PEDERSEN INDUSTRIES 2772 CAMINO DIABLO, WALNUT CREEK, CA 94596 (415) 937-3630. Circle 1 77 for literature only. Circle 1 78 for a representative to ...
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reoersen Performance.


MR ^$810* Series MR Single and dual pen strip chart recorders with optional integrators.

U.S. engineered ^ a n d manufactured, Pedersen recorders provide years of trouble-free performance. And Pedersen's low price includes features that are costly options with other recorders. Can the other recorders measure up? Standard features Manual paper advance rewind Po5. or neg. polarity—selectable Electric/remote penlift Local/remote chart 0 . 3 5 sec. from 0 % to 1 0 0 % 12 chart speeds Disposable long-life fiber tip pen

Fast/easy paper loading 16 input ranges 'Suggested U.S. Distributor List Price


PEDERSEN INDUSTRIES 2772 CAMINO DIABLO, WALNUT CREEK, CA 94596 (415) 937-3630 Circle 1 77 f o r literature o n l y Circle 1 78 f o r a representative t o call ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 52, NO. 12, OCTOBER

1980 ·

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