Pathogenesis-Related Proteins Limit the Retention of Condensed

Jan 23, 2016 - ABSTRACT: Exogenous additions of condensed tannin (CT) to must or wine are a ... KEYWORDS: tannin, protein precipitation, wine flavor...
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Pathogenesis-Related Proteins Limit the Retention of Condensed Tannin Additions to Red Wines Lindsay F. Springer,† Robert W. Sherwood,‡ and Gavin L. Sacks*,† †

Department of Food Science, Stocking Hall, and ‡Biotechnology Resource Center Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry Facility, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Exogenous additions of condensed tannin (CT) to must or wine are a common winemaking practice, but many studies have reported inexplicably low and variable retention of added CT. We observed that additions of purified CT to red wines can result in the formation of an insoluble precipitate with high nitrogen content. Proteomic analysis of the precipitant identified several classes of pathogenesis-related proteins. Proteins in juices and red wines were quantitated by SDS-PAGE and were highest in native Vitis spp., followed by interspecific hybrids and Vitis vinifera. Wine protein was positively correlated with the ratio of juice protein to the quantity of tannin derived from fruit. The binding of added CT by wine protein could be well modeled by the Freundlich equation. These observations may explain the poor CT retention in previous studies, particularly for interspecific hybrids, and also indicate that protein removal during winemaking may improve exogenous CT retention. KEYWORDS: tannin, protein precipitation, wine flavor

INTRODUCTION Polymers of flavan-3-ols, or condensed tannins (CTs), impart critical organoleptic qualities to red wines, modulating the tactile sensation of red wine astringency through their interaction with salivary proteins and the oral mucosa.1 Astringency intensity is positively correlated to CT quantity and polymer size, although other compounds or compositional differences may contribute to astringency perception or its subqualities.1−3 CTs also promote color stability through their reactions with anthocyanins (colored pigments in wine) and reactive oxygen species or oxidation products, for example, aldehydes.4 Perhaps as a consequence of these phenomena, higher CT concentrations are often correlated with higher perceived overall red wine quality.5,6 In many winemaking countries, such as the United States and Australia,7 winemakers may legally use exogenous CTs before, during, or after fermentation as an additive to improve mouthfeel, color stability, and other sensory properties. However, a number of published studies have shown surprisingly low CT retention in finished wines following exogenous CT addition, resulting in minimal or negative effects on sensory qualities.8−11 In part, this can arise from the low purity of many tannin products; one study of eight commercial tannins reported that they contained only 12−48% w/w tannin on the basis of their ability to precipitate protein.9 However, even when investigators account for initial tannin purity, poor recoveries are often observed. Harbertson et al. added 60−180 mg/L catechin equivalents (CE) of a commercial mix of hydrolyzable and condensed tannin postfermentation to a Merlot wine and reported no significant increase in CT afterward.9 Additions well above the manufacturer’s recommended dosage (300 mg/L) resulted in a 79% recovery (i.e., the final tannin concentration increased by 79% of the amount expected on the basis of the addition). Addition of a second commercial tannin product by the same group resulted in a © XXXX American Chemical Society

64% recovery (200 mg/L addition) and a 53% recovery (800 mg/L addition). The group also observed that tannin additions at recommended rates had little to no sensory impact, whereas higher tannin additions (800 mg/L) resulted in undesirable increases in brown color, earthy aromas, and bitterness.9 Similarly, Bautista-Ortin et al. examined the effects of a 400 mg/L addition of commercial tannin to Monastrell grapes after crush and reported no significant difference in polymeric CT from the control (no addition) at bottling.11 Later work by the same group using a different Monastrell vintage indicated CT retention of 1, indicating strong sorption of CT by the protein. Authors that have previously characterized these interactions in more strictly controlled experiments have seen similar results.45,47,48 Considering that many parameters that should affect CT− protein interactions were not controlled across these experimental wines, for example, polysaccharides, protein type, initial CT composition, pH), the robustness of the Freundlich model is impressive and strengthens the hypothesis that wine protein limits the effectiveness of exogenous CT additions. Lower CT retention is expected in cases of high wine protein, which could arise from either high juice protein or low berry CT, or a combination of the two. These conditions describe interspecific hybrid varieties, which may explain previous reports of minimal effects of CT additions on wines produced from these grapes.8 Grape protein binding of CT may also help explain why other literature reports show incomplete recovery of CT following addition to wine; for example, no significant increase in CT was observed following a 200 mg/L commercial seed tannin addition to Shiraz.10 Relative Quantitation of Specific Pathogenesis-Related Proteins. We then hypothesized that pathogenesisrelated proteins may vary in their CT-binding ability and that specific fractions may be responsible for the majority of CT adsorption and loss. To evaluate this hypothesis, three different proteins identified from CT−protein complexes in initial work on Corot noir and two from Maréchal Foch in the MRM method validation phase were quantitated in 11 wines (one from each cultivar) by nano-LC-MS/MS (Supplementary Table 2). V. riparia wine was used as a reference sample and assigned


S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b04906. Protocols for SDS-PAGE isolation, protein ID, and in-gel digestions used for preliminary observations; Figure S1, correlation between Adams−Harbertson and HPLC analyses of CT in wines; Table S1, basic juice chemistry of grapes in CT extraction study; Table S2, MRM parameters for nanoLC-MS-MS; Table S3, tannin and protein in juices and wines; Table S4, quantities of specific proteins in pellets quantified by MRM (PDF) G

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b04906 J. Agric. Food Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

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Corresponding Author

*(G.L.S.) E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: (607) 255-2335. Funding

This project was funded by USDA-NIFA SCRI Project 201151181-30635. Additional supplementary funding was provided by USDA-NIFA Hatch Project NYG-623409. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) or the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of James Harbertson for helpful advice throughout the project, Avery Stahlecker for her contribution to sample processing, David C. Manns for his support in running HPLC phloroglucinolysis, and Thomas Chao for assisting with sampling of the USDA Cold Hardy Grape Collection.


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b04906 J. Agric. Food Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX