Patents of Interest to Chemists

mgm. man- ganese. Checkby dissolving 0.1425 gramsferrous-ammonium sulphate in a little water and acidulating with hydrochloric acid. This should preci...
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remains. Place the felt and precipitate in the same beaker and dissolve in ferrous sulphate, using five cc. at a time. Titrate back with permanganate until a pink color remains. Deduct the number of cc. used in titrating back, from the number of equivalents of ferrous sulphate used and the remainder shows the manganese in the amount of sample taken. Permaegazate SoCution.-Dissolve I . 149 grams potassium permanganate in 1,000cc. water; one cc. equals one mgm. manganese. Check by dissolving 0.1425 grams ferrous-ammonium sulphate in a little water and acidulating with hydrochloric acid. This should precipitate ten mgms. of manganese. If not, apply the factor of correction. Ferrous SuFhate Solutio?z.-A solution o f ferrous sulphate in two per cent. sulphuric acid, so dilute that five cc. corresponds to ten cc. permanganate solution. This is best made by trial and dilution. CHEMICALL A B O R A T O R Y , W Y . CRAMP h SONS. PHILADELPHIA.



Ove Separators, etC.-501~02% July 4, McCoy, J. H., ore concentrator. 500,662, July 4, Lockhart, 14'. S., ore separator. 500,604-605-606, July

4, Payne, C. Q., magnetic ore separator. 501,879, July 18, Fitzgerell, J. J., ore separator and amalgamator. 501,999, July 2 5 , Fraser, A,, ore crushing machine. 501,494, July 18, Davis, 0. W., Jr., ore roastiug kiln. 500,582, July 4, Jones, J. M., ore pulverizer. 501,188, July XI, Iles, M. W., flooring for blast furnaces. 500,621, July 4, Sheedy, D., and M. W. Iles, apparatus for separating matte from slag. 502,167, July 25, Bates, F. G., metallurgical furnace. 500,684, July 4, Westerman, F., regenerative coke Oven 501,107, July 11, Siemens, F., regenerative gas furnace and producer. 502,181, July 2 5 , Fauvel, C. J., refractory ores, treatment o f ; incandescent particles of freshly roasted ores are struck as they descend by crossing jets of water, while the air is excluded. 501,996, July 25, Emmens, S. H., electrolytic bath. 501,997, July 2 5 , Emniens, S. H., electrolytic separation of metals. 501,783, July 18, Hermite, E., electrolysis of saline solutions, using a thin layer of mercury to form amalgam of metal with base. Iron and Steel.-501,200, July 1 1 , Wailes, J. W., open-hearth steel melting furnace. 501,138-139-14o, July II, Heath, J., and Holden, G. H., apparatus for manufacture of iron and steel. 500,979, July 4, Tweedy, E., apparatus for hardening steel.


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h d . - - ) o r 4 7 7 . J u l y 1 1 , Smith. A. J., white l a d ; cbugc io pat i n c o d i n g chambers w i t h acid r a p a r and krk cream of varying degrter of c o n c e n t r a t i o n . 5 0 0 , S k h J u l y 4 , Iler. M . W . , d u e d u r t from lead s m e l t i n g f u r n a r c s is c h a r g e d i n t o fusion furiiaccs; f u a d q u i c k l y ; furiics nrc collcctccl iii w r c c n s a n d f u r i o n r a r e r u n o u t and allowed to c m l . Zinf.-5ox,18g8 J u l y 1 1 . I R w i r , G . T..s l k r l i is a d d e d to r u l p h i d c o r c r and rorstccl to ~ i r ~ x I i i czinc c o x i d e . 501,559, J u l y 18. C h a n u t c . A . , m c t a l s from c o m p o u n d o r e s c o n t a i n i n g zinc ; o r c s a r c mixed w i t h s a l t . r o a s t e d . fumes collcctc(l i n w r c c n s . niitl lcrrhcil w i t h d i l u t e hydrochloric aritl. and gold a n d a i l v r r a r c u p a r a t r c l by adding zinc to wlutioii. . ~ l l u ~ r r i n u t ~ ~ . - ~J ou l~y. ~18. ) jIVhitncy. , c'. I:.. alloy, alumiiiuiii. ;.h pcr rcrit. o r niorc, niaiigancsc arid t u n g r t c n . 1 1 p e r c c n t . each o r Its