Chum. 350 (l-z), 1-8 (1967) (Ger). ~



(163D) Osipov, L. N., Khavkin, V. A., Khim. Tekhnol. Topl. Masel. 11 (12), 14-17 (1966) (Russ). (164D) Nowak, E. J., Koros, R . M., J . Catalysis7 l:l), 50-6 (1967).

(165D) Bursian, N. R., Kogan, S. B Osmolovskii, G. M Lyudkovskaya, B. G., Davydova, 2. A., Kinetika i Katalir ;'(3), 566-9 (1966) (Rlss). (166D) Shipikin, V. V., Maslyanskii, G. N., Zharkov, B. B., Bursian, N. R., Nejtekhimiya 6 (3), 401-6 (1966) (Russ). (167D) Leder, F., Butt, J.B., A.I.Ch.E. J . 12 (41,718-21 (1966). (168D) Beaufils, Jean P., Compt. Rend., Ser. C263 (l), 7-9 (1966) (Fr). (169D) Svetlanov, E. B., Flid, R . M., Gareeva, D. A., Zh. F i r . Khim. 40 (9), 2302-8 (1966) (Russ). (170D) Semenova L. V., Fedoseev, S. D., T r . Mosk. Khim.-Tekhnol. Inst., No. 48, 161-7 (1965) (Rkss). (171D) Vitvitskii, A. I., Mukhlenov, I. P., Averbukh, A. Ya., Zh. Prikl. Khim. 39 (5), 1124-30 (1966) (Russ). (172D) Wencke, K., Heise, G., Monatsber. Deut. Akad. Wiss., Berfin 7 (12), 887-95 (1965) (Ger). (173D) Constantinescu, M., Rev. Chim. (Bucharest) 17 (3), 149-54 (1966) (Rom). (174D) Acres, G. J. K., Bond, G. C., Platinum Metals Rev. 10 (4), 122-7 (1966). (175D) Gallard-Nechtschem, J., Salk, R., Traynard, P., Compt. Rend., Ser. C 262 (12), 949-51 (1966) (Fr). (176D) Cramer, R., Lindsey, R. V., Jr., J . Am. Chem. SOC.88 (15), 3534-44 (1966). (177D) Rodriguez, L. A. M., van Looy, H. M., J . Polymer Sci., Pt. A-1 4 (E), 1951-68 (1966). (178D) Ibid., pp. 1971-92. (179D) Schultz, R. G., Schuck, J. M., Wildi, B. S., J.Catalysis 6 (3), 385-96 (1966). (18OD) Sapunov, V. N., Lebedev, N. N., Zh. Organ. Khim. 2 (2), 273-80 (1966) (Russ). (l8lD) Langlois G. E. Sullivan R . F Egan, C. J., Am. Chem. Soc., Diu. Petrol. Chem., Preprint; 10 (4): B-127-li5 (19;;). (182D) Ichinokawa, H., Ogawa, K., Hasegawa, T., Uchida, H., Asano, S., Yamamoto, T., Tokyo Kogo Shikensho Hokoku 61 (lo), 418-35 (1966) (Japan). (183D) Kholyavenko K M Baryshevska a I. M Chernukhina N. A Rubanik M. Ya., Katal. Kat& Akni: Nauk Ukr. Resd;b. Mezhvedom.)Sb. N .: 2, 64-71) (1966) (Russ). (184D) Charman, H. B., Nature 212 (5059), 278-9 (1966). (185D) Vasserberg, V. E., Georgievskaya, T. V., Maksimova M . P., Metody Issled. Katalzratorov i Katafitich. Reaktsii, Sb. 2, 121-32 (1965) (Rus;). (186D) Vasserberg, V. E., Balandin, A. A., Englina, F. E., Georgievskaya, T. V., Dok1.Akod. NaukSSSR 169 (3), 610-13 (1966) (Russ). (187D) Ishii, T., Kagaku Kogaku 29 (lo), 779-84 (1965) (Japan). (188D) Amigues, P., Teichner, S. J., Discussions Faraday SOC. 1966 (41), 362-79.


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Less Common Reactions (1H) Stepukhovich, A. D., Vmanskii, V. M., Zh. Fix. Khim. 4 0 (lo), 2551-9 (1966) (Russ). (2H) Balakhnin, V. P., Gershenzon, Yu. M Kondrat’ev V. N., Nalbandyan, A. B., Dokl. Akad. Nauk S S S R 170 (5), 1117-20 (1966) (Ru&). (3H) Gurney, J. P., Chem. Eng. Sci. 21 (12), 1201-8 (1966). (4H) Azatyan, V. V., Vedeneev, V. I,, Gershenzon, Yu. M., Glebova, 0. N., Nalbandyan, A. B., Dok/. Akad. N a u k S S S R 168 (5), 1089-92 (1966) (Russ). (5H) Brabbs, T. A., Belles, F. E., NASA Accession No. N67-10800, Rept. No. NASA-TN-3744, 18 pp. (1966). (6H) Viossat, V., Chamboux, J., Lucquin, M., Bull. SOC.Chim. F7. 1966 (ll), 3585-9. (7H) Matthews, C. J., Tipper, C. F. H., J . Appf. Chem. (London) 17 (3), 71-4 (1967). (8H) Basevich, V. Ya., Kogarko, S. M., Kinet. Katal. 7 (6), 1065-8 (1966) (Russ). (9H) Calcote, H.F., Jensen, D. E., Aduan. Chem. Ser. No. 58, 291-314 (1966). (10H) Fishburne, E. S., Bilwakesh, K. R., Edse, R., J . Chem. Phys. 45 (l), 160-6 (1966). (11H) Heuchamps, C., Duxal, X., Carbon 4 (Z), 243-53 (1966) (Fr). (12H) Rosner, D. E., Allendorf, H. D. A., J.Electrochem. Soc. 114 (4), 305-14 (1967). (13H) Aldred, J. W., Williams, A,, Combust. Flame 10 (4), 376-8 (1966). (14H) Solymosi, F., Bansagi, T., Jaky, K., Z. Physik. Chem. (Frankfurt) 48 (3-4), 242-6 (1966) (Eng). (15H) Kaufman, I. G., Barsukov, A. I., Petrak, G. P., Musharov, Z . A., Zh. Fir. Khim. 40 (9), 2327-30 (1966) (Russ). (16H) Cullis, C. F., Fish, A., Gibson, J. F., Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), Sect. A 292 (1431), 575-87 (1966). (17H) Basevich, V. Ya., Kogarko, S. M., Kinetika i Kataliz 7 (3), 393-400 (1966) (Russ). (18H) Hayhurst, A. N., Telford, N. R., Nature 212 (5064), 813-14 (1966). (19H) Janin J. Mathais H Cros, J., Jean, C., Chevaleyre, J., Am. Uniu. Lyon, Sci. Sect. B’l4,’5-18 (1924) ‘(Fr).

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A Halstead, C. J., Thrush, B. A., Proc. Roy. SOC.Ser. A 295 (1443), 355-62 (1966’3. (38H) Halstead, C. J., Thrush, B. A., Zbid., pp. 363-79. (39H) Ibid., pp. 380-98. (40H) Pukhal’ska a G. V. Kotov, A. G., Pshezhetskii, S. Ya., Zh. Fir. Khim. 40 (31, 714-18 &$66) (R;ss). (41H) Niclause, M., Lemarie, J., Letort, M., Advan. Photochem. 4, 25-48 (1966) (End. (42H) Kuwata, K., Inada, K., Tetrahedron Letters 1967 (l), 11-16. (43H) Rauhut, M. M., Semsel, A. M., Roberts, B. G., J. 07s. Chem. 31 ( 8 ) , 2431-6 (1966). (44H) Morganroth, W. E., Calvert, J. G., J. Am. Chem. Sac. 88 (23), 5387-92 (1966). (45H) Okaka, K., Isawa, K., Kagaku Kojo 7 (6), 22-9 (1963) (Japan). (46H) Basak, A. K., Semeluk, G. P., Unger, I., J. Phys. Chem. 70 (4), 1337-8 (1966). (47H) Kovalev G N. Sergeev G. B., Elementarnye Protessy Khim. Vysokikh Ener Akad. Nauk kSSR, I&. Khim.’ Fix., T r . Simpoziuma, Moscow 1963, 276-7 (P& 1965). (48H) Eichelberger, W. C., Hartford, W. H., Electrochem. Technol. 5 (3-4), 104-7 (1967). 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