PENNSALT AMINES - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - First gene-edited babies born, scientist claimsFirst gene-edited babies born, scientist claims. When the powerful and simple-to-use ...
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j complete service

PENNSALT AMINES To get the most from amines, check the company with the most to offer —Pennsalt. You'll find Pennsalt makes a broad line of Ci to C5 alkyl amines . . . methyls, ethyls, propyls, butyls, amyls and a number of ethylene oxide derivatives. With all these amines to choose from, you'll get our unbiased recommendation for the amine that best fits the economic and process requirements of your specific application. And you get specialized technical assistance every

step of the way . . . in product and process planning . . . in selecting and purchasing . . . in handling and storing. This technical service is backed up by more than thirty years of experience with amines. Your amine program gets a thirty-year head start to success when you team up with Pennsalt! For a complete line of amines and amine service, call your Pennsalt representative today. Or write Industrial Chemicals Division, PENNSALT CHEMICALS CORPORATION, Three Penn Center, Philadelphia 2, Pa.

See our "complete listing in"Chemical Materials Catalog.^

Industrial Chemicals Division SALES OFFICE? "CHICAGO · ÇETBOIT » ^ I J | y j ^ W ^ ^ i l l U O E I * H j A PITTSBURGH^ ST.'COJJlS"* A P > L E T o W ( A T L A N T A ^ ' * * ^ Ç > £ P E r i N S A L T ^ C H Î ^ K À U S ^ O F ^ c i N ^ A l r ^ Î j J A ^ L L E . ONTARJ0 , " AiRCO c 6 M J » A ^ Y i r ^ ^ N A T Î 0 ^ ^ i ^ E ^ ^ 0 R K " ' ^ * " ^ MARTlMVrfoYT'a Mll?NE» SAff FRANCISCO · LOS ANGELES /