Peking-Published Chemistry Journal Translations - American

Jacob Fuchs, Department of Chemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz. Aug. 29 to Sept. 2—Infrared Spectroscopy. Canisius College. Four simult...
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Aug. 15 to 19—Applications of Infrared Spectroscopy. M I T . Contact: Dr. J. M. Austin, Director of the Summer Session, Room E19-356, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. 02139. Aug. 15 to 26—Modern Industrial Spectroscopy. Arizona State University. Contact: Jacob Fuchs, Department of Chemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz. Aug. 29 to Sept. 2—Infrared Spectroscopy. Canisius College. Four simultaneous 5-day sessions. Contact: Dr. Herman A. Szvmanski, Canisius College, 2001 Main St., Buffalo, Ν. Υ. 14208. Sept. 4 to 10—Summer School in Spectroscopy: Organic (Infrared and N M R ) and Inorganic (Emphasis on Infrared). School of Pharmacy, Brunswick Square, London, W.C.I, and Royal Free Hospital Medical School. Contact: Royal Institute of Chemistry, Summer School 1966, 30, Russell Square, London, W.C. 1, England. Sept. 12 to Oct. 7—Uses of Radioisotopes in Research. Oak Ridge, Tenn. Contact: Special Training Division, Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37831. Page 57 A, Mar.

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Internal Reflection Spectroscopy Workshops A new series of two-day workshops intended to introduce to the spectroscopist the technique of internal re­ flection spectroscopy will be held m o n t h l y by Wilks Scientific Corp., 140 W a t e r St., South Norwalk, Conn. Al­ though the course, consisting of both lectures a n d laboratory sessions, pri­ marily involves infrared applications, new and promising a t t e n u a t e d t o t a l re­ flectance techniques in the visible and ultraviolet are also covered. M o r e in­ formation on these workshops is avail­ able by writing the company.

Peking-Published Chemistry Journal Translations Consultants Bureau, 227 West 17th St., N e w York, Ν . Υ . 10011, is offer­ ing translations of a Peking-published major bimonthly chemistry journal t o U . S. research specialists. T h e journal reports advances in physical, organic, inorganic, analytical, electrochemical, biochemical, and applied chemical re­ search. I t is originally published as Acta Chimica Sinica six times a year in Peking by the Chinese Chemical So­ ciety of the Chinese Academy of Sci­ ences.

BORON-NITROGEN CHEMISTRY ADVANCES IN CHEMISTRY SERIES 42 contains thirty-two papers presented atthe Boron-Nitrogen Chemistry Symposium spon­

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cal chemistry with advanced techniques and modern theoretical treatments.

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Laubengayer's synthesis of B-trichloroborazine, which tended to replace high vacuum



sored by the U. S. Army Research Office—Durham. These papers contain contributions from many subdisciplines of chemistry and emphasize the close collaboration of classi­

techniques by more classical approaches, and the use of spectroscopy as a tool for ex­ plaining structures and mechanisms, stimulated by the work of Goubeau and his school, are two major advances which have influenced the growth of research in boronnitrogen chemistry.

Both of these leaders along with M. F. Lappert, W. N. Lipscomb,

M. Kubo, and M. J. S. Dewar are represented.

Principal topics discussed: Aminebor-

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anes and related compounds, 6 papers; physical chemistry of aminoboranes, 4 papers;

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preparative aspects of aminoboranes, 5 papers; pseudoaromatic B-N compounds,

330 pages. Cloth bound. $7.50 postpaid in U. S. and Canada; plus 20 cents foreign and PUAS.

Order from: Special Issues Sales / American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth St., N. W. / Washington, D. C. 20036