Patterson-Kelley - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

16 May 2012 - Chem. , 1958, 30 (7), pp 32A–32A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60139a729. Publication Date: July 1958. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstr...
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NOW! Obtain 3 different mixing actions with P-K's N E W (LV) Lab blender

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L I Q U I D - S O L I D S Τ Υ Ρ Ε - Τ ο disperse and uniformly blend liquids from minute quan­ tities up to 4 0 % by weight into dry s o l i d s just i n s e r t w i r e cage l i q u i d - f e e d bar assembly Liquid, regardless of viscosity, is introduced through hollow shaft of bar. Average blending time for even critical for­ mulations is approximately 5 to 10 minutes.

of the laboratories are available to mills t h a t have contracted to apply Geigy's Mitin mothproofer to woolen raw stock, yarn, or fabric. Varian Associates Instrument D i ­ vision will hold its second N M R / E P R

workshop a t its Palo Alto, Calif., labo­ ratories, Oct. 20 to 24. A new feature for the workshop this year will be an opening day devoted to participants approaching the subjects of N M R and E P R for the first time. The remaining four days of the workshop week will

Atlas Powder Co.'s new $3 million Technical Center, dedicated recently in W i l m i n g t o n Del., is a two-story, L-shaped structure with 70,000 square feet of floor space. The building's center section has a reception room and offices for directors of the center's two departments. The two wings are occupied by the chemical research department, and the chemical division's product development department. Equipment of the various laboratories even includes miniature baking and ice cream plants in the food additives section, above

INTENSIFIER Τ Υ Ρ Ε - u s e wire cage bar assembly to obtain intensive mixing of hard to blend dry solids or to break up agglom­ erates. Average blending time for dry formulation is approximately 3 to 5 minutes.


— simply remove wire cage bar —unique blending action will not cause attrition or break down even the most delicate crystals. Average blending time 3 to 5 minutes.

The amazing versatility of this P-K Type ( LV ) Lab blender lies in the construction of the removable, spring-loaded liquidfeed bar assembly. An exclusive, patented seal design prevents materials or liquids from entering the bearing housings. The. standard ( LV ) Lab blenders are available in 8 and 16 quart capacities and in trans­ parent Lucite or stainless steel. The interior of shell and stainless steel bar assembly can be clinically cleaned in minutes. Units can be shipped from stock and only con­ ventional wall outlet is required to operate. For complete technical information and prices, write to P-K's Chemical and Process Equipment Division, 1007 Hanson Street, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. 16

Patterson-Kelley A l l P-K Twin-Shell blenders are patented and the name registered. Circle No. 32 A on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A 3 2 A




Du Pont recently opened a new $5 million laboratory for customer service and product evaluation for its electrochemicals and pigments departments. The building, with 81,000 square feet of floor space, has 150 separate rooms, laboratories, and demonstration areas. Currently, the organization has a technical staff of about 130 chemists, chemical engineers, metallurgists, and other specialties. Typical of the modern Instrumentation available for use are the Du Pont Colormaster (right) and the Hunter multipurpose reflectometer