Partial purification of the 5-hydroxytryptamine-reuptake system from

Partial purification of the 5-hydroxytryptamine-reuptake system from human blood platelets using a citalopram-derived affinity resin [Erratum to docum...
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Biochemistry, Vol. 29, No. 41, I990


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CORRECTION Partial Purification of the 5-Hydroxytryptaminr-Reuptake System from Human Blood Platelets Using a C italopramDerived Affinity Resin, by E. A. L. Biessen, A. S. Horn, and G. T. Robillard*, Volume 29, Number 13, April 3, 1990, pages 3349-3354. Page 3349. In the title, 5-hydroxytryptophan should read 5-hydroxytryptamine.