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People ACS promotions in membership activities

bridge, as the first Texaco-Mangelsdorf Career Development Professor, department of chemical engineering. Joseph J. Topping promoted to professor, department of chemistry, Towson State University, Towson, Md. . . . Arthur W. Westerberg named first John E. Swearingen Professor of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh . . . Alan S. Wingrove promoted to professor, department of chemistry, Towson State University, Towson, Md. . . . James R. Wright promoted to Tenure Professor of Chemistry, USAF Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo.

Industry Klinefelter


E a r l M. K l i n e f e l t e r h a s b e e n n a m e d h e a d of t h e A C S M e m b e r s h i p Activities D e p a r t m e n t . In t h i s new a s s i g n m e n t he will c o n t i n u e t o supervise t h e society's i n s u r a n c e p l a n s a n d will oversee various m e m b e r s h i p a n d local section activities. A g r a d u a t e of t h e U n i v e r s i t y of M a r y land, Klinefelter worked for G A F C o r p . a n d F M C Corp. before joining t h e society in 1958. H i s A C S staff positions h a v e included a s s i s t a n t t o t h e m e m b e r s h i p secretary, manager of t h e m e m b e r s h i p office, m a n a g e r of t h e local section activities office, a n d m o s t recently m a n a g e r of t h e professional relations office, D e p a r t m e n t of Professional R e l a t i o n s & M a n p o w e r Studies. M a r s h a l l W. M e a d h a s b e e n a p p o i n t e d h e a d of t h e A C S m e m b e r s h i p statistics a n d p l a n n i n g office, a new office in t h e M e m b e r s h i p Division. In his new position h e will prepare studies about t h e future of t h e chemical profession a n d will coordi-


n a t e his findings w i t h o t h e r divisions within A C S . M e a d joined t h e A C S staff in 1962 as m a n a g e r of t h e local section activities office. H e s u b s e q u e n t l y was n a m e d assist a n t director of t h e Division of M e m b e r s h i p Activities in charge of local section a n d m e m b e r services, a n d m o s t recently was h e a d of t h e M e m b e r s h i p Activities D e p a r t m e n t . A n a t i v e of F r a n k l i n , Ind., M e a d received his degree in c h e m i s t r y from F r a n k l i n College in 1942. Cornelia A. T a l m a d g e h a s b e e n p r o m o t e d t o m a n a g e r , office of professional relations, succeeding t o t h e position vacated by Klinefelter. T a l m a d g e joined t h e A C S staff in 1978 as p r o g r a m assistant in t h e D e p a r t m e n t of P u b l i c Affairs. S h e m o v e d i n t o t h e office of professional relations as a s s i s t a n t t o t h e m a n a g e r in 1979. T a l m a d g e received h e r degree in e d u c a t i o n from S o u t h e r n C o n n e c t i c u t S t a t e College, N e w H a v e n , in 1978.

Education Walter B. Avila promoted to associate professor of chemistry, USAF Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo.. . . Thomas W. Bell appointed assistant professor of chemistry, starting in September, State University of New York, Stony Brook . . . Philip Boudjouk promoted to professor of chemistry, North Dakota State University, Fargo . . . Eli Breuer elected head, department of pharmaceutical chemistry, Hebrew University school of pharmacy, Jerusalem, Israel... Larry W. Burggraf promoted to assistant professor of chemistry, USAF Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo. Robert L. Caret promoted to associate professor, department of chemistry, Towson State University, Towson, Md. . . . John D. Ferry, chemistry professor at University of Wisconsin, Madison, retiring; he will continue working at the university part-time . . . Eric A. Holwitt promoted to assistant professor of chemistry, USAF Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo. Alex Kotch named director, office of research and program development, and professor of chemistry, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks . . . Edward F. Landau appointed to Alfred E. Driscoll Chair in Pharmaceutical-Chemical Studies, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Rutherford, N.J. . .. John S. 36

C&ENMay 17, 1982

Landers promoted to associate professor of chemistry, USAF Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo. . . . Robert G. Landolt appointed associate professor and chairman of the chemistry department, Texas Wesleyan College, Fort Worth. Gifford E. McCasland joins faculty at University of California, San Francisco, as research specialist; concurrently professor of chemistry emeritus, University of San Francisco . . . Jeanne L. McHale joins University of Idaho, Moscow, as assistant professor of physical chemistry; Nicholas R. Natale joins as assistant professor of organic chemistry . .. Glenn D. Prestwich promoted to associate professor of chemistry, State University of New York, Stony Brook. Dewey D. Y. Ryu appointed Maynard A. Amerine Professor, University of California, Davis; he will hold a joint appointment, department of chemical engineering, in research and teaching biochemical engineering . . . Stanley Sandler, professor of chemical engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, named Henry Belin du Pont Professor . . . Frederick M. Stein appointed visiting professor, chemistry department, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. . . . Ulrich W. Suter joins Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam-

William H. Allman joins Stepan Chemical, Northfield, 111., as eastern regional sales manager . . . Raymond A. Asti named polyvinyl chloride plant manager, Georgia-Pacific Corp., Plaquemine, La. . . . James H. Aungst appointed v.p. of marketing, Dover Chemical, Dover, Ohio . . . Norman Avrutin joins United-Guardian, Hauppauge, N.Y., as v.p., technical sales. Theodore B. Baba appointed manager of new business development, Foster Wheeler Energy Corp., Livingston, N.J. . . . Joseph H. Bernstein joins Glyco Inc., Greenwich, Conn., as v.p., operations . . . Peter M. Bokach named business manager, petrochemicals, Ashland Chemical, Columbus, Ohio . . . R. Michael Borland joins Stuart Pharmaceuticals, Wilmington, Del., as assistant director of clinical research . . . Lester J. Bowman appointed sales and marketing manager, specialty chemicals. Drew Chemical, Boonton, N.J Don Bozzeli appointed technical representative, organic intermediates division, Lonza Inc., Atlanta . . . Charles B. Broeg, v.p.-technical director. Revere Sugar Corp., Lyndhurst, N.J., retiring after more than 24 years of service with the company . . . Joseph V. Bucciaglia named manager, sales administration, chemicals & polymers, Uniroyal Chemical, Naugatuck, Conn. . . . Wayne G. Burwell appointed director of research, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, Conn. . . . Stephen A. Butter named manager, chemicals research section, Air Products & Chemicals, Allentown, Pa. Nancy J. Carlson named assistant manager, direct sales, FMC's agricultural chemical group, Philadelphia . . . Jon Christensen appointed v.p. of chemical sales, Givaudan Corp., Clifton, N . J . . . . Charles E. Coco joins Ralston Purina, St. Louis, as manager, product development, polymer division .. . Glen H. Cook appointed general manager, starch enzyme division, Fermco Biochemicals, Elk Grove, 111. Ted J. De Loggio joins BioChemTechnology Inc., Malvern, Pa., as senior process engineer in charge of business development... Robert K. Dimmitt promoted to v.p., Springborn Labs, Enfield, Conn.. . . Jule J. DuBois joins Eschem Inc., Chicago, as technical manager, engineering R&D . . . Frank F. Ebetino appointed director, biological & chemical research, Norwich-Eaton Pharmaceuticals, Norwich, N . Y . . . . Richard J. Ellis named national sales manager, specialty chemicals & polymers, Uniroyal, Naugatuck, Conn. William J. Fasold named manufacturing manager, fatty & dimer acids production, Emery Industries, Cincinnati . . . Vaseem Firdaus joins Mobil Chemical, Edison, N.J., as engineer, polymer R&D . . . Susan J. Fischer appointed research engineer, J. M. Huber Corp., clay division, Huber, Ga. . . . Warren Fish named president, Commonwealth Chemical, Tewksbury, Mass. . . . Luke E. Continued on page 43

People Fithian named marketing manager, sheeting & roofing, Uniroyal Chemical, Naugatuck, Conn. Joseph Gallagher Jr. named site manager, performance resins division, ICI Americas Inc., Bayonne, N.J Domingo A. Galletti named commercial v.p., M. W. Kellogg Co., Houston . . . Lee S. Gaumer appointed general manager, technical planning & research services, Air Products & Chemicals, Allentown, Pa. . . . Emily Gibson joins Jordan Chemical, Folcroft, Pa., as research/analytical c h e m i s t . . . Alan D. Gorman named assistant product manager of immunoassay systems, Mallinckrodt, St. Louis. Lisa Hallquist promoted to product specialist, electronic chemicals, J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, N.J George F. Hausmann appointed associate director of research, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, Conn. . . . Gary Hawn appointed section manager of analytical services, plastics & polymers businesses, Air Products & Chemicals, Allentown, Pa. . . . James Hendrickson Jr. appointed plant manager, Airwick Industries, Carlstadt, N.J Richard A. Hiles appointed president, Springborn Institute for Bioresearch, Enfield, Conn. . . . Alamin I. Hoodbhoy named business manager, performance polymer systems, Uniroyal Chemicals, Naugatuck, Conn. . . . Gerard Hooper appointed director, European R&D, NorwichEaton Pharmaceuticals, Regent House, Woking, U.K. . . . John T. T. Hsieh joins Mobil Chemical, Edison, N.J., as senior research chemist, polymer R&D. Alfred F. Ingulli named business manager, elastomers, Uniroyal Chemical, Naugatuck, Conn Thomas L. Jablonowski joins Gates Engineering, Wilmington, Del., as senior chemist, R&D . . . Philip Johnson appointed sales representative, ASARCO Inc., Charlotte, N.(\ Mitchell F. Keamy appointed chief executive, Hampshire Energy Project, Denver Research Group, Gillette, Wyo. . . . Michael D. Kelly joins Rohm & Haas Co., Philadelphia, as scientist, trade sales coatings . . . Kenneth J. Kerr named business operations manager, industrial chemicals group, Dow Chemical, Midland, Mich Sandra S. Kinion named customer service manager, Rogers Corp., Atlanta division . . . John C. Koenig appointed manager, business & technology development, Gulf Mineral Resources Co., Denver . . . Paul Koo named regional production manager, rare & specialty gases, Airco Industrial Gases, Santa Clara, Calif W. Paul Kyne appointed staff manager, refractory fiber, Manville Products Corp., Denver. Roger G. Lacallade named marketing manager, specialty chemicals, Uniroyal Chemical, Naugatuck, Conn. . . . Edwin B. Lamont II named v.p., sales & marketing, Insta-Foam Products, Joliet, 111. . . . Paul Larson named v.p., chemical research, and assistant general manager, Hach Co., Ames, Iowa . .. Ralph M. Lewis named general manager, Texaco Chemical, Bellaire, Tex.. .. Eugene B. Lieb appointed senior project manager, PQ Corp., Valley Forge, Pa Stephen L. Longacre joins Rohm & Haas Co., Philadelphia, as scientist, toxicology . . . Terry Lund joins Lurgi Corp., Belmont, Calif., as business development manager, fluid-bed combustor and gasifier . . . Donald I. Lunde appointed market development manager for nonwovens, paper & textile segments, Rohm & Haas Co.'s polymers, resins, and monomers North America business, Philadelphia. Kenneth MacFadden appointed research manager, industrial chemicals technology, Air Products & Chemicals, Allentown, Pa. . . . Alexander MacLachlan appointed assistant director, Du Pont's R&D department, Wilmington.

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May 17, 1982C&EN