Pedestal for a substitution-type balance | Journal of Chemical Education

Abstract. Presents a sturdy pedestal for a substitution-type balance that eliminates vibrations. KEYWORDS (Audience):. High School / Introductory Chem...
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514 1 Journal of Chemical Education

Pedestal for a Substitution-type Balance The pedestal support for the substitution-type balances used in Evans Scienee Hall a t Phillip Aorrdemy bas been approved by the manufacturers of the balances and recommended hy them for use elsewhere. It consists of a concrete block 15l/1 by gZ/4 in. and shelf high. The pedestal is east into a mold and fastened to the concrete Boor of the building by appropriate steel reinforcine bars. After removal of the mold, a brushed finish was &liz the concrete. Wooden shelves 18 in. wide are bracketed to the wall b e tween adjacent pedestals. The tope of the shelves are 36 in. from the floor, and the top of the pedestalis 35l/1 in. Although an elevator and many motors are in operation in the building, no vibrationis detected at the balances.