PATENTS - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Commission-held patents and patent applications released for licensing now total 545. ... This patent describes an improved apparatus for fractional s...
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Acid Sodium S a l t ?

W e haven't t h e slightest idea, but w e ' r e ready to supply it a n d o t h e r " r a r e " o r g a n i c s in l a r g e r - t h a n - l a b o r a t o r y a m o u n t s . If s u c h a service is of interest to you, just write t o Distillation Products Industries, Eastman Organic Chemi­ cals D e p a r t m e n t , R o c h e s t e r 3, Ν . Υ . ( D i v i s i o n of Eastman iCodak C o m p a n y ) . T h e r e a r e m o r e t h a n 3 5 0 0 regularly s u p p l i e d Eastman O r g a n i c C h e m i c a l s for science a n d industry.

Also...vitamins A and Ε . distilled monoglycerides

ore dressing methods because of close association with iron and silica. The Bureau of Mines is continuing its research in other methods oi recovering the vitally needed material. At present, furnacing and leaching methods are being studied since both these methods have proven technically feasible if not economically. A copy of the report (4951) of work to date may be had free of charge by writing to the Bureau of Mines, Publications Distribution Section, 4800 Forbes Street, Pittsburgh 13, Pa. Coal Analyses Analyses of tipple and delivered sample* of coal collected during the fiscal year 1951 has been compiled by the Bureau ο I Mines. The analyses are used by the government in awarding coal purchase contracts and are also used extensively by industry. The Bureau maintains an open file of analyses for purchasing agents in Washington. The mimeographed report may be obtained without charge from the Bureau of Mines, Publications Distribu­ tion Section, 4800 Forbes Street, Pitts­ burgh 13, Pa.

Nevada Copper

BORROW this Mixer Kettle... and test it in /β7&1*ν r ^ c• *^.τ^-:

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M o d e l 1 0 5 T R I - N O N Analyzer ;


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M o d e l 105 TR1-NON A n a l y z e r

« A dispersion instrument • O p e r a t e s on optical null principle • Records the ratio of absorption a t any t w o predetermined wavelengths • Unaffected b y changes in source temperature or sample cell transmission • Accommodates sample cells up t o 2 2 cm Φ M a y b e applied t o liquid or gas streams • Automatic circuit testing a n d unitized construction simplify field servicing.

• A selective non-dispersion instrument • O p e r a t e s on true radiation null principle • Analyses for one component in a multi-component stream • 4 0 cm total path length • Highly stable, sensitive • Best suited where there is component interference • Automatic circuit testing and unitized construction simplify field servicing.


PERKIN Leading Manufacturer V O L U M E

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of I n f r a r e d 6, 1 9 5 3


Equipment 1431

THE CHEMICAL WORLD THIS WEEK b y t h e Secretary of Agriculture. Licenses to practice t h e inventions are issued on a royalty-free, nonexclusive, nontransferable, revocable basis. Inquiries concerning applications for licenses should b e addressed to the Bureau of Agricultural and Industrial Chemistry, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington 2 5 , D . Q Patents of chemical interest are listed below : Fermentation Process for Production of Vitamin Bv. Pat. 2,576,932. Vitamin B i 2 is prepared b y culturing a strain of Bacillus megatherium on a liquid medium under aerated, submerged culture conditions. Apparatus for Spray Coating Particles. Pat. 2,576,952. Pieces of food are dropped through a tower where they are subjected t o sprays of a sodium pectinate coating liquid. The coated pieces are then dropped into a hardening bath of calcium ehloride to form a calcium pectinate coating. Crystallization of Lysozyme from Egg W h i t e . Pat. 2,579,455. Lysozyme is isolated in pure, crystalline form by adding salt to egg white in a concentration of 3 t o 10% and holding at a low temperature. Acrolein a n d Sulfur Halide Process t o Strengthen Protein Fibers. Pat. 2,583,574. Natural protein fibers o r synthetic protein fibers are impregnated with acrolein then treated with a sulfur halide such as sulfur inonochloride. Process tor t h e Treatment of E g g Whites. Pat. 2,585,015. Prior to dehydration, egg whites are fermented, at 21° t o 37° C. and p H 6.7 to 9.0, with a concentrated preparation of Streptococcus hctis in order to assimilate rapidly the reducing sugars naturally present in the egg white.

is dispersed in formamide, then reacted with an acid anhydride. Formamide simplifies d i e esterification since it eliminated pretreatment steps formerly used to make t h e polysaccharide reactive. Method of Treating E g g Whites. Pat. 2,593,462. Prior to dehydration, egg whites are fermentated with a preparation of a microorganism in order to assimilate t h e reducing sugars. Isolation of α-Amylase from M a l t Ex­ tract. Pat. 2,594,356. Malt extract is heated and filtered to remove /î-amylase. α-Amylase is isolated from t h e filtrate b y sait precipitation, adsorption on solid amyl­ aceous substance, and elution with water. Isolation of P e a Proteins. Pat. 2,607,768. A solution of pea protein is acidified to form a fine suspension of t h e protein. T o t h e suspension is then a d d e d a calcium salt and a calcium-precipitable pectous material to form a bulky precipitate which occludes t h e suspended protein and makes it easier to recover from t h e liquid phase. F o a m Breaker for Submerged Culture Fermentor. Pat. 2,610,155. Main features of the device are a hollow shell and a ro­ tating disk b e n e a t h t h e shell which carries a series of perforations a n d vanes. F o a m which contacts the disk is resolved into its gaseous a n d liquid components.

Method a n d Apparatus for H e a t i n g Fluids. Pat. 2,585,970. A thin stream of fluid is caused to fall through a cylindrical cavity on a path coincident with t h e axis of t h e cavity. A generator of high-frequency electromotive waves is connected to establish within t h e cavity an electric field which heats the stream to a uniform and maximum extent.

Production of Stabilized F o r a g e Crops. Alfalfa or other forage material is treated with 2,5-di-rerf-butyihydroquinone or simi­ lar dialkylated hydroquinone derivative to stabilize t h e carotene content of t h e alfalfa on storage.

Method a n d Apparatus for Measuring D e w Point. Pat. 2,588,355. Air to b e tested, is blown over a mirror which is warm at one end and cool at the other. The mirror becomes fogged with t h e fogged zone extending from the cool e n d of the mirror a n d e n d i n g at the point where the mirror temperature a n d d e w point coincide. By measuring the length of t h e fogged zone a n d the temperature at each end of t h e mirror, the dew point is calculated. Lévulose Dihydrate. Pat. 2,588,449. Lévulose is isolated as its dihydrate from aqueous solutions containing in excess of 3 6 % lévulose and not over 18% dextrose by cooling and seeding with crystals of lévulose dihydrate. Acylation of Polysaccharides in Formamide. Pat. 2,589,226. A polysaccharide


Preparation of Dried E g g s . Pat. 2,610,918. Prior to drying, egg liquid is fer­ m e n t e d with a noninvertogenic yeast tc r e ­ move reducing sugars. Synthesis of Organic Peroxides. Pat. 2,610,972. Tert-butyl hydroperoxide is r e ­ acted with 2,6-di-rerr-butyl-p-cresol t o yield 4-rerr-butylperoxy-4-methyl-2,6-di10rf-butylcyclohexadiene-2,5-one-1. Similar reactions can b e carried out with related compounds.

Patent G r a n t e d f o r Vacuum Melting Furnaces U. S. Pat. 2,625,719 has b e e n granted to t h e National Research Corp. of Cam­ bridge, Mass. T h e patent covers continu­ ous vacuum melting furnaces which have been developed by the metallurgical d e ­ partment. T h e development makes it possible to charge raw material and remove v a c u u m cast ingots from furnaces without t h e n e ­ cessity of cooling t h e crucible or breaking t h e vacuum in the melting chamber. Vacuum melting furnaces are used in t h e production of titanium, zirconium, a n d molybdenum a n d in the production of spe­ cialty metals a n d alloys. Features covered by t h e patent a r e n o w employed b y Vacuum Metals Corp., a wholly-owned subsidiary of National R e ­ search Corp., in the commercial supply of


vacuum-melted, gas-free high purity metals and special alloys. T h e y are also avail­ able in the larger furnaces which are m a n u ­ factured b y t h e equipment division of N a ­ tional Research Corp.

SCIENCE Mineral O i l Emulsion of Polio Vaccine Most Effective A mineral oil emulsion of formaldehydeinactivated virus shows promise as a v a c ­ cine against all three types of poliomyelitis virus. T h e vaccine, first reported earlier in t h e year ( C & E N , F e b . 2, p a g e 3 9 9 ) , may b e tested on a large scale in t h e sum­ mer of 1954, according to J. E . Salk, University of Pittsburgh, who m a d e a p r e ­ liminary report on t h e vaccine in t h e March 28 issue of t h e Journal of the American Medical Association, page 1081. E a c h of t h e three strains is propagated in a roller t u b e culture of monkey testicu­ lar or monkey kidney tissue a n d a fluid m e d i u m free of protein, yet satisfactory for supporting virus multiplication. After incubation, t h e culture fluids are clarified by centrifuging a n d then stored at —20° C. Before preparation for vaccine, t h e fluids are t h a w e d , centrifuged, pooled, a n d t h e n treated with a solution of formaldehyde to inactivate t h e virus. T h e strains are mixed in vaccine vials, and immersed in an ice water b a t h . So­ dium bisulfite is a d d e d to neutralize t h e free formaldehyde a n d t h e preparations ar^ returned to the ice b a t h for several weeks. This presumably destroys t h e dis­ ease-producing, b u t not t h e antibodyproducing capacity, of t h e fluid. To make certain the virus is noninfectious, intra­ cerebral inoculations a r e m a d e on m o n ­ keys. In none of t h e 161 patients Dr. Salk inoculated have t h e r e b e e n any signs of illness attributable to t h e inoculation. T h e vaccine for h u m a n subjects is in­ corporated in a water-in-oil emulsion. Aqueous vaccines were used, b u t prelim­ inary results favor t h e emulsion, which seems to e n h a n c e antibody formation. Antibodies so induced appear to persist without sign of decline for t h e longest interval studied (four a n d a half m o n t h s ) and their n u m b e r compares favorably with that developed after natural infection. W h e n t h e n e w vaccine meets tests of safety and effectiveness in field trials, it will b e available from Parke, Davis & Co., according to t h e company.

Rofle of Sulfamic Acid Group in Anticoagulants Confirmed Sulfamic acid groups are seen as impor­ tant contributors to anticoagulant activity, in research described in two separate com­ munications to the Journal of the American Chemical Society, March 20, 1953, pages 1512 and 1519. John Doczi, Alex Fischman, and J. A.