Passivation and Gating at the ElectrodeSolution Interface via

number of protons are released during the C18SH LB transfer. Structural control .... House distilled water was passed through a four cartridge Barnste...
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Chapter 12

Passivation and Gating at the Electrode—Solution Interface via Monomolecular Langmuir—Blodgett Films Downloaded via UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on July 10, 2018 at 09:38:10 (UTC). See for options on how to legitimately share published articles.

Mechanism of Alkanethiol Binding to Gold Marcin Majda Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720

To define molecularly active sites at the electrode surface, monomolecular Langmuir-Blodgett films are being designed to carry out two functions: passivation and gating. This new strategy requires us to produce monomolecular LB films of exquisitely low defect level. To accomplish this, we have investigated the mechanism of octadecanethiol (C SH) binding to gold under potentiostatic conditions, in order to better understand C SH passivating properties. Our approach involves constant potential current measurements taken during the LB transfer of monolayers that contain C SH from the air/water interface onto gold substrates. Thiol-gold coupling involves a potential-dependent partial electron transfer from sulfur to gold of 0.26 electron per thiol at -0.3 V, and 0.4 electron at 0.7 V vs. SCE. The requirements of electro-neutrality and zero capacitance of the emersed alkanethiol-coated gold surface lead to a postulate that an equivalent number of protons are released during the C SH LB transfer. 18




Structural control of the electrode/solution interface is a complex problem of fundamental importance in electrochemical sciences (7). To achieve some elements of such control, it would be desirable to impart molecular character onto the otherwise "naked" electrode surface so that, as a result, it might acquire desired catalytic properties, gain some elements of molecular selectivity, or exhibit other desirable molecular characteristics. To accomplish this, electrochemists have explored numerous possibilities of coating the electrode surface with thin films (from a single monolayer to micrometers in thickness) of a wide variety of materials (2). This area of electrochemistry, often referred to as the chemical modification of electrodes, is the subject of a number of recent reviews (7-5). In our recent research, we hope to achieve a molecular level definition of the sites of electroactivity. To this end, we relied on monomolecular Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films designed to carry out two functions: passivation and gating (6). The basic elements of the overall scheme involved in this project are presented schematically below.

0097-6156/94/0561-0135$08.00/0 © 1994 American Chemical Society

Mallouk and Harrison; Interfacial Design and Chemical Sensing ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Scheme I

Scheme II

The electrode surface is coated with a monolayer LB film composed of two types of molecules. The long alkyl chain molecules, a 70:30 mol% mixture of octadecanethiol (CisSH) and octadecyl alcohol (CisOH), are used to block access to the electrode surface. These molecules serve also as a matrix for incorporation of a small number of "gate molecules", the second monolayer component, designed to open access to the electrode surface and thus to define sites of electroactivity in the otherwise passivating film. The key idea of gated access involved in this scheme is this: since species in solution can approach the electrode surface only through the gate sites, we can rely on the chemical structure of the gate molecules in order to induce some elements of selective behavior by the electrode. The passivating properties of mixed C18SH/C18OH LB monolayers and an experimental illustration of the gated access to the electrode surface idea were reported in the literature (6,7). We envision two general classes of selective behavior. Scheme I: electrochemically active analyte species (A) in solution are "recognized" by the gate molecules on the basis of size, shape, charge or chirality. Recognition would involve weak interactions or binding between G and A that would lead to changes in the analyte's electroactivity that would allow its determination in the presence of other species in solution of similar reactivity. This might involve a shift of the analyte's formal redox potential or a change of its rate of electron transfer so that its electrochemical signal could be distinguishedfromthat of other species in solution. Scheme II: analyte species in solution engage in selective binding with the gate molecules (again due to selective interactions stemmingfromcompatibility of sizes, shapes, charges, or chirality) that results in blocking of the gate sites. This is then detected by an electroactive spectator species (P) by measuring a decrease of its reduction (or oxidation) current. Unlike Scheme I, analyte species need not, in this case, be electroactive. This substantially expands the generality of this scheme. Sensitivity of electrochemical measurements in these two schemes would be highest if the surface density of the gate molecules were sufficiently low so that they could act as independent molecular size micro-electrodes. This requires the surface concentration of the gate molecules to be below ca. 10" mol/cm* (below ca. 10 mol%). Under these conditions the individual gate sites are separated by distances comparable or larger than the radii of the hemispherical diffusion zones formed around individual gate sites (£). The observed current is then equal to the sum of currents collected at the individual gate sites, and is thus very sensitive to their "state" (open/closed). In order to work in this region of gate site concentrations, the level of intrinsic pin-hole defects in the passivating monolayerfilmshas to be below that level. This defines, for us, standards of passivation. To meet these standards, we investigated the effect of a number of parameters on the level of pin-hole defects in the passivating LB films. The effect of monolayer composition and the LB transfer pressure were examined and described previously (7). In this report, we focus on the effect of the electrode potential on the binding of CisSH to gold. We describe a method which combines Langmuir-Blodgett transfer with electrochemical measurements and which led us to a quantitative understanding of the mechanism of alkanethiol binding to 15

Mallouk and Harrison; Interfacial Design and Chemical Sensing ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Passivation and Gating at the Electrode—Solution Interface

gold. In spite of a wide-spread interest and extensive research in numerous laboratories devoted to the area of self-assembled thiol monolayers (9-75), mechanistic aspects of alkanethiol binding to gold are not well understood. Prevailing reaction mechanisms proposed in the literature involve oxidative coupling of alkanethiolate, RS~, to gold, Au(I), on the gold surface and a concurrent release of H2 or H2O according to the following (9,76,77):

RSH + Au(0)

> RS-Au(I) + 1/2H



2RSH + 2Au(0) +1/202 s



> 2RS-Au(I) + H 0 s



Our measurements suggest that alkanethiol forms a coordination-type bond with the gold surface transferring a fraction, δ, of an electron:

R - S + Au


R - S—-Au + 8e" s

That fraction, the partial charge number of CisSH was determined to be dependent on the electrode potential ranging from 0.26 at -0.3 V vs. SCE to 0.40 at 0.70 V vs. SCE. The partial electron transfer from thiol to gold is likely to weaken thiol's S-H bond. This, in turn, is likely to result in at least partial dissociation of thiol's proton.

Experimental Section Chemicals. n-Octadecanol (Aldrich, 99%) and n-octadecanethiol (Aldrich, 98%) House distilled water was passed through a four cartridge Barnstead Nanopure II purification train. The final resistivity of water used in the experiments was in the range 18.1-18.3 Mohm cm. Electrode fabrication procedures. Electrodes were produced by vapordeposition of about 100 nm thick gold films (99.95 % Au, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory) on microscope glass slides pre-coated with a 6 to 10 nm thick film of Cr. The geometrical pattern of the vapor deposited electrodes is shown and discussed in Figure 1. The surface area of its central rectangular fragment is 0.20 cm . Immediately before the LB experiments, gold electrodes were cleaned with several organic solvents and then were immersed into a fresh hot (ca. 80 °C) chromic acid solution for about 25 s. The chromic acid treatment step was followed by an extensiverinsingwith Nanopure water. Upon completion of this step, the electrodes were dried in a stream of argon and transferred immediately (in order to minimize their contamination) into the plexiglass enclosure of the LB instrument. Before each LB transfer experiment, the surface of a gold substrate was electrochemically reduced and conditioned by voltammetric scanning in the potential range from -0.300 V to 0.600 Vat 50 mV/s. Langmuir-Blodgett procedures. The Langmuir-Blodgett experiments were carried out with a KSV Minitrough instrument operated under computer control. Routine Langmuir-Blodgett procedures and the LB transfer protocol were described 2

Mallouk and Harrison; Interfacial Design and Chemical Sensing ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.





initial final

Figure 1. Schematic diagram illustrating Langmuir-Blodgett transfer under potentiostatic conditions. A gold-coated glass slide is acting as a working electrode in a three-electrode potentiostatic circuit. Below, an inset shows the pattern of the vapor deposited gold film. The central rectangular area (A = 0.20 cm ) is coated with an LB monolayer as the substrate is withdrawn from the subphase. The two lines mark the initial and the final position of the water meniscus in the LB experiments. 2

Mallouk and Harrison; Interfacial Design and Chemical Sensing ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.


Passivation and Gating at the Electrode—Solution Interface

previously (18). The LB transfers of CisOH and CisSH/CisOH monolayers were carried out at 20 mN/m at a rate ranging from 0.5 mm/min to 50 mm/min. Standard electrochemical instruments and set-up were described previously (18). Results and Discussion Our experimental approach is based on the classical Langmuir-Blodgett transfer (79) of monolayersfromthe air/water interface onto the surface of vapor-deposited gold films on glass slides. The monolayers consisted of either pure octadecane alcohol (CisOH) or of octadecanethiol/octadecanol (CisSH/CisOH) mixtures. (These are typically 70:30 mol%. Pure CisSH monolayers are not stable on the water surface above ca. 10 mN/m (7).) Both types of monolayer assemblies were spread on 0.05 M HCIO4 subphase and transferred at 20 mN/m at a rate of 10 mm/min. The LB transfers were carried out under potentiostatic conditions with the gold substrate acting as a working electrode. A schematic diagram of the experimental set-up is shown in Figure 1. The geometric pattern of the vapor-deposited gold substrates designed for these experiments is also shown in Figure 1. The lines coinciding with the top and the bottom edge of the central rectangular part of the electrode mark the initial and final positions of the water meniscus in the LB experiments. Thus, the top circular area was always kept above the water surface and used to make electrical contact while the bottom circular area was always submerged in the aqueous subphase. Figure 2 shows two typical current-time transients recorded during LB transfer experiments. Let us consider first the case of a pure CisOH monolayer transferred at 0.20 V vs SCE. At this potential, the gold surface isfreeof gold oxide and carries a small negative excess charge since, as we show below, the value of the potential of zero charge (E ) was found to be 0.36 V vs. SCE. During an LB transfer, the dynamic contact angle was rather high (ca. 60°) indicating that CisOH is transferred directly onto the gold surface (rather than on a thin film of water) (20). Thus, the rectangularfragmentof the gold substrate is emersed dry. The observed positive current (flowingfromthe electrode to the outside circuit) is a result of the need to remove excess double-layer charge, initially stored on the gold surface when the substrate is submerged, when its surface area is decreased under constant potential conditions. Clearly, the dry gold surface coated with the CisOH monolayer has negligible capacitance compared with the clean gold surface contacting an aqueous electrolyte. The magnitude of this discharging current is proportional to the initial charge density, σ , and the rate of change of the surface area, dA/dt: zc



i = a dA/dt


Indeed, we found the current to be linearly proportional to the rate of substrate withdrawal, as long as the latter is less than 50 mm/min. This is shown in Figure 3 (closed circles). The negative deviation at the highest transfer rate indicates a breakdown of the experiment as some electrolyte is trapped at the emersed gold surface (in other words, LB transfer of CisOH no longer results in a complete removal of the double-layer). Integration of the current associated with CisOH LB transfer gives the initial excess charge density on the gold surface at a particular potential. These data are shown in Figure 4 (triangles). The readily available value of Ezc = 0.36 V vs. SCE is consistent with the literature data for gold (111) surfaces in

Mallouk and Harrison; Interfacial Design and Chemical Sensing ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.






i e


30 s Figure 2: Typical current-time transients recorded during LB transfer of CigSH/CigOH (70:30 mol%) and CigOH monolayers at 20 mN/m, from 0.05 M HCIO4 subphase onto gold-coated glass slides held at 0.20 V vs. SCE. LB transfer rate: 10 mm/min (corresponding to dA/dt = 0.4 cm /min). Since 0.20 V is a potential negative of E ^ , and because CisSH chemisorption involves a partial electron transferfromthiol to gold, current in both transients is anodic. 2

Mallouk and Harrison; Interfacial Design and Chemical Sensing ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.


Passivation and Gating at the Electrode-Solution Interface

non-specifically adsorbable electrolytes (27). Vapor-deposited gold films were shown, indeed, to exhibit predominantly the (111) crystallographic texture (22). A much higher current is observed when a CisSH/CisOH (70:30 mol%) monolayer is transferred onto gold substrates as shown in Figure 3. It is clear that an additional process contributes to the overall current besides the double-layer discharge described above. Unlike aliphatic alcohols, for which physisorption on gold does not involve partial electron transfer (23), chemisorption of alkylthiols is naturally expected to result in much stronger interactions. Hence, in this case, we postulate that the additional charge flow is due to the electron transferfromCi^SH molecules to gold, as the former bind to the substrate surface (see equation 3 above). Integration of this current gives the total charge passed (Figure 4 closed squares), while subtraction of the double-layer chargefromthese data gives a net charge due to CisSH binding to gold. The latter is plotted vs. substrate potential in Figure 4 (open squares). These results indicate that CisSH binding to gold involves a partial electron transfer that varies roughly linearly with potential from 0.26 at -0.3 V to 0.40 at 0.7 V vs. SCE. Measurements at more positive potentials are affected by gold oxide formation and will be reported elsewhere (24) Can we be sure that our technique allows us to integrate all the charge involved in CisSH binding to gold on the time scale of the LB transfer experiments which take only 30 s? In other words, do all CisSH molecules transferred to gold bind to its surface and is our technique a good approximation of equilibrium conditions of a prolonged self-assembly process? To address these concerns, we first recall recent results of Bain et al. who showed that the self-assembly of octadecanethiol on goldfrom1 mM ethanol solutions results in essentially a limiting value of contact angle in less than 1 min (74). Nevertheless, in order to expand the time scale of the LB experiments, we performed additional potentiostatic LB experiments at slower transfer rates. These data are shown in Figure 3 (open circles). The linearity of the observed current with the LB transfer rate demonstrates that the charge transferred as a results of CisSH binding to gold is independent of the rate of substrate withdrawal. A negative deviation observed at 50 mm/min is again an artifact resulting from entrapment of a thin film of water on the gold surface during LB transfer. We have also measured the dependence of the charge due to CisSH coupling to gold on the mole fraction of C^SH in mixed CisSH/CisOH LB monolayers. The molefractionof the thiol was varied from 70 mol% to 10 mol% (six data points). A linear plot of the charge vs. CisSH mole fraction with zero intercept was obtained with a correlation coefficient 0.985. These results substantiate our notion that the potentiostatic LB transfer technique gives us the total charge resulting from CisSH chemisorption on gold. Finally, we return again to the mechanistic aspects of the chemisorption process as presented in equation 3. The partial electron transferfromthiol to gold would leave a net positive charge on the sulfur as the alkanethiol LB monolayer is deposited on the gold substrate. This is not allowed since, following emersion, the capacitance of the gold/octadecanethiol interface is essentially zero and no other ions can be transferredfromthe aqueous subphase to match that charge. This argument leads to the postulate that alkanethiol chemisorption must be accompanied by a release of an equivalent quantity of protons to maintain the electro-neutrality of the LB film on gold as it is emersed from the subphase. As mentioned above, partial electron transfer from thiol to gold is likely to weaken the S-H bond and enhance proton dissociation. However, in view of the electro-neutrality argument, the extent of thiol

Mallouk and Harrison; Interfacial Design and Chemical Sensing ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.










LB Transfer Rate [mm/min]

Figure 3: Plots of current vs. transfer rate recorded during LB transfer of: CisOH monolayerfrom0.05 M HCIO4 at 0.20 V vs. SCE (closed circles).; and CigSH/CigOH monolayer from 0.05 M HCIO4 at 0.00 V vs. SCE (open circles).

CM ε ϋ

-0.4 -0.2

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 E[V] VS. SCE

Figure 4: Plots of charge densities vs. substrate potential recorded in the course of the LB transfer experiments. Closed squares: total charge recorded with CisSH/CisOH (70:30 mol%) monolayers. Triangles: charge recorded with C i s O H monolayers corresponding to the double-layer charge at the gold/solution (0.05 M HCIO4) interface. Open squares: charge resulting from CisSH chemisorption (and CisSH partial charge number>-the difference between the total charge and the double-layer charge.

Mallouk and Harrison; Interfacial Design and Chemical Sensing ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Passivation and Gating at the Electrode—Solution Interface




6 8 PH

10 12 14

Figure 5: Plot of the charge transferred due to CisSH chemisorption on gold and the CisSH partial charge number as a function of pH of the subphase in the LB transfer experiments. Data obtained at -0.20 V vs. SCE in H C I O 4 , NaClC>4 and KOH electrolytes.

dissociation is governed only by the partial electron transfer. To examine this argument, we carried out the LB transfer experiments at -0.2 V from solutions of variable pH. As expected, we found that the partial charge number is independent of pH except when the latter exceeds 12 (see data in Figure 5). Since that pH coincides with an estimate of CigSH pK value (25), the observed increase of the partial charge number could be explained by an induction effect. The coupling of the partial electron transfer and proton dissociation via the electro-neutrality requirement holds only for the case of the LB experiments described here. Thus, the extent of proton dissociation following alkanethiol self-assembly is not subject to this limitation and may proceed to a larger extent. Indeed, vibrational spectroscopic data reporting absence of the thiol proton would suggest its complete dissociation. In summary, we believe that these experiments and data provide a better understanding of alkanethiol interactions with gold. One question which we have not been able to address so far is the variation of the CisSH partial charge number with potential in a more negative range than that covered in Figure 4. Will the linearity of that dependence lead to conditions where alkanethiol binding to gold is not possible? Another question, closer to the primary goal of our research outlined in the Introduction, is whether controlled potential LB transfer experiments can result in structurally improved monolayers on gold and bring us closer to accomplishing our goal of passivation and gating at the electrode/solution interface. a

Acknowledgment. Research described in this article was supported financially by the National Science Foundation under Grant CHE-9108378. Literature Cited 1.

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March 25, 1994

Mallouk and Harrison; Interfacial Design and Chemical Sensing ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.