PEOPLE - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Chem. Eng. News , 1959, 37 (40), pp 98–104. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v037n040.p098. Publication Date: October 05, 1959. Copyright © 1959 AMERICAN CHEMICAL ...
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to profitable processing If y o u ' r e familiar w i t h t h e o n e step Houdry Dehydrogenation Process, y o u k n o w t h e s o u r c e of profit for a large s h a r e of t h i s country's butadiene production c a p a c i t y . Since t h e m a j o r exp a n s i o n of t h e s y n t h e t i c r u b b e r i n d u s t r y b e g a n in 1955, m o r e t h a n 300,000 t o n / y r of new cap a c i t y has been installed b y H o u d r y licensees using t h i s p r o c ess for t r a n s f o r m i n g b u t a n e t o butadiene. D o n ' t get t h e idea t h o u g h , t h a t you h a v e to m a k e s y n t h e t i c r u b b e r t o enjoy t h e a d v a n t a g e s of t h e H o u d r y D e h y d r o g e n a t i o n Process. I t is also h i g h l y efficient for t r a n s f o r m i n g b u t a n e t o b u tènes, isobutane t o isobutene, and other light hydrocarbons t o m o n o - a n d di-olefins. S i m p l e . . . flexible . . . profitable. T h a t ' s the H o u d r y D e h y d r o g e n a t i o n Process. A n d i t h a s these three very important char«ctfristirs because Houdry people designed it t h a t w a y , a n d m a d e it deliver. T h e y c a n d o t h e s a m e for y o u .








Walnut Street, Philadelphia

2, Pa.

*Houdry means Progress . . . through Catalysis






Hudson Award to Pigman D r . Ward Pigman (center) of University of Alabama faculty, receives the Hudson Award of tlte ACS Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry from Dr. Dexter F r e n c h of Iowa S t a t e U, division chairman. Right, Dr. Sidney M. Cantor of Sidney M. Cantor Associates and chairman of the award committee. Dr. Pigman was honored at the A.CS national meeting for research and publications in carbohydrates.

INDUSTRY James IT. Adams named section leader in chiarge of research groups on interim manufacturing, engineering, and economic evaluations, and on me­ chanical engineering at Monsanto's or­ ganic elienoicals division, St. Louis. Dr. C. William Roos named section leader in charge of research groups on chemical engineering, pressure reac­ tions, and pilot plant. Dr. William G. Knapp becomes group leader for re­ search pilot plant. R. D . Ashmore from Monsanto joins Texas Instruments, Dallas, as senior personnel administrator in central re­ search l a b s . Donald K . Bailman, director of sales, and C. B. B r a n c h , manager of overseas operations, elected vice presidents of Dow Chemical. Dr. P e t e r P. Bouroff named assistant to president of Onyx Oil & Chemical, Jersey City". From E . F. Drew, where h e was manager of chemical divisions. Dr. D a v i d G. Braithwaite named to the new post of executive v.p. in charge

of manufacturing, research, and devel­ opment at Nalco Chemical, Chicago. Dr. Paul S. K. Chen n a m e d senior engineer by semiconductor division of Hoffman Electronics, El Monte, Calif. Hugh S. Cooper, founder of Beryl­ lium Corp., Kemet Co., and Cooper Metallurgical Associates, resigns from the latter institution to devote his time to independent research in chemistry and metallurgy. H. G. Cornell promoted to research uààuciutf in i i u i i i i j i c Oii oc R f i m i i i g à r e search and d e v e l o p m e n t division, Bay-

town, Tex. Charles T. Davis joins St. Louis regional office of Pennsalt Chemical as sales representative. Gilbert C. D e h n k a m p from the Mechanicville, Ν. Υ., mill of West Vir­ ginia Pulp & Paper is now technical as­ sistant to the factory manager of the company's Multiwall bag division, N e w Orleans. D r





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Johnson & Co., is now senior scientist in biochemistry department at WarnerLambert Research Institute, Morris Plains, N. J. Also joining the staff are

. John Allen from Baylor University •dical school, scientist in biochemis; Dr. Harold Silverman from Brooki College of P h a r m a c y faculty, scien: in pharmaceutical research; and therine M o u q u i n , associate scientist biochemistry. Dr. James K. F o g o appointed retrch associate at Union Oil Co. rea c h center, Brea, Calif. Verlin W. Foltz leaves F . C. Huyck Sons to join S t a n d a r d Ultramarine & lor Co., H u n t i n g t o n , \V. Va., as antical chemist. Dr. Robert K. G o u l d named assistant manager of technical services divim of Texaco research center, Beacon, Y. Harold E . G r a h a m , Jr., from D u tit's Belle laboratory-, Charleston, W . ., becomes senior supervisor in staff dies for the c o m p a n y at Wilmington. Dr. William H . G r a h a m joins Rohm Haas as research chemist in organic tion, Redstone Arsenal division, mtsville, Ala. C. R. Greene returns to Shell D e opment at Emeryville after a year's ining assignment and assisting in yisoprene d e v e l o p m e n t at the Torice plant. Harold M . Greenhouse leaves AladL Electronics and joins Bendix Aviai Corp., radio division, Towson, L, as principal engineer in advanced earch. R. L . Hawkins joins technical service s of Colton Chemical, Cleveland, to idle technical service for polyvinyl ohol. Ronald V, H a w l e y anrl Robert L·. 3\vell n a m e d to staff of field service >resentatives for Oakite Products, :., a n d will serve in Seattle a n d Oklana City, respectively. Vlilton H . Hendricks joins process ^elopment d e p a r t m e n t of Procter & ruble's soap p r o d u c t s division. [âmes C. Hesler joins ion exchange ision of Nalco Chemical's Chicago ce a n d labs. [ack H o p p e r joins Process Sales Co., uston. F r o m Durirun Co. ohn W. Hull n a m e d p r o d u c t m a n r for isocyanates a t Allied Chemical's tional Aniline Division.

IN T h o s e facts tell t h e s t o r " o~£ o n e o£ t h e ?r>o3f" n^^fnl omfield, X . J.


wis Lecturer

with. Chemstrand Research

Dr. Bruno II. Ζ i ni in, research chemist at C ieneral Electric research laboratories at Schenectady, will deliver the Sixth Annual ( a l b e r t X. Lewis Memorial Lecture on O c t . 22 the University of California, BerkeHe will speak on The Denatuiati of Helical Proteins and XuclnV ds. Dr. Zimin is honored f o r his itrihntions in several fields, among m thermodynamics a n d statistical chanics of solutions, particularly of cromolecules; theory and cwperiinenmethods in scattering of l i g h t by ds; experimental and theoretical dy of critical phenomena; a n d dynical behavior of macromoleeules.

EDUCATION •Valter R. Averett from Goldfield gineering Associates is now chemist h Colorado School of Mines Re­ ich Foundation, Golden, Coloienjamin S. Benjaminov from Alli­ ée College, where he was associate fessor and head of chemistry departnt, joins faculty of Rose Polytechnic titute, Terre Haute, 111 d., as aaaote professor of chemistry. H a s been h Chemical Abstracts S e n ice for the Limer. Dharles E . Boozer from Louisiana ytechnic Institute faculty, becomes ociate professor of chemistry a t lory University, Atlanta. oseph M. Bove, who h a s been doinf rr>fchonisms chop isms o* n o l y m p r i / n t i n n n n d denoly denolymerization.

Rheology o f p o l y m e r melts a n d solutions.

Diffusion a n d a b s o r p t i o n in p o l y m e r systems.

M e c h a n i c a l properties o f polymers.

A p p l i c a t i o n of o p t i c a l , X-ray, a n d i n f r a - r e d techniques t o polymer structures.

Properties a n d p e r f o r m a n c e o f t e x t i l e fibers.

For Further





New Text C













BIG DECISIONS WILL BE MADE b y t h e m e n w h o a c t t o d a y

Raymond T. Byrne from science detment at Junior-Senior High School, OCT.


1959 C&EN



Batavia, Ν. Υ., is on leave for a year as research assistant for the "Continen­ tal Classroom" course on NBC-TV.



Kenneth R. Carle resigns from Amer­ ican Cyanamid to become associate professor of chemistry at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, Ν. Υ.


Polyethylene Glycols \ g ^ >

Dr. Myron T. Corrin from C E be­ comes professor of chemistry at the University of Arizona, Tucson. Other new faculty members are Dr. Reuben G. Gustavson from Resources for the Future, professor of chemistry; Dr. Gordon Tollin from University of Cali­ fornia Radiation Laboratory, assistant professor of chemistry; and Dr. John T. Yoke I I I from University of North Carolina, assistant professor of chem­ istry. Dr. Justin W . Diehl becomes as­ sistant professor of chemistry at St. Bonaventure University, Olean, Ν. Υ. William K. Easley, who has been professor of chemistry at East Tennes­ see. State College, is now chairman of the department of chemistry and pro­ fessor of chemistry at Northeast Louisi­ ana State College. Monroe.

With seven different Mathieson poly­ ethylene glycols, you get the versatility you need to take care of a wide variety of requirements. Polyglycols have numerous applications as chemical intermediates, solvents and humectants. They are used in the manu­ facture or processing of surface active agents, resins, rubber, pharmaceuticals, cellulosic materials, printing inks, tex­ tiles l^*?»ther etc Mathieson polyethylene glycols are shipped in tank cars, tank trucks and drums directly from the plant at Bran­ denburg, Kentucky, as well as from local distributors' stocks. Technical assistance when you need it is at your service. Poly-G® is α trademark

NeW technical data sheets. Ask your Olin Mathieson representative or write today.

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Chemicals Division · 745 Fifth Ave., N.Y. 22, N.Y. 102






Dr. Luther E. Erickson appointed assistant professor of chemistry at Dick­ inson College, Carlisle, Pa. V. Galasyn leaves American Cyana­ mid, where he was research chemist, to join Arizona State University, Tempe, as assistant professor of chemistry. II. M. Gilow becomes assistant pro­ fessor of chemistry at Southwestern at Memphis, Memphis, Tenn.

Dr. Richard T. Hawkins joins Brigham Young University faculty as as­ sistant professor of chemistry, Provo, Utah. John R. Humphreys, Jr., joins Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, N. M., as a chemical engineer in the Κ division. Dr. Kurt Wolfsberg joins as a chemist in the test division,


'unlace PYROMETERS for e v e r y purpose The routine use of CAMBRIDGE Surface Pyrom­ eters takes the guesswork out of temperature determination in many industries. The CAM­ BRIDGE is accurate, dependable, rugged, quick-acting and easy to use. The Roll Model is for checking surface temperatures of moving rolls. The Needle Model is for insertion into materials in a plastic or semi-plastic state for batch temperature determination. The Mold Model is for checking surface temperatures of mold cavities and surfaces of almost any contour. Send for Bulletin 1 94SA. CAMBRIDGE INSTRUMENT CO.. INC. 3543 Grand Central T e r m i n a l New York 17, Ν. Υ.






Moisture Indicators and Recorders · Physical Testing In­ struments · Laboratory Instruments for A.C. and D.C. · Galvanometers e Engineering Instruments · Gas Analysis Equipment β Physiological Instruments · and many other Mechanical and Electrical Instruments

ORGANIC ANAIYSES •(themore complicated the better)

ISPlJNSORED CREATIVE RESEARCH Vapor Phase And Or Liquid Chromatography

Dr. Wiliam G. Givens, Jr., becomes assistant professor of chemistry at Nor­ wich University, Northfield, Vt. Dr. Glenn H . Hamor, associate pro­ fessor of pharmaceutical chemistry at University of Southern California, is on sabbatical leave to work as a research fellow in the college of pharmacy at University of Minnesota.


Precise DistillationLiquid Extraction

We are equipped with a complete set of Sadtler Standard Infrared Spectrograms and can offer you a more thorough analysis of complex organic substances. Four other laboratories also have a complete set: EVANS, ANDERSON, SMITH, and TRUESDAIL.



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and D r . Jerome J. Erpenbeck joins as a physical chemist in t h e GMX division.

fellowship in inorganic chemistry at University of Minnesota.

C. W . Kammeyer, formerly assistant professor of chemistry at Oberlin Col­ lege, is now assistant professor of chem­ istry at Brooklyn College.

Dr. Arthur J. Siedler n a m e d chief of division of biochemistry a n d nutrition of American Meat Institute Founda­ tion, L T niversity of Chicago.

Dr. H e n r y G. Kuivila will spend the current year on a National Science Foundation fellowship at Caltech chem­ istry department. Is on sabbatical leave from University of N e w H a m p ­ shire, where he is professor of chemis­ try.

A. L . U n d e r w o o d , associate profes­ sor of chemistry at Emory University, on sabbatical leave for 1959-60 to study a n d do research in Cornell de­ partment of chemistry, Ithaca.

John F . Lenc joins staff of Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, 111., as associate chemical engineer in chemical engineering division.

Dr. H a r o l d Weinberger n a m e d as­ sociate professor of chemistry at t h e school of engineering a n d science. Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, N. J. From Fine Organics, Inc.

Dr. W . Scott Worrall, assistant pro­ Dr. L e o p o l d fessor of chemistry at Trinity College, M a y named assist­ promoted to associate professor of ant professor of chemistry. R a y m o n d F . Snipes n a m e d chemistry at Cathinstructor in chemistry at Trinity, Hart­ o 1ic University, ford, Conn. Washington, D . C. H e will continue as instructor in psy­ chiatry at Univer­ sity of Maryland > school of medicine, Baltimore. H e has recently been appointed a contributing Dr. Aaron M . Altschul, chief r e ­ editor to Applied Spectroscopy in search chemist of Agricultural Research charge of the column "Spectroscopic Service Southern Utilization Research Tricks." and Development Division for U S D A at New Orleans, will spend t w o months Dr. Norman H . Nachtrieb is spend­ in Israel under t h e auspices of Food ing t h e academic year on a National and Agriculture Organization of t h e Science Foundation fellowship at PoliUN a n d will aid Israeli scientists in tecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. H e is search for ways to improve national on leave from t h e department of chem­ diet. istry at t h e University of Chicago. Sam Perlmutter transfers from Min­ Lura M a e Odland, who has been neapolis district office to t h e St. Louis principal nutritionist with the State Ex­ district office of t h e U . S. Food a n d periment Stations Division of US DA, Drug Administration as supervisory n a m e d dean of the college of home ecochemist. ~.f


1 enP^'^pe.

Knoxville. Dr. Richard J. Ruch joins faculty of University of South Dakota, Vermillion, as assistant professor of chemistry. Dr. John P . Schaefer becomes assist­ ant professor of chemistry at Univer­ sity of California. From Caltech, where h e has been holding a National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellow­ ship. D r . G. P. Scott named acting head of chemistry department at State Uni­ versity of South Dakota. Head of t h e department, Charles R. Estee, is on leave for work under a science faculty



Dr. H e r b e r t E . Ulrich, formerly pro­ fessor of chemistry at Rochester Insti­ tute of Technology, n o w director of laboratories for Monroe County D e ­ partment of Health, Rochester, Ν. Υ. Terry C. Wallace is on military leave from Los Alamos Scientific Labora­ tories a t D u g w a y , Utah, as chief of technical projects branch, Environ­ mental Test Division, Army Chemical Corps. Brig. G e n . Karulù Walmsîey, commander of t h e Chemical Corps M a teriel Command, retires after more than 27 vears of active service.

Control of grinding mill feed based on grinding sound level has long been practiced by experienced mill operators. T h e H a r d i n g c "Electric E a r " performs automatically the function of a highly experienced operator within m u c h closer limits of accuracy t h a n possible with t h e h u m a n ear. Users of t h e "Electric E a r " report production increases of from 10 to 20 % over best possible m a n u a l operation.

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Available as a n " e x t r a " is a sound recorder which keeps a continuous record of grinding mi!! performance " a r o u n d t h e clock." It indicates operating' a n d shut-down time, a n d serves as a check o n t h e operator. It indicates bin conditions» bridging or empty bin.

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It clearly shows whether t h e operator has changed t h e sound level adjustment. W r i t e for Bulletin






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Rhenium metal, potassium perrhenate, a m m o n i u m perr h e n a t e , a n d r h e n i u m V I I oxide a v a i l a b l e in q u a n t i t y .


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