PATENTS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Patents Available for Licensing or Sale. A number of patents have been placed on the Register of Patents Available for Licensing or Sale...
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THE CHEMICAL WORLD THIS WEEK departments on one floor with a total area of approximately 26,000 square feet. Warwick Wax Co.. subsidiary of the Sun Chemical Corp., has appointed Van Waters and Rogers, Inc., as exclusive dis­ tributors in the Pacific Northwest. They will carry stock of Warwick's waxes at Seattle and Spokane, Wash.; and Portland, Ore.

Llandarcy C r a c k e r Almost Complete

Patents A v a i l a b l e f o r Licensing o r S a l e

New Text Mich., is expected to be in opexation about Sept. 1. The product will be made from 99.9% pure elemental phospliorus. A seventh electric furnace to produce phosphorus will be completed this Fall at Soda Springs, Idaho. Syntron Co., Homer City, Pa., hss or­ ganized a Canadian subsidiary, Syxitron, Ltd., and purchased a manufacturing plant in Stoney Creek (Hamilton area) Ont. Selenium rectifiers will be the firs* item to go into production, although ultimately, the entire line of materials handling equip­ ment, power tools, and shaft seals will be manufactured in the Stoney Creek plant. It is expected that production will start sometime in September or October 1952. Le Roi Co., Milwaukee, Wis., has bought the rights to manufacture and market the continuous mining machine developed under the Mining Develop­ ment Program of Bituminous Coal Re­ search, Inc. The Le Roi Co. plans fur­ ther development of the continuous min­ ing machine prior to commercial sale. Poxboro Co. was recently host to a group of 14 industrial specialists from leading chemical firms for a four-day gen­ eral chemical instrumentation forum. Subjects for discussion included fre­ quency response, oxidation-reduction po­ tential, differential vapor pressure meas­ urement, batch reactor processing, elec­ trical capacity measurement, and. also Consotrol Instruments for graphic panel use. J. M. Huber Corp. has increased pro­ duction facilities for its oil furnace black, Aromex 115. This super black is being produced at the company's new plaint near Baytown, Tex. Atlas Mineral Products Co.. 2Mertztown, Pa., now has commercially avail­ able its Ampcoflex rigid plastic lbne. A 3310

sales development program has been car­ ried on during the past year in the Phil­ adelphia area by the Coward-Eastman Co., who will have an exclusive represen­ tation on Ampcoflex fabricated structures in that area. Hemisphere-wide distribu­ tion through other outlets are now under development. Chester-Kent, Inc., St. Paul, Minn., have taken over exclusive rights to the manufacture of a water phase oil emul­ sion as a vehicle for medical products. Croleum Vehicle is an emulsion of castor oil, distilled water, boric acid, glycerol, and surface tension depressants. It has a pH of about 6.8. American Chemical Paint Co., Stoner Mudge, Inc., and Orchard Brothers, Inc. were represented at the Protective Coat­ ing Exhibit held recendy at the Statler Hotel, Washington. Purpose of the dis­ plays viras to show Government personnel how protective coating techniques used in civilian production can be adapted to military production. Kenneth H. White Co. of Detroit, Mich., has been appointed agent for Witco naphthenate, tallate, and octoate driers in the Detroit area by Witco Chemical Co. Ampco Metal, Ine., Milwaukee, Wis. has appointed H. J. Shockey and Asso­ ciates, 294 Commercial Bldg., Dayton 2, Ohio as exclusive distributor of Ampco Resistance Welding Products in the Day­ ton area. Merritt-Chapman & Scott Corp. has leased the second floor of the office build­ ing at 260 Madison Ave. in a move to provide consolidated facilities for its ex­ panded New York headquarters. The company now occupies space on eight floors of the Whitehall Bldg., 17 Battery Place. The move to 260 Madison Ave. will permit the conjolidation of all CHEMICAL

A number of patents have been placed on the Register of Patents Available for Licensing or Sale by industrial firms and by government agencies. Those of chemi­ cal interest are listed below. Details of the arrangements under which licensing or sale can b e accomplished are available from the patent owners. Alkali-Metal Pentaalkyl Tripolyphosphates as Stabilizers for Vinyl Resins. Pat. 2,499,503. A plasticized resinous co­ polymer of vinyl chloride and vinyl ace­ tate is stabilized, against discoloration, and fabric-rotting upon exposure to light or elevated temperatures, by admixture with a penta alkali-metal triporypnosphate. U. S. Rubber Co., 1230 Ave. of the Americas, New York 20, Ν. Υ. Method for the Separation of α-Methyl Naphthalenes from 0-Methyl Naphtha­ lene by Azeotropic Distillation. Pat. 2,581,398. An entraîner consisting of 2 amino-3-methylpyridine is added to a mixture of α-methyl and £-methyl naph­ thalenes and the resultant mixture is dis­ tilled at a subatmospheric pressure. This pressure is selected in such a way that the entraîner forms a dilute azeotrope -with /8-methyl naphthalene but virtually no azeotrope with α-methyl naphthalene. After separation, the entraîner is removed by distillation. TJ. S. Department of the Interior, Washington 25, D. C , Attn.: Solicitor. Separation of Individual Phenols from a Mixture of Isomeric, Homologous, or Other Closely Related Phenols Pat. 2,581,406. A mixture of isomeric, homologous, or · other closely related phenols is separated by a method of countercurrent distribution employing a solvent system of an immiscible organic liquid and an aqueous alkaline buffer. U. S. Department of the Interior, Washington 25, D. C , Attn. : Solicitor. Salt-Water Battery* Pat. 2,474,716. This battery, in which sea water can b e used as the electrolyte, is adapted for total immergence in salt water on a buoy, for instance, to illuminate the buoy over a long period of time. Raytheon Mfg. Co., 138 River St., Waltham, Mass. Attn.: E . J. Gorn, Patent Section. Water Treatment Pat. 2,565,321. The apparatus for purifying water by precipitating dissolved salts includes an elonAND



gated chamber with a lower reacting zone and upper settling zone, separated by an inverted cone at the upper end of a cylindrical wall. A flow passage is provided between the cylindrical wall and the chamber. A mixture of water and treating chemicals flows downwardly between cone and cylinder wall into the reaction zone, and then upwardly through the flow passage into the settling zone. The Heaviest insoluble precipitates drop to the bottom of the chamber and the finest precipitates drop into the cone. Treated •water is withdrawn from the top of the chamber. Swift & Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago 9, 111. Manufacture of Higher Alcohols. Pat. 2,567,541. This involves a process of recovering higher alcohols from natural "waxes which have been saponified with caustic alkali. The mixture of soap and alcohol is extracted with a gaseous hydrocarbon, such as propane, by introducing the mixture and solvent into an extraction zone where the alcohols are dissolved in the propane. The soap and moisture rapidly gravitate to the bottom of the extraction vessel, separating from the alcohol-propane solution. The solution of solvent and alcohol can be fractionated or the alcohol can be recovered by subjecting the solution to a solvent recovery process. Swift & Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago 9, 111. Acidified Aqueous Emulsion of Polyvinyl Acetate Containing Hydroquinone and Method of Making. Pat. 2,576,827. This is a method of improving the keeping qualities and the water resistant properties of films made from a polyvinyl acetate emulsion. The emulsion is acidified to a pH of 2.5 or below and a small amount of hydroquinone added to the acidified emulsion. Swift & Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago 9, HI. Solvent Fractionation. Pat. 2,576,841. A two-stage process for the separation of fatty materials into components of different degrees of unsaturation. The fatty material is subjected to solvent crystallization to separate the more saturated portion. The crystals are filtered from the solution. The lesser saturated portion of the solution is subjected to solvent fractionation to separate the material into two fractions of different degrees of unsaturation. Swift & Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago 9, 111.

Du Pont Lists Patents for Licensing The Du Pont Co. has announced the listing of 285 more of its patents on the U. S. Patent Office Register as available for licensing. Together with those listed previously, this malces a total of more than 6000 patents D u Pont has registered. Approximately three fourths of the patents the company owns are now on the Register. The new listing is expected to appear in an early issue of the Official Gazette of the Patent Office. VOLUME

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M o t i o n is i m p o r t a n t i n making sizing tests. Conforms to recommendations for the motion to be used when making hand tests, issued by the Bureau o f Standards. Here, in the Newark "End-Shâk" unit, you get proper sustained hand motion mechanically. You get the best motion without being subjected to any human variation or weakness. This sturdy testing machine holds up to 7 full height sieves or up to 13 half height sieves. It is designed for 8 inch diameter sieves. Standard % HP., 110-220 volt 60 cycle, 1750 rpm motor supplied. Special motor to order. W e ' l l be glad to send you prices and descriptive literature. A n d if you will outline your testing requirements we'll be glad t o suggest the proper sieve series to use*

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