Patterson Kelley - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Patterson Kelley. Anal. Chem. , 1959, 31 (4), pp 54A–54A .... Versum accepts new deal from Merck KGaA. Five dollars per share more did the trick. Me...
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API Sample Prices All American Petroleum Institute standard samples of hydrocarbons, or­ ganic sulfur compounds, and organic nitrogen compounds will be sold at a uniform price of $65 per unit effective July 1. All samples will be supplied in 5-ml. sizes sealed "in vacuum" in special borosilieate glass ampoules with internal "break off" tips. Orders for samples and additional in­ formation should be addressed to : Car­ negie Institute of Technology, Chemi­ cal and Petroleum Research Labora­ tory, Pittsburgh 13, Pa.



Choose from four P-K "Twin-Shell" Blenders according to the spe­ cific materials you blend. All have exclusive "Twin-Shell" design. For blending dry clump-free solids, the P-K STANDARD is the choice; or for small-scale lab work, the P-K YOKE model. If your mix requires quick and uniform breakup of clumps, you will want the P-K INTEN­ SIFIER. If you are dispersing liquids into solids, the F-κ LIQUID-SOLIDS BLENDER is the appropriate model. Performance of these P-K laboratory blenders is duplicated regu­ larly in production models in capacities up to 500 cubic feet, P-K "Twin-Shell" lab blenders are available with either heavy trans­ parent Lucite or stainless steel shells. Order from description below, or send coupon for Bulletin 15A-1.

P-K YOKE BUNDER. The i d e a l blender for small-scale l a b work. Yoke frame houses o n e 2-quart s h e l l , t w o 1-quart shells, t w o 1-pint shells o r combinations. Base $180 1-pt. a n d 1-qt. shells $30 e a . 2-qt. shells $40 e a .

P-K STANDARD DLENDEft. For p l a i n tumble-blending of d r y materials. N o attrition or crystal fracture. Easy to c l e a n . Average b l e n d i n g time 3 - 5 minutes. 4- a n d 8-quart inter­ c h a n g e a b l e shells. 4-qt. size' $215 8-qt. size $225

Industry Items

P-K IHTENSIFIER BLENDER. Pin-studded, high-speed r e ­ movable rotary b a r breaks up stubborn a g g l o m e r a t e s , achieves desired dry-mix b l e n d η fraction of time usu­ ally needed. 4-qt. size $306 8-qt. size $316

SEND FOR BULLETIN 1SA-1 N e w P-K Bulletin 15A-1 con­ tains complete d a t a . G e t y o u r FREE c o p y — m a i l t h e coupon n o w .

P-K LIQUID-SOLIDS BLENDER. For absolute dispersion of a l l types of liquids into dry mate­ rials. Rotating c a g e keeps solids in fine suspension, l i q u i d s introduced through h o l l o w shaft. W a y b e used w i t h intensifier b a r o n l y , o r as a p l a i n b l e n d e r . 8-qt. size $725 16-qt. size $925


Patterson-Kelley C o . , Inc., Τ 0 0 4 Hanson St., East Strouds-



b u r g , Pa.



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Cenco Instruments Corp., manu­ facturer of instruments and scientific apparatus for industries and schools, will build a manufacturing plant at Breda, Holland. Occupancy is ex­ pected by August first. Cenco's plants in this country include Central Scien­ tific Company of Chicago, Central Sci­ entific Company of Canada, Ltd., of Toronto and Montreal, Central Scien­ tific Company of California, in Los Angeles and Santa Clara, and Refinery Supply Company of Tulsa, Okla. Pres­ ently, assembly of Cenco instruments and apparatus for overseas shipment is carried on in Mountainside, New Jersey. Cenco's overseas arm, which will operate the Breda plant, is Cenco Instruments International, of Zurich, Switzerland. Cenco also announced that it has ac­ quired Atomic Laboratories, Inc. of Berkeley, Calif. Atomic's line consists of scientific teaching equipment in­ cluding mass spectrometers, pulsed neu­ tron generators, interferometers and electrostatic and particle accelerators. Elion Instruments, Inc.,, recently organized at Bristol, Pa., will specialize in research, development, and produc­ tion of ultrasonic transducers, electron spin resonance equipment, and x-ray microanalyzers. It will also conduct consulting and development services in electronic plasmas, high voltage engi­ neering, and medical electronics. Hilger & Watts Ltd., British manu­ facturers of engineering, scientific, and survey instruments, has formed Hilger & Watts, Inc., Chicago, Illinois. The new organization will take over from the Jarrell-Ash Co., Hilger & Watts products in the field of scientific instru­ ments, including spectroscopy, colorimetry, interferometry and allied fields of chemical, medical, and metallurgical research, analysis, and quality control. Cooperation between the Jarrell-Ash Company and Hilger & Watts Ltd. in the x-ray diffraction field will continue.