Patents Relating to Chemistry: 212,686.Artificial stone - Journal of the

Patents Relating to Chemistry: 212,686.Artificial stone. Jos Greer, and P O'Hair. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1879, 1 (4), pp 124–124. DOI: 10.1021/ja02144a...
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A M K K I ( 'AN P A 7' E N '1's. ucess / o r deerointin;J.glm.~ 7 i i i z n ~ . H. F'E I1 HH A K K . Not intelligible without specification.

212,365. --P,

2 1 2 , S 9 9 . - - C t ~ ~ i ~t 0t6,fas D E DIENHEIM BROCHOCKI. (:laini : As an improvement in compounds used for bleaching purposes; a solid compound produced by saturating a solution of protoxide of sodium with chlorine gas, and adding to the hypochlorite, thus produced, 20-40 per cent. of dessicated carbonate of soda. 2 1 2 . 8 1 4 . - ~ i s f i l ~ a t i o nof-oiLs. HIRAMB. E V E R E S T . When the distilling operation is completed, and after the fires have been drawn, steam is injected into the still to prevent further overheating of the residual oil. 213,015.--Prucrssrs for gal-JlnizinA~and finnin,p i r o n . - W I I , m m H. WAHL and E. T.ELTENREAD. The articles of iron before being galvanized or tinned, receive a thin coating of copper.