PCNMR4Windows - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

Keywords (Audience):. Second-Year Undergraduate. Keywords (Domain):. Analytical Chemistry. Keywords (Feature):. JCE Software ... Keywords (Subject):...
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Chemical €ducation: Software Abstract for Special lssue Number 7 John M. Bemis

University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI 53706-1396 PCNMR4Wmdows is a program designed for the mutine workup of spectral data without tyinpup anNMR spectrometer corkole.-c he program has excellent ease-of-&, suitable both for novice NhlR users and experienced users analyzing routine 'D NhlR data. This Micmsoft WindowsTMversion follows from the MS-DOS version ofPCNMR by T.C. Farrar a t the University of Wisconsin-Madison ( I ) . PCNMR4Windows contains all of the capabilities of the older software with many enhancements, especially in ease-of-use. The layout of PCNMR4Windows was designed spec%callv . to mide novice NMR users easilv throueh the commands needed to produce research q;ality prots of their data: exnerienced users will also benefit from the Drogram's ergonomic layout. The user will see a windows menu bar a t the too of the Aoolication window: followine the menus from leftto right, &d subcommands from top t i bottom will lead directly to the desired features. All commands are interactivel~controlledthrough the mouse. Online helo is provided throwh m r t e x t document avail- a h". able f m h &e main menu. PCNMR4Windows provides automated Bruker Aspect. . Lybrics, and Varian data translations of 'D time or freauency domain data. Anv number of windows. each con