Pentaerythritol Alkyds From Natural Drying Oils - C&EN Global

Nov 5, 2010 - Publication Date: February 03, 1947. Copyright © 1947 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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Pentaerythritol Alkyds From Natural Drying Oils There has recently been

linseed and soy, 30% phthalic anhydride

a great expansion in the

can be used with P E N T E K , 2 5 % w i t h

use of P e n t a e r y t h r i t o l

D I P E N T E K —and a b o u t 18-20% w i t h

alcohols in the manufac­

TRIPENTEK. T h e properties of these resins will be

ture of alkyd resins. Usually these resins are made by alco­

superior to those of alkyd resins in which

holizing a natural oil such as linseed or

glycerol is the sole polyhydric alcohol

soy, with a polyhydric alcohol—and then

and which contain approximately 40%

adding a dibasic acid—generally phthalic

phthalic anhydride.

anhydride—although maleic, fumaric, suc­

O u r chemists m i l be glad to discuss the

cinic or adipic acids are sometimes used.

possible application of these or o t h e r

T h e Heyden Pentaerythritol alcohols,

Heyden Chemicals to the improvement of

P E N T E K , D I P E N T E K and T R I P E N -

your products.

TEIC, are all used in making alkyd resins. T h e formulation must be done carefully, as there is a critical amount of phthalic

Technical Data


will be mailed upon


anhydride which can be used with the Pentaerythritol alcohol, if acid numbers below 15 are t o be secured without prema­ ture gelation. W i t h the softer oils such as

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