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The Alpha 200 is big in value but small in size: it takes only V/a square ... CIRCLE 27 ON READER SERVICE CARD ... the Banff Centre in Alberta, Canada...
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In Fraction Collecting, there are probably three names to know. Buchler is one of them. B u c h l e r ' s F r a c t o m e t t e ® A l p h a 200 gives y o u m o r e f e a t u r e s as s t a n d a r d . Its l o w base p r i c e i n c l u d e s : a u t o m a t i c s h u t d o w n after preset n u m b e r of t u b e s — u p t o a full 200; a u t o m a t i c f l o w i n t e r r u p t i o n u p o n t u b e shift; heavy, r i g i d p l a s t i c d u s t cover; a n d m u c h m o r e . . . i n c l u d i n g B u c h l e r ' s e x c l u s i v e lift-off p l a t f o r m a n d p a t e n t e d o v e r f l o w s h u t o f f s y s t e m . Reliability is e n h a n c e d by s o l i d - s t a t e p u l l - o u t e l e c t r o n i c s a n d a dependable, easy-to-read L E D . digital display. T h e A l p h a 200 is b i g in value but s m a l l in size: it takes o n l y 1 Vi s q u a r e feet of s p a c e a n d was d e s i g n e d w i t h c o l d - r o o m use in m i n d . We have o t h e r c i r c u l a r a n d linear F r a c t i o n C o l l e c t o r s up t o 400 t u b e s , as w e l l as t h e Fracto-Scan™ for reliable UV m o n i t o r i n g . A l l are available t h r o u g h l e a d i n g l a b o r a t o r y s u p p l y h o u s e s .

Buchler Instruments Division of Searle Diagnostics Inc. 1327 Sixteenth Street Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024 U.S.A. 201-224-3333

The Merck Index: An Encyclopedia of Chemicals and Drugs. 9th Ed. Martha Windholz, Ed. xv + 1937 pages. Merck & Co., Inc., Publication Dept., Rahway, N.J. 07065. 1976. $18

Since publication of its first edition in 1889, which was merely an alphabetical listing of Merck products sold, through an evolutionary process and eight successive editions, " T h e Merck Index" has emerged as a comprehensive interdisciplinary encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs, and biologically active substances. T h e new edition contains descriptions of some 10 000 chemicals, drugs, and biologically imp o r t a n t compounds arranged alpha- . betically by generic name. In addition, the Index contains 500 organic name reactions, a variety of tabular information, Chemical Abstracts registry numbers for title compounds, a formula index, and a cross-index of names. Almost 1000 monograph entries have been added since the last edition, and over 5500 entries have been revised and updated. Liquid Scintillation: Science and Technology. A. A. Noujaim et al., Eds. xiv + 352 pages. Academic Press Inc., 111 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10003. 1976. $17.50

Circular Fraction Collectors

This book presents the proceedings of the International Conference on Liquid Scintillation: Science and Technology held J u n e 14-17,1976, at the Banff Centre in Alberta, Canada. T h e topics of 18 papers presented at the conference range from the counting of heterogeneous samples to counting of novel isotopes and bioluminescence. These include the plenary lectures given by D. L. Horrocks, H. H. Ross, J.A.B. Gibson, and P . E. Stanley. T h e proceedings of the two workshops, Instrumentation Workshop and Sample Preparation Workshop, as well as the transcript of the discussions t h a t took place at these workshops are also presented.

Continuing Series Ultraviol Monitor

Fractomette® Alpha 200

Buchler Instruments: made in the United States, sales and service worldwide. CIRCLE 27 ON READER SERVICE CARD 240 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 49. NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1977

Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, Vol. 1 1 . Edward G. Brame, Jr., Ed. xv + 337 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1976. Paperbound. $34.50

T h e emphasis of this volume, as well as the previous ones, is on the application of vibrational spectroscopy. T h e topics of six chapters written by eight contributors are infrared spectroscopy of polymers; data acquisition, reduction, and analysis in infrared and optical spectroscopy; laser excitation