N o w ! R E M O T E evaporating a n d drying by
MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE Column Partition Chromatography. Sixteen page booklet outlines the application of column partition chromatography to the problem of distributing substances across two immiscible liquid phases. Merck & Co., Inc. 37 Rare Chemicals and Metals. Xew catalog lists rare organic and inorganic chemicals and rare metals for use in research and production. Features a listing of latest chemicals for electronics research in diodes and transistors. Kern Chemical Corp. 38
-an ideal * source of high- -- *: energy infrared, sealed in translucent fused quart EVAPORATION WITHOUT BOILING DRY CLEAN RESIDUE, NO MATERIAL LOST RAPID, ECONOMICAL, REQUIRES NO ATTENTION
T h e radiated energy is absorbed by the upper layer of liquid which evaporates rapidly while the balance of the liquid and the crucible remains cool. An ideal, all purpose laboratory aid that can also be used for drying, heating and m a n y o t h e r purposes. W r i t e for Bulletin.
QUARTZ PRODUCTS CORPORATION 688 SOMERSET STREET, P.O. BOX 628, PLAINFIELD, N.J. T e l e p h o n e : P L a i n f i e l d 5-4699 Circle No. 86 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 73 A
High Tension Separator. Bulletin describes separator for use with small samples for research purposes or at feed rates up to 300 lbs. per hour. Also included is a list of 62 typical minerals separated by high tension techniques. Carpo Manufacturing Co. (Bull. No. HPB 103). 39 Laboratory Survey Meters. Bulletin describes four survey meters for detecting radioactivity. The instruments have application in industrial, medical, and research laboratories for locating and measuring radioactivity. Nuclear Measurement Corp. (Bull. No. GS-57). 40 Lithium Research. Fifteen page booklet outlines potential areas for lithium research, along with a description of properties and current uses of lithium and its compounds. American Lithium Institute. 41 Fume Hoods. Forty-eight page catalog includes engineering data, recommendations, operating characteristics, and operating cost comparisons. Covers conventional, Airflow, portable, and walk-in tvpes of fume hood. Kewaunee Mfg. Co.* 42 Electric Ovens and Related Equipment. Four page bulletin gives manufacturer's specifications for several ovens, a muffle furnace, a portable cooling unit, and a utility water bath. Gardner Laboratory, Inc. (Bull. No. 5520-A). 43
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PASADENA HYDRAULICS INC. 1433 LIDCOMBE EL MONTE, CALIF. Circle No. 86 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 73 A 86 A
Controlled Humidity Apparatus. Four page bulletin describes and gives manufacturer's specifications for a relative humidity chamber and for relative humidity cabinets. Also lists a wet and dry bulb recorder and a cabinet type floor stand as optional equipment. Gardner Laboratory, Inc. (Bull. No. 5525-A). 44 Evaporation and Drying. Bulletin describes "Epiradiator," an apparatus for accomplishing evaporation and drying remotely by infrared radiation. Four pages. Quartz Products Corp. 4 5 For further information, see coupon on page 7 3 A