PATENTS - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Applications should be addressed to the Manager, Patent Dept., General Electric Co., 1 River Rd., ... Those patents of interest in the chemical field ...
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slightly more than r e d o i l T h e new- p r o c ess went into large-scale industrial o p e r a tion in 1949. a n d h a s enlarged t h e m a r k e t for inedible animal fats.

could b e used in the chemical industry on a larger scale, but separation of oleic acid from red oil has been difBcult and costly, the USD A report states. The Eastern Laboratory's research team solved the problem by treating die original animal fat with hydrogen. T h e hydrogen reacted with most of the undesirable chemical compounds in t h e fat ( polyunsaturated acid glycerides ) and converted them to more useful compounds ( monounsaturated acid glycerides *. The treated fat, when processed to yield oleic acid, gave an acid of 90 to 9S r < purity. The process, designed to use available industrial equipment, was checked in the Eastern Laboratory's pilot plant, a n d the engineering and cost studies showed that t h e puiified oleic acid would cost only

Manager, P a t e n t JBept_, G e n e r a l Efegztai Co-, 1 Eirasr BsL, SAeniie^sây,, M_ Y_ Those p a t e n t s ©f imfsertest ira itfe dhanmixcs field are feted Ibelfew.

ΓΤΠΤ7Τ1 GE Mokes Chemical Patents A v a i l a b l e T h e General Electric Co. h a s placed some 125 patents o n t h e U. S. Patent Office's register of patents available for licensing or sale. T h e G E p a t e n t s are available for nonexclusive licensing on reasonable terms, t h e company states. Applications should b e addressed to t h e -



A n e w PETROLITE product WAX^STER NO. 0 0 is α synthetic wax ester petroleum derivative.,It is a comptetefy new development, therefore e x a c f usage inTorrna^ tion is not presently available». It is sug­ gested that it might be a useful* ingredientJn t h e m a n u f a c t u r e Wi the folJowing listed products:

Ty piCQ I physical· a n d chehiitdl properties of W X X ESTER Ν C X 6Ό are as fofjows:

Lubricants and greases Plasticizers Tin dipping


Vw'irs dra^'îr.g


Tkrsad ssaiing


Soaps and wetting Synthetic resin Emulsifying Blending





Common solvents for resins and Chemical




Point, °F



Î30 -



Acid Value Value




Color, ΗΡΑ 25%


ι τΥ


Wax Ester ~60,




Solvent Soluble hot

Isopropyl Alcohol Water

Soluble hot Insoluble

Caustic Water

A V A I L AB 1 L I T Y

ΊΟΙ 74

Saponification Hydroxy!

s ο tu


Soluble hot

Petrolite WAX ESTER N O . 60 is available n o w — for immediate shipment. It is packaged in light gauge metal drums, approximately 385 pounds per drum.

Samples and additional information are available on request, write or call



5 1 . / 2 β1


30 Broad Street, New York 4, New York P. O. Box 390, Kilgore, Texas


j 1 j | j

HaHogeoated GoiogftasiSltm. PaiL ILMSL 309Haîogenâîed P o K p & a r c l jKJeSasase- JPaS 2.012,30)1Preparation of N5ï]nociaï«3T PoS^ipIassa? C o m p o u n d . Pat. 2J©Ilt93 3 3 7 . EHelecrrîc Gomposâioa. PaiL 2J)l©/333 Production o î Xzicïear Haibgesntaaeti Mixed Ethers. Pait SJ072L797. H i g h Resistance E3e£5aœ3?ie- Ir^aL. 2_ 089-6Sa Eleciroïhiic Composition- Pat. 2JCflW. 6S7. Plastic Composition of SimMscar an™ C h l o r ï n a · ^ DipheoyL PaiL ^ L l ^ J î S S . H i g h T*smperafarre FyroaaaelteT. P;2ÈL fL 166_S24_ Chlorinated iOiphenji SeiËdst. P a t . 2 . 172,954. Production of Acea&q&Sbinenxz. F-JSSL. fL

1 390,363. | Preparation of Mimerai PiodaaiSs- PLHS j 2.394-040. H a l o g e n a l e d ComposiîioïES- PaiL 2_-3©4_ 367. Halogeriaîed Nirro-N;apm1htalesse Ο&ππ positions. Pat. 2.4Q2JS72. H y d r o g e n a l e d Oïl OraaposiïÏDaa. PaiL 2L 410,715I Preparation of X-Vim-i Oufeszole. Kail j 2,426.465. Prepi»rarIon of Polymers o î iMamoTsnnsyï phenoxiMnes- Pat. 2-449J527. I Preparation of Copolymers t©f 3kffOja&o J vmylpheooxthioes. PalL 2 , 4 4 9 3 2 5 | Preparation of YîznylpheaÏKïKSlaÎQe^ Pa£ j 2.451.S1Sj Preparation of P o l j i n e r s :sund Ο ^ ρ ί Λ j mers of S-YinylSuorene- Pat. fL47iSJ7:37„

| Six Patents Assigned t o ! interior Department i T h e following sis. patents Buiiv** Ifoftei • assigned 1T> their inventors to She UncïtÊti 1 States of America a s Tepx^fintteifi fcrar sEb j Secretary of t h e Interior. XTsaejEtAiiavt and royalty-free licenses Traill b e SscnaetdL Î Inquiries loncernrng IBûemsfiS SSMKDUSS HJ* I addressed io t h e Sohritcs^ U. S. O e p ^ r t j ment of t h e Interior- ^VashzD-gtcm 2 5 . ID_ C ) Preparation of Jr: J to iron rt-aches 1:2. T h e tcanfcLriizesS fmoz ! is annealed at a tempexatmie coï 25r0)x it; I 7 0 0 " C- t o convert p a r i -of t h e ixùw ile j to cemerstiieO i i h i o n s i e Process for Pr^d^tiiÊGaa (© ] Zinc Hydroxide from Zinc GxEi3fiz«I Omea | Pat- 2-522-537- A n aqueous ŒPÏKSaœne «:o ! zinc oxidized ores is treated ^ssullh smffihm i dioxide; the zinc -uoluiiDcm is *e£&axaiitt< from the insoluble material· aaad QjpsrJiS&u j with a calcium dilhionate sotaasaa- TL· 1 precipitated calcium suif a t e asffitoteineaSamxi AND




i»»G»ï mm REG. U. S. PAT. OFF.

Mew Specialized Grade of Sodium CMC Shows Great Promise in Textile, Ceramic and Papermaking Applications Carbose I Proves Itself Efficient Glaze Binder Carbose Γ has already found wide use as a glaze binder. In structural tile, it lessens or eTimfnates framing and also increases the dry film strength. In pot­ teries^ it helps produce an excellent uniformity in the glaze mixture. As a rniE addLitionv it gives improved strength to» porcelain enamels. A synthetic made under close control, Carbose Γ is consistently uniform. It offers six advantages: (1) With it. the viscosity of glazes can b e controlled from batch to- batch much easier than with vegetable gums. (2) Solutions of Car­ bose I can stand a long time without de­ terioration. (3) It needs no ρ re-dissolv­ ing:. (4) It prevents settling of glazes. (;5)' It toughens unfired glazes, improves binding- (6) It produces a smooth finish.

Carbose I Effective in Surface and Beater Applications Closely related to cellulose in chem­ ical nature. Carbose I has many uses in papermaking. It can be conveniently applied from water solution to the paperboard- as the board passes through the calendar stack. The solution, drying rapidly, forms a well-bonded surface film on tL