Peer Reviewed: Toward a Zero-Emissions Economy - Environmental

Jun 8, 2011 - Knowledge collaboration and learning for sustainable innovation and consumption: introduction to the ERSCP portion of this special volum...
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Toward a Zero-Emissions Economy R O B E R T U. AYRES


he world is on a growth kick that is unsustainable. It is based on intense exploitation of natural resources and increasing production of material goods. Excessive materials consumption has produced enormous environmental damages resulting from emissions and wastes. Although wealthy nations are addressing pollution concerns with end-of-pipe controls and clean technology initiatives, these measures will not solve the problem of excessive materials and energy consumption. Even if manufacturers produced as eco-efficiendy as possible and eliminated all production wastes, the global system would be inherently unsustainable. Products themselves, especially intermediates and consumables, bewastes and pollution. Clearly a U-turn is needed. An alternative is a service-based which final consumption is limited to services from goods not the goods themselves Machines used to perform tasks (services) should be repaired reused and eventually remanufactured the goal being maximum retention of value added in the production process In this conservation-driven societv durable material products are treated as capital assets rather than as consumables Service-economy delivery svstems are designed not to depend on fossil fuels lubri cants and other consumable intermediates and the „ „ „ , ' • „ ,.„,„ „f

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