From à C a n ! "
Patching and surfacing compounds formulated with If&r&amid resins a r e stronger t h a n concrete itself! "What a beating this garage floor takes from tractor lugs, tire chains, chemicals, sait, grease and t h e weight of multi-ton vehicles. But patching and resurfacing is simple, quick and inexpensive with Versamid polyamide resins.
O n l y Ver sa m ids ofrfer ail I t h e s e a d v a n t a g e s : • Fast cure t i m e ο Non-critical proportions
The Versamid reactive series (100, 115, 125, 140) combine with epoxy resins and ordinary sand. This formulation trowels like concrete, feathers smoothly, and maintains its adhesion in layers as thin as Vie-mch! And the bond is stronger than the internal strength of concrete itself.
• Compatibility w i t h a wide range of f l u i d epoxy resins
For topping, patching, or complete resurfacing, Versamidbased compounds provide surfaces that can be smooth as glass, or textured where traction is required. Proven uses already i n c l u d e h i g h w a y s , runways a n d non-skid approaches to bridges.
• Unusual durability
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