MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE Fluid Sampler. An illustrated bro chure describes the True-Cut auto matic proportionate fluid sampler de signed to collect a representative sample of any fluid, or mixture of fluids, flowing in a pipeline. It collects an ab solute minimum volume of sample over and above that volume required for laboratory analysis. True-Cut Prod ucts, Inc., 500 David Love Place, Goleta, Calif. 613 Chromatographic Equipment. A 56page publication, Catalog C-64, pro vides a comprehensive selection of in struments, equipment, and supplies for all phases of chromatography. Listings include apparatus for gas, paper, thinlayer, glass column and electrophoresis, adsorbents, inert supports, and liquid partition coated column packings. W. H. Curtin & Co., P. O. Box 1546, Hous ton, Texas. 77001. 614 X-Ray
evacuable x-ray fluorescence camera with accessories that has been de veloped as a companion piece to the x-ray powder-diffraction camera is described in literature available. It is
possible with this camera to detect ele ments with an atomic number of 19 (potassium) and above. Quantitative determinations may be made by using film-transmittance measurements. Cus tom Service Chemicals, Instrument Division, P. 0. Box 566, Wilmington, Del. 615 Iron Reagent. A 28-page technical bulletin, TD-177, discusses bathophenanthroline, 4-7-diphenyl-l,10-phenanthroline, a sensitive, specific reagent for the colorimetric determination of iron. Fisher Scientific Co., 300 Fisher Build ing, Pittsburgh 19, Pa. 616 Infrared Spectrophotometers. A 36page brochure, Bulletin 7036, describes the complete line of Beckman infrared spectrophotometers. Included is infor mation on the Model IR-10, IR-11, and IR-12 infrared instruments. Scientific and Process Instruments Division, Beckman Instruments, Inc., 2500 Har bor Boulevard, Fullerton, Calif. 617 Pipet Washer and Dryer. A one-page bulletin describes the VirTis Pipette Washer and the VerTis Filtered Air Pipette Dryer. The washer thoroughly
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washes and rinses soiled pipets within minutes without the use of preliminary acid baths. The dryer dries a basket of pipets in 20 to 60 minutes, depend ing on the bore size. Pfaltz & Bauer, Inc., 153 Waverly Place, New York, Ν. Υ. 10014. 618 Ion Exchange Manual. The booklet, "Amberlite Ion Exchange Resins Lab oratory Guide," is designed to help laboratory personnel use ion exchange resins easily and effectively and re views ways in which these materials may be used to eliminate difficult and time-consuming steps in laboratory work. It also suggests ways to utilize ion exchange resins for commercial processes. Ion Exchange Dept., Rohm & Haas Co., Washington Square, Phila delphia 5, Pa. 619 Platinum Metals Products. The 20page Platinum Products Catalog, P-7, includes precious metal products, a chemicals insert, engineering and tech nical charts, tables, and descriptions, and refers also to precious metals re claiming facilities. J. Bishop & Co. Platinum Works, Dept. Α., Malvern, Pa. 19355. 620 X-Ray Equipment. Bulletin X-100, a single page data sheet, describes an xray safety shutter attachment which eliminates stray radiation leaks and permits changing of x-ray cameras without the necessity of shutting down the x-ray tube. Advanced Research Materials Co., 77 Hickory Road, Briarcliff Manor, Ν. Υ. " 621 Instruments and Apparatus. A 52page catalog contains information on scientific instruments and apparatus in the fields of analytical chemistry, biological science and clinical, metal lurgy, mineralogy, pathology, and physical sciences. Included are bal ances, calorimeters, flowmeters, elec trolytic polishers, porosimeters, highvacuum equipment, grinders, baths, and x-ray cameras. Schuco Scientific, 250 West 18th St., New York 11, Ν. Υ. 622 Clamps and Clamp Holders. A 14page catalog describes Universal band clamps and No-Mar clamp holders. The basic action of the Universal band clamp involves the use of a stainless steel band which is simply wrapped around the object to be held. De signed as a companion piece for the band clamps, the No-Mar clamp holder presents a large bearing surface to the clamp and support rod, which permits a firm grip with no marring or distor tion. LCA Laboratories, 211 Hi Pointe Place, East Alton, 111. 623