Past and Future of the Dropping Electrode - ACS Symposium Series

Feb 7, 2011 - The dropping electrode (DE) appeared towards the end of 19th century in European science in discussions about the electrochemical potent...
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Chapter 24

Past and Future of the Dropping Electrode

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on April 4, 2016 | Publication Date: January 1, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0390.ch024

Michael Heyrovský, Ladislav Novotný, and Ivan Smoler The J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Dolejškova 3, 182 23 Prague, Czechoslovakia The dropping electrode (DE) appeared towards the end of 19th century in European science in discussions about the electrochemical potential. In 1903 Kučera attempted using it for measuring surface tension of mercury in solutions; his little success was due to the scarce knowledge of electrochemistry in his time. By the spontaneous renewal of its surface the DE paved the way for polarography; its unigue properties were utilized also in other physico-chemical measurements. As the main instrument in polarography, the DE went through various modifications and other renewed electrodes have been derived from it. The use of a special spindle capillary led to introduction of a highly sensitive method of electrocapillary measurements with the DE, 75 years after Kučera's attempt. In general, any polarizable electrode formed by drops of a con­ ducting liguid can be called the dropping electrode. Such a liguid is usually mercury, but various amalgams, carbon paste, agueous solutions of electrolytes, gallium or bismuth at higher temperatu­ res and other liquids have been used as well. The dropping elect­ rode is characterized by several specific properties which make it a unique instrument for physico-chemical studies of interfaces and for electroanalytical applications. Above all, it has a liquid, i.e., homogeneous and isotropic, surface and it is spontaneously, periodically renewed, its surface area periodically increases and its period of dropping depends on its surface tension. The fre­ quency of renewal of the electrode, and the extent of the change of its surface area, can be varied within wide limits. In the most common case, i.e., when the liquid is mercury, the dropping elect­ rode gains the further advantages of easily attainable high purity and of high overvoltage in the electrolytic evolution of hydrogen. Since its appearance in scientific laboratories more than a hundred years ago the dropping electrode has undergone a complex 0097-6156/89/0390-0370$06.00/0 © 1989 American Chemical Society

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.


Dropping Electrode: Past and Future


development, especially as the main component of polarographic apparatus, and recently significant improvements have been achieved in its design. Some aspects of this development are the subject of the present article.

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Early History of the Dropping Electrode Probably the first documented attempt to combine the phenomenon of drop formation with electrical measurement is due to W.Thomson (Lord Kelvin) (1). In his letter to H.Helmholtz of 2.1.1859 he sketches and describes a "water droppinq collector" for measuring atmospheric electricity in which the charge carried by finely dispersed droplets of water is collected in a metallic funnel. The first dropping mercury electrode in a stricter sense was designed and tried in 1871 by a coworker of Thomson, the English inventor C.F. Varley (2). In an experiment intended to find the connection between the surface and the electric energies he used mercury, rapidly dropping into a vessel with diluted sulphuric acid. He observed that, under certain conditions, an electric current flowed between the mercury in the reservoir and that collecting at the bottom of the vessel. Two years later the French physicist G.Lippmann published a short account of his research on the same fundamental problem (3) and, in 1875, he treated the matter in a detailed paper (4). He showed for the first time an electrocapillary curve obtained with his original instrument, the capillary electrometer. He also described an experiment, essentially identical with that of Varley, in which mercury, dripping from a drawn-out stem of a funnel into a beaker with an acidic solution, can produce electric current flowing between the mercury in the funnel and that at the bottom of the beaker. This effect was reexamined and confirmed with mercury dropping into various liquids by the German physicist G.H.Quincke (5). In this way the electrocapillary curve and the dropping electrode emerged in science at the same time as products of the search for understanding the way how one form of energy can be converted into another - a classical problem, typical for the second half of nineteenth century. H.Helmholtz (6) interpreted Lippmann's electrocapillary curve by assuming that the electrode surface in contact with the electrolyte behaves like a condenser. He also forecast that, between an independent dropping mercury electrode and the electrolytic solution, there ought not to be any permanent potential difference: should there have been one, initially, it would be carried away gradually by dropping. Helmholtz's student A.König (7) found an experimental corroboration of his teacher's statement. This spurred many experimentalists to repeat the measurements, because if Helmholtz was right, the dropping mercury electrode would provide a convenient zero for an electrochemical scale of potentials. W.Ostwald (8), F.Paschen (9,10) and others measured the potential difference between the dropping mercury electrode and Lippmann's electrometer, and observed that it approached zero only when the electrode was dropping rapidly. Such electrodes were prepared, without any attempt at standardization, simply by drawing out in a flame a tube of thermometer glass, and cutting the end so that, under pressure of mercury, many small drops or a coherent jet were formed in the solution.

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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O.Warburg (11,12) pointed out that mercury dissolves in solutions in the presence of air oxygen. He tried to interpret the electrocapillarity and the potential of the independent dropping electrode by considering the role of mercury ions thus introduced into the system. G.Meyer (13) claimed to have proved Warburg's theory by experiments with dropping mercury and amalgam electrodes. W.Nernst (14), on the other hand, predicted that the potential of the dropping electrode would be determined by the very small equilibrium concentration of mercury ions present in solution according to his formula. This prediction was supported experi­ mentally by Nernst's pupil W.Palmaer (15). Many other examples can be quoted to demonstrate that the problem of the potential of the dropping mercury electrode occupied the minds of leading scientists in Europe towards the end of the last century and beyond. From the present point of view we under­ stand that no satisfactory simple answer to the problem could be found because, at that time, the electrochemical phenomena deter­ mining the behavior of the dropping electrode were not fully known. As a rule, the various suggested theories were strongly disputed and opposed; nevertheless, each of the participating scientists contributed either by experimental result or by theoretical princi­ ple, or even by a critical remark, to our present understanding of the matter. Summarizing, this earliest period could be character­ ized by the heading: dropping electrode as a problem. Dropping Electrode as a Tool In 1903 a new use of the dropping mercury electrode was tried, this time based on systematic quantitative measurements. G.Kučera (16) was aware of the drawbacks of measuring the surface tension of mercury by the capillary electrometer - the solution in the narrow capillary in contact with the stationary meniscus often differs in concentration from that in the bulk, and the wetting angle between mercury and the solution changes with potential in an unknown way. In order to avoid them, he decided to take as a measure of surface tension of mercury the weight of its drop. He saw a special advantage of such a method in the circumstance that the measure­ ments would be taken at a completely fresh, always renewed mercury surface. The realization of the idea was simple: in the capillary electrometer he would increase the pressure until mercury would start dropping from the conical capillary into the solution. In this way he introduced - in contrast to the static method of Lippmann - a dynamic method of measuring surface tension and, in analogy with the capillary electrometer, he called his apparatus the "drop electrometer" (das Tropfenelektrometer). For the dropping electrode he prepared capillaries by drawing out pieces of thermometer tube of about 0.2 mm inner bore, and by cutting them so that the inner diameter of the orifice was about 0.04 mm. From such capillaries he selected only those with a regular orifice. The capillary was then connected by rubber tubing to a reservoir of mercury, of which the height was adjusted each time to give a drop-time of 2 seconds. In order to increase precision he collected as many as 80 drops of mercury from the electrode in each measurement: the gathered mercury was then

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Dropping Electrode: Past and Future


washed, dried and weighed in a standard way. By his method Kučera obtained curves of the dependence of drop weight on applied voltage which, in some cases, showed the same course as the electrocapillary curves obtained with the capillary electrometer. In other cases, however, various anomalies appeared, in the form of seconda­ ry maxima, which he could not explain. Here again we know today that Kučera was trying to cope with a complex of electrochemical problems of which he could not have been fully aware in his time. Hence he was unable to bring his method, based on sound principles, to its due perfection. In 1918 he suggested to his student, J.Heyrovský, that he take up the surface tension measurements with the dropping mercury electrode as a subject for research. Dropping Electrode Introduces Polarography After having gained some experimental experience, Heyrovský simplified Kučera's method by measuring the drop-time of several drops under constant mercury pressure instead of collecting and weighing each time 80 drops of 2-second duration. However, even after 3 years of tedious work, he could not reconcile the results of the dynamic surface tension measurements with those of the static method. At the beginning of 1922 he tried to measure, in addition to the drop-time, the current passing through the cell when the dropping electrode was polarized to various potentials with respect to the potential of the mercury layer at the bottom of the cell. He realized that, while the electrocapillary curve ideally would give thermodynamic information on the surface energy of mercury, the reproducible current - voltage curves might supply information about the kinetics of various electrode processes. Encouraged by his first results (17,18), he began a systematic study of electro­ lysis with the dropping mercury electrode. He measured the values of the mean current by means of a damped galvanometer, and plotted these as a function of the voltage applied to the electrodes. In the first stage, electrocapillary and current - voltage curves were measured in parallel but, later, the former were abandoned, as the measurements were more time-consuming and less reproducible, and appeared less informative than the latter. The situation was, indeed, disadvantageous for electrocapillarity, as the dependence of drop-time on surface tension is best measured when the drop-time is long, whereas the then measured changes in short drop-times were not much greater than the errors of reproducibility of drop-times. On the other hand, the measured currents were practically insensi­ tive to the drop-time, as the diffusion current is proportional to drop-time to the power 1/6. The dropping electrode had thus lost the function of surface tension indicator and began serving as a mere surface renewer. In 1924, in order to speed up the tiresome plotting of the current - voltage curves, Heyrovský and Shikata (19) designed an automatic apparatus which continuously increased the voltage applied to the electrodes, and simultaneously provided a photo­ graphic recording of the current as it changed with changing voltage. The apparatus was introduced for recording the course of

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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electrochemical polarization of the dropping mercury electrode the ideally polarizable electrode, and hence it was called the "polarograph". The name of the instrument gave name to the method: by 1930 the subject of studies with the dropping mercury electrode became known as polarography. Studies of polarization of solid electrodes had already been carried out by several authors in the 19th century, and hence Heyrovský, for fear he might be accused of patronizing other people's work, preferred to limit this name first to the dropping, later also to other renewed mercury electrodes. One of the first problems studied by means of the polarograph was that of Kučera's anomalous electrocapillary curves. Heyrovský and Šimůnek (20) demonstrated that air oxygen present in solutions is electrolytically reduced at a positively charged mercury sur­ face, and that this reduction from dilute solutions is accompanied, in the same potential region, by a maximum on the polarographic curves and by an anomaly on Kučera's electrocapillary curves. Nowadays it is known that the uptake of the second electron by the oxygen molecule occurs in a surface reaction, which is the primary cause of the maximum as well as of the anomaly. In this way one of the important factors pertaining to electrocapillary measurements has been found. Other Application of the Dropping Electrode The story of the development of polarography is sufficiently known and documented in text-books and review articles (for a recent review see (21) ) . While the polarographic research consisted in its "classical" stage mainly in interpretations of current voltage curves obtained with the dropping mercury electrode, the unigue gualities of this electrode also spurred scientific deve­ lopment in other directions. In the following some examples of such researches are given. D.C.Grahame used the easily renewed, clean surface of the dropping electrode for precise measurements of the electric capaci­ tance of the mercury-solutions interface (22). Capacitance measurements were utilized also for studies of oriented interfacial layers and their properties (23,24). H. Berg and coworkers (23) introduced photopolarography, outlining ways of studying homoge­ neous photochemical reactions in solutions by means of the dropping mercury electrode. With the same electrode, G.C.Barker (26) dis­ covered and investigated the phenomenon of photoemission of elect­ rons into solutions. A.Calusaru and J.Kůta (27) observed on its surface the formation of crystals of electrodeposited metals. It also inspired J.Koryta, P.Vanýsek and M.Březina (28) to construct a dropping electrolyte electrode in order to study the interface between two immiscible electrolyte solutions. These were the applications making use of the spontaneously renewed surface of the dropping electrode. I.Oref and coworkers, on the other hand, used the electrode in a study of the gas - mercury interface for measur­ ing the surface tension changes (29,30). Development of the Dropping Electrode in Polarography The first polarographic capillaries were of the type used by Kučera. They were conical, about 0.03 mm wide at their orifice,

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Dropping Electrode: Past and Future


giving drop-times of 2-4 seconds in solutions of electrolytes under a mercury pressure of 50 cm. The reproducibility of such dropping electrodes was sufficient to yield reproducible current - voltage curves, on the basis of which the elementary polarographic theory could be developed. It was a fortunate circumstance, that the Kučera's type of capillaries with the relatively short drop-times were taken over for polarography. Had Kučera used capillaries with long drop-times which would have been more convenient for surface tension measurements, the currents measured would have been affect­ ed by the extension of the diffusion layer from the electrode into the solution bulk and by various adsorption and secondary chemical processes, and the results would have been much more difficult to interpret than with the short drop-times. Polarographic capillaries were first characterized only by the drop-times t1 they provided under given conditions. W.Kemula (31) drew attention to the importance of the rate of flow of mercury through the capillary, m, for polarographic currents: after the Ilkovič equation was derived (32), m became the second important parameter for characterizing polarographic capillaries. When the quantitative expressions for the main types of d.c. polarographic currents became known, it was established that the direct propor­ tionality of m and the indirect proportionality of t1 with the height of the mercury level above the capillary tip, h, of the spontaneously dropping electrode allowed a simple distinction of d.c. polarographic currents to be made according to their dependence on h. After the cause of polarographic maxima of the second kind was explained (33), the upper limit of m for polarographic purposes was set at 2 mg/s. From the experimental data of Kučera it follows that some of his results were obtained with m higher than 4 mg/s which means that the surface of the dropping electrode was stream­ ing under the high rate of flow of mercury into the drop. This was another phenomenon of which Kučera was unaware and which, together with the reduction of oxygen, contributed to the anomalous results of his electrocapillary measurements. After 1938 the original, drawn-out conical capillaries were gradually replaced by thick-walled capillaries of uniform cylindri­ cal bore, of about 0.05 mm, which were readily available, less fragile and could be replaced easily (34). In 1943 Heyrovský and Forejt (35) introduced the mercury jet electrode, originally in order to provide stationary polarization curves in oscillographic polarography. From a conical capillary dipped in the solution and inclined upwards with the orifice submerged a few millimeters under the surface the mercury begins to jet above the surface through a thin layer of solution after the pressure of mercury has been risen sufficiently high. The jet electrode represents the extreme case of a renewed electrode where the fast renewal allows only fast processes to be followed. It has the unique advantage of an approximately constant surface area: its disadvantages are a high consumption of mercury and a high charging current due to the continuous rapid change of its surface. The more sophisticated techniques derived from d.c. polaro­ graphy, which started appearing in the nineteen-fifties and were directed towards higher sensitivity, selectivity and rapidity of polarographic measurements, set new requirements for the dropping

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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electrode. While the spontaneously dropping electrodes were further used predominantly in d.c. polarography, for some advanced techniques a mechanical detachment of the drop (36) was found necessary, and various modifications of the renewable hanging mercury drop electrode (37) were introduced. In these cases, the function of the dropping electrode has been totally reduced to mere reproduction. The refinement of polarographic and basic electrochemical theories necessitated verification by precise experimental measurements: the instantaneous current passing during the life-time of individual drops had to be measured (38), which raised the question of the degree of reproducibility of the dropping electrode. Various authors tried various ways of changing the polarographic capillary in order to improve its performance, either by reshaping its end (see, e.g., (39-44) ) or by coating its inner walls by a hydrophobic agent (45-47). However, none of the suggested methods would lead to a substantial, lasting improvement in the electrode reproducibility for general use. New Type of the Dropping Electrode Our experience has taught us, first, that the performance of the cylindrical capillaries was notably inferior to that of the old type drawn-out conical ones (48). A critical assessment of possible causes of disturbance of the regular laminar flow of mercury through the glass capillary, and of the growth and detachment of the drop, together with practical knowledge gained from several years of experimental research on electrocapillarity with the capillary electrometer, led us finally to the introduction of the so-called "spindle capillary" for the dropping mercury electrode (49-52). This original type of capillary provides the best utilization of the advantages of the dropping mercury electrode so far. The spindle capillary is made from a cylindrical capillary, of which the lower end is blown out and drawn into the shape of an unsymmetrical spindle, with its longer end pointing downwards. The end of the spindle is terminated by a steep cone leading to the orifice of the capillary. This shape minimizes the penetration of the solution to the interior of the capillary, which is the main cause of irregular dropping. After detachment of the drop from the spindle capillary there is a mercury meniscus left at the orifice, which can serve as a stationary yet renewable mercury electrode. It can be reproduced with an accuracy of 2%. While the inner bore of the stem of the capillary determines the rate of flow m, the size of the drop, or the drop-time, depends on the diameter of the orifice of the capillary. Hence several capillaries can be made from one long glass tube, each giving drops of a different size. The drops growing from a spindle capillary are more stable than those from cylindrical or conical capillaries, and their reproducibility is very high. These factors led to the development of the "controlled convection" method of electrocapillary measurements (53-55). With a drop-time of, say, 100 s, the reproducibility under constant conditions is better than 0.02 s, i.e. 0.02 %. The stability of the drop allows the solution to be stirred over 90 % of the drop life without affecting its reproducibility, providing

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Dropping Electrode: Past and Future


the solution is entirely free of surface-active impurities. If this is not the case, the stirring accelerates the transport of low concentrations of surfactants to the electrode until adsorption equilibrium is established. The resulting decrease in drop-time then indicates adsorption which, without stirring, might not have been detected. By increasing the drop-time, we can further increase the sensitivity of this method, which thus allows adsorption studies to be carried out in concentration regions inaccessible by any other method. By changing the time of stirring with different drop-times, full attainment of adsorption equilibrium can be ascertained, and a distinction can be made between reversible and irreversible adsorption. When measured with a dropping electrode with stirring, strongly adsorptive substances show surface satura­ tion in solutions where the capillary electrometer only begins to indicate adsorption (56). In this way, after 75 years of develop­ ment of the dropping electrode, Kučera's conviction about the fundamental superiority of the renewed over the stable surface in surface tension measurements could be fully confirmed. (In this conviction Kučera was not alone - personalities like Ostwald (8) were of similar opinion.) With a certain exaggeration it can be said that Heyrovský introduced polarography as an emergency escape in order to avoid answering Kučera's question whether his belief in dynamic principle was justified. The development of polarography did, ultimately, answer the question in the affirmative, as Heyrov­ ský himself would have wished to do. When the flow of mercury into the capillary is interrupted, the drop, stopped in its growth, remains hanging from the capilla­ ry, and hence the hanging, stationary mercury drop electrode is produced. This can be done automatically in various ways (50,57). With the spindle capillary again the drop, supported by the menis­ cus, is very stable and highly reproducible. If a spindle capilla­ ry of appropriate parameters is chosen, and the flow of mercury is stopped at short intervals, then by means of a simple arrangement a reproducible mercury microelectrode of desired and, if necessary, gradually increased size is formed (58). The small size makes the drop invisible to the naked eye. The consumption of mercury for the functioning of the microelectrode is thus drastically reduced. Future Development The spindle capillary provides a multipurpose renewed mercury electrode, which utilizes all the features of the dropping electro­ de. It should consist of a stand containing the necessary electro­ nic controls, with an appropriate, safely closed reservoir of mercury, an exchangeable cell, and an electrode holder into which special capillaries can be easily fitted according to the purpose of the measurement. In addition to other accessories, a wide selection of capillaries of various parameters should be readily available, the less usual ones obtainable on order. As demonstrated by the example of the spindle capillary, the development of the dropping electrode is far from exhausted. By its origin it is predestined for research of interfacial electro­ chemical processes, where it can render invaluable services in analyzing or effectuating complex reactions at molecular or macro-

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



scopic levels. As the ideal tool for measuring adsorption it has wide perspectives in systematic fundamental studies as well as in analytical applications, especially after on-line automation is completed. In analytical chemistry it has become a highly versati­ le sensor, with possibilities for microscale use, and in combina­ tion with specialized solid electrodes. Like the dropping electrode itself, its vitality in science appears to be ideally reproducible.

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Dropping Electrode: Past and Future


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Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.