PEOPLE - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Jul 31, 2006 - Simon Ostrach has joined the Florida A&M University-Florida State University- College of Engineering as a distinguished professor of en...
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Academe Ruth E. Baltus has been appointed chair of Clarkson University's department of chemical and biomolecular engineering in Potsdam, N.Y. Thomas H. Epps III has joined the University of Delaware as an assistant professor of chemical engineering.

John Wojcikp professor of chemistry, has announced his retirement from teaching in the chemistry department at Villanova University, in Pennsylvania, effective

Aug. 15.

Associations teacher and K-8 science d e p a r t m e n t c h a i r at W e s t o n Public Schools, in Connecticut, is the 2 0 0 6 - 0 7 president of the National Science Teachers Association.

Richard M. Laine has

Linda B. McGown has been appointed the William Weightman Walker Chair of Chemistry & Chemical Biology at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y.

Greg Lewin, president of Shell Global Solutions International, will be the 65th president of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, Rugby, England.

Mohammad A. Omary has been promoted to associate professor of chemistry with tenure at the University of North Texas.

Gregory Minchak joined the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association's communications and marketing team in Washington, D.C.

Millicent M. Ow Sullivan has joined the University of Delaware as an assistant professor of chemical engineering. Lynn F. Schneemeyer is now vice provost for research at Rutgers University in Newark, N.J., and has an appointment in the chemistry department. Hanadi Sleiman has been promoted to the rank of associate professor with tenure in the department of chemistry at McGill University in Montreal. Mas Subramanian has joined Oregon State University as the Milton Harris Professor of Materials Science. He will also be the first Signature Faculty Fellow at the Oregon Nanoscience & Microtechnology Institute. Carol M. Taylor will join Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, as an associate professor of chemistry in August. Michael P. Tolocka will be an assistant professor of chemistry at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, in August. 54

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David C. Chou has been appointed director of chemistry, manufacturing, and controls at Neurobiological Technologies, Emeryville, Calif.

Linda K. Froschauer, a middle school

been appointed director of the University of Michigan's Macromolecular Science & Engineering Center, Ann Arbor.

Simon Ostrach has joined the Florida A&M University-Florida State UniversityCollege of Engineering as a distinguished professor of engineering and senior adviser for academic excellence.

Ingrid Brace was appointed global marketing manager for National Adhesives' pressure-sensitive adhesives business in Bridgewater, N.J.

Lawrence Pencak will be the executive director of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers.

Business Kenneth R. Allen has been appointed president of Gabriel Performance Products, Ashtabula, Ohio. Shoab Arif has joined Pilot Chemical Co., Sharonville, Ohio, as manager of technical services and applications chemistry. Gary Barber has been appointed NAFTA region vice president for water treatment within the Ciba Specialty Chemicals' water and paper treatment business segment. Joseph M. Barendt was appointed to the new position of chief operating officer at Chiral Technologies Inc., in West Chester, Pa.

Ryan Dirkx has been appointed vice president of research and development at Arkema Inc., in King of Prussia, Pa. Robert A. Femia has joined Glatt Air Techniques, Ramsey, N.J., as vice president of pharmaceutical research and development. Tim McKinney has been appointed market manager for the high-polymers segment in the Luperox organic peroxides business of Arkema. He will be based in the Houston area. Carlos Restrepo has been promoted to vice president for industrial chemicals at International Specialty Products, Wayne, N J. Patrick Sears has joined the calorimetry team at Syrris, Royston, England, as a product specialist. Randy Seehausen has been appointed industry manager for offshore oil at Aspen Aerogels. He will be based in Houston. Jaclyn Sekula has joined the Luperox organic peroxides business of Arkema, in Pennsylvania, as the commercial development specialist. Phil S h a r r y has joined Xenon Corp., located in Wilmington, Mass., in t h e newly created position of vice president ofworldwide sales and marketing.

Len Boehm has joined Gabriel Performance Products, Ashtabula, Ohio, as vice president of sales and marketing.

Remco van Soest has joined Eksigent Technologies, Dublin, Calif., as the product manager of NanoLC high-performance liquid chromatography systems. In this role, he will lead the company's efforts to develop tools for proteomics and biomarker discovery.

Olivier Bousquet has been appointed industry manager for liquefied natural gas at Aspen Aerogels. He will be based in Paris.

This section is compiled by Rachel Petkewich. Send announcements of promotions, new hires, and retirements to r_petkewich WWW.CEN-0NLINE.ORG