Patent license available for the - ACS Publications - American

research organization. Patent No. ... sities in the U.S. and Canada ί,1;1 η ' in a single ... Lists universities with names and biographical informa...
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BRIEFS INVITATION TO BID ON PATENT RIGHTS FOR CYANIDE SPECIATION ANALYTICAL APPARATUS Patent license available for the manufacture and sale of a unique analytical apparatus for cyanide speciation developed by nationally acclaimed water reclamation research organization. Patent No. 4,265,857 "Method and Apparatus for Measuring Cyanide," is for a system which measures the amount of cyanide in a sample more precisely and conveniently than previously possi­ ble. The method is used with a system for separating a volatile component from a liquid in which the compo­ nent is entrained (Patent No. 4,804,631). The inven­ tions are patented in the United States, United King­ dom, Germany and Japan. Send written proposals to Purchasing Agent, at the ad­ dress below by March 15, 1990. The successful bid­ der will be notified shortly thereafter. Interested parties may arrange to inspect the appara­ tus and witness its operation at the Water Reclamation District's Egan R&D Laboratory, Des Plaines, Illinois. Telephone Mr. Richard Lanyon, Assistant Director of Research & Development (312/751-3040). For more information write Mr. George H. Wahl, Purchasing Agent, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, 100 East Erie, Chicago, IL 60611.

Carbon-lsotopic Analysis of Dissolved Acetate


Isotopic analysis of acetate in compound mixtures is de­ scribed. Standard deviations of