PATENTS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Eng. News , 1951, 29 (31), pp 3086–3088 ... The following 10 patents have been assigned to the United States of America as represented...
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THE CHEMICAL WORLD THIS WEEK grange. At Genoa the Ranch ο will con­ nect to a line terminating at Texas City, and between Harrisburg and Deer Park it will connect with the refineries or ter­ minals of Eastern States Petroleum and Shell Oil. Three pump stations will be built initially mar MeCamey, Eldorado, and Lagrange, but eventually this number will be increased to eight, making it possible to increase the line's capacity to 315,000 barrels daily. Pump stations will b e elec­ trically powered and each will contain three 2000 b p . and one 1000 hp. pumping units with auxiliaries. The system facili­ ties will include a large tank farm at MeCamey. Construction of the Rancho system, which will be geared to material and equipment delivery prospects, will begin after approval of plans by the Petroleum Administration for Defense. Completion is expected late in 1952.



Whitehouse Products, Inc., Brooklyn. Ν. Υ., has announced the establishment of an industrial fabrics division to develop the use the synthetic fibers in air filtration. W. W. Criswell will head the n e w divi­ sion. Olin Industries, Inc., has begun work on a $500,000 plant in Covington, Tenn.. for producing dry cell batteries. Produc­ tion, which will go to the Army, is ex­ pected to begin soon after October, ac­ cording to the company's announcement. Conoflow Corp., Philadelphia, bas an­ nounced extension of its field service to embrace Houston, Tex., and Pittsburgh, Pa., territories. Μ* Ν. Aitken Co., 5960 Kansas St., will represent Conoflovv's line of pneumatic control accessory equipment in Houston. In Pittsburgh, the representa­ tive will b e Harold C. Jones Co., 502 Empire Bldg. Manning, Maxwell, and Moore, Inc., manufacturers of valves, gages, instru­ ments, Tanes, and hoists, have rented a portion of the 11th floor of the 32-story Chrysler Building East, now under con­ struction in New York City. The company, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary tbis year, will move headquarters for its eastern sales district there about Nov. 1. Iso-Sol Co., manufacturers of opbthalmic pharmaceuticals, announce removal of offices and laboratorv to 130 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn 17, Ν. Υ. ' Kelley-Koett Mfg. Co., a Tracerlab sub­ sidiary, has been appointed exclusive dis­ tributors of the high voltage x-ray equip­ ment produced by High Voltage Engi­ neering Corp. Soy Rich Products, Inc., of Wichita, Kan., has awarded the chemical plants division of Blaw-Knox Co. a contract to expand its soybean extraction plant from a 75-ton-per-day capacity to 150 tons per


day. This plant, said Blaw-Knox, was the first Rotocel installation. It was built in 1948.

GOVERNMENT A E C Offers 73 M o r e Isotopes to W o r l d The Atomic Energy Commission re­ cently offered foreign countries all radio­ active materials now sold in this country on an unrestricted basis. This action in­ creases the number of radioisotopes avail­ able to buyers in foreign countries from 26 to 99. The fact that only those radio­ isotopes that are sold on an unrestricted basis in this country will be available pre­ cludes the sale of hydrogen-3 (tritium) — a possible ingredient of the projected hy­ drogen bomb. The offer makes it possible for foreign institutions to obtain radioisotopes that can be used, not only in scientific and medical research and medical therapy, as was the case when foreign countries were limited to the 26 isotopes, but also in in­ dustrial research and applications. Among the more useful of the newly available isotopes are cesium-137, yttrium-91, selenium-75, and tantalum-182, which all have valuable applications in industrial research; ehromium-51, nickel-59 and 6 3 , and tungsten-185, which are useful in metallurgical research; and rubidium-86 which is a valuable substitute for the shorter-lived sodium-24 and potassium-42 in agricultural research. The commission also released for export for the first time radioactive thickness gages, which are being used increasingly in industrial processes. Since the start of the isotope export program in 1947, more than 1000 ship­ ments have been made to the 30 countries that have completed arrangements to re­ ceive radioactive substances. Four other countries—Guatemala, Ireland, Israel, and Portugal—have made arrangements but not yet placed orders. Russia has never sought to purchase any radioisotopes here. In order to buy U. S.-produced isotopes, foreign users must agree to furnish the AEC, upon request, or at intervals of not more than one year, results of progress obtained with the use of radioisotopes and to facilitate exchanges of informatu.n and visits by qualified scientists us'iip them, without regard to nationality.

Pennsylvania to Take Up Bill Regulating Clinical Laboratories A bill that would put on the record the scientists' role in the clinical laboratory is now in the hands of a Pennsylvania State Legislature subcommittee. Chair­ man of the subcommittee is Rep. Delbert W. Dalrymple (R., Erie). The two other members are Rep. T. Luke Toomey (R., Perry County) and Rep. George J. Sarraf ( D . , Pittsburgh).


From its inception, the bill has h a d a stormy career. It first originated in the mind of Rep. Samuel Rose (D-, P h i l a ­ delphia). One of his constituents had complained that harm had been dorme t o a member of his family as a result o f a n erroneous laboratory report. Rep. Rose consulted with Rep. Sarraf, who is also a physician, and C. L . Palmer of t h e Pennsylvania State Medical Society, andl the three of them drew up a bill r e g u ­ lating clinical laboratories. There was an immediate outcry against certain provisions of the bill from both scientists, including clinical pathologists. It wasn't until Russell E. Teague, State Secretary of Health, called in representa­ tives of the Pennsylvania Association o f Clinical Laboratories and the Pennsyl­ vania Society of Clinical Pathologists- that a bill was hammered out in a fashion acceptable to both groups. The a m e n d e d biJJ provides that laboratories couiniide i*epeating units, and exhibit ^rFa properties.



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T h e following patents have been planed on t h e U. S. register o f patents available for licensing or sale. T h e name and address of each owner appears after fuse patent description, and all inquiries staonld be sent directly to the patent owner, identifying the patent by title and number. Anode Construction. Pat. 2.49Θ.246 An x-ray generating target of readaly soluble pure roetaL Structure consists ©£ copper base with manganese lined cavity at o n e end. A germanium button is placed in t h e liner and metaflurgically integiatL d. General Electric X-Eay Corp^ 4S55 West McGeooh Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Gaseous Reaction Furnace OratroflexP a t 2,521,207. Control system for electricafly heating a furnace for f^seonts i n ­ actions carried out udth t w o οτ more tesnperature zones, e.g. ketene piodncston.

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Industrial Patents A v a i l a b l e

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