PENNSYLVANIA SCALE COMPANY - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 18, 2012 - PENNSYLVANIA SCALE COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1964, 36 (9), pp 110A–110A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60215a812. Publication Date: August 1964...
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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE Fluid Sampler. An illustrated bro­ chure describes the True-Cut auto­ matic proportionate fluid sampler de­ signed to collect a representative sample of any fluid, or mixture of fluids, flowing in a pipeline. It collects an ab­ solute minimum volume of sample over and above that volume required for laboratory analysis. True-Cut Prod­ ucts, Inc., 500 David Love Place, Goleta, Calif. 613 Chromatographic Equipment. A 56page publication, Catalog C-64, pro­ vides a comprehensive selection of in­ struments, equipment, and supplies for all phases of chromatography. Listings include apparatus for gas, paper, thinlayer, glass column and electrophoresis, adsorbents, inert supports, and liquid partition coated column packings. W. H. Curtin & Co., P. O. Box 1546, Hous­ ton, Texas. 77001. 614 X-Ray




evacuable x-ray fluorescence camera with accessories that has been de­ veloped as a companion piece to the x-ray powder-diffraction camera is described in literature available. It is

possible with this camera to detect ele­ ments with an atomic number of 19 (potassium) and above. Quantitative determinations may be made by using film-transmittance measurements. Cus­ tom Service Chemicals, Instrument Division, P. 0. Box 566, Wilmington, Del. 615 Iron Reagent. A 28-page technical bulletin, TD-177, discusses bathophenanthroline, 4-7-diphenyl-l,10-phenanthroline, a sensitive, specific reagent for the colorimetric determination of iron. Fisher Scientific Co., 300 Fisher Build­ ing, Pittsburgh 19, Pa. 616 Infrared Spectrophotometers. A 36page brochure, Bulletin 7036, describes the complete line of Beckman infrared spectrophotometers. Included is infor­ mation on the Model IR-10, IR-11, and IR-12 infrared instruments. Scientific and Process Instruments Division, Beckman Instruments, Inc., 2500 Har­ bor Boulevard, Fullerton, Calif. 617 Pipet Washer and Dryer. A one-page bulletin describes the VirTis Pipette Washer and the VerTis Filtered Air Pipette Dryer. The washer thoroughly

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washes and rinses soiled pipets within minutes without the use of preliminary acid baths. The dryer dries a basket of pipets in 20 to 60 minutes, depend­ ing on the bore size. Pfaltz & Bauer, Inc., 153 Waverly Place, New York, Ν. Υ. 10014. 618 Ion Exchange Manual. The booklet, "Amberlite Ion Exchange Resins Lab­ oratory Guide," is designed to help laboratory personnel use ion exchange resins easily and effectively and re­ views ways in which these materials may be used to eliminate difficult and time-consuming steps in laboratory work. It also suggests ways to utilize ion exchange resins for commercial processes. Ion Exchange Dept., Rohm & Haas Co., Washington Square, Phila­ delphia 5, Pa. 619 Platinum Metals Products. The 20page Platinum Products Catalog, P-7, includes precious metal products, a chemicals insert, engineering and tech­ nical charts, tables, and descriptions, and refers also to precious metals re­ claiming facilities. J. Bishop & Co. Platinum Works, Dept. Α., Malvern, Pa. 19355. 620 X-Ray Equipment. Bulletin X-100, a single page data sheet, describes an xray safety shutter attachment which eliminates stray radiation leaks and permits changing of x-ray cameras without the necessity of shutting down the x-ray tube. Advanced Research Materials Co., 77 Hickory Road, Briarcliff Manor, Ν. Υ. " 621 Instruments and Apparatus. A 52page catalog contains information on scientific instruments and apparatus in the fields of analytical chemistry, biological science and clinical, metal­ lurgy, mineralogy, pathology, and physical sciences. Included are bal­ ances, calorimeters, flowmeters, elec­ trolytic polishers, porosimeters, highvacuum equipment, grinders, baths, and x-ray cameras. Schuco Scientific, 250 West 18th St., New York 11, Ν. Υ. 622 Clamps and Clamp Holders. A 14page catalog describes Universal band clamps and No-Mar clamp holders. The basic action of the Universal band clamp involves the use of a stainless steel band which is simply wrapped around the object to be held. De­ signed as a companion piece for the band clamps, the No-Mar clamp holder presents a large bearing surface to the clamp and support rod, which permits a firm grip with no marring or distor­ tion. LCA Laboratories, 211 Hi Pointe Place, East Alton, 111. 623