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Dunbar Retires from Food and Drug; Crawford Takes Over. Pud B. Dunbar. ConiiuisNioner of Food and Drugs, is retiring from the Food and Drug Administra...
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rector of the M. V. Lomonosov State University in Moscow.


NEWS-&IAf€E§t§ Dunbar Retires from Food a n d Drug; Crawford Takes Over P u d B. D u n b a r . ConiiuisNioner of Food and Drugs, is retiring from the Food and

Act of 1906. A food chemist. Dr. D u n b a r started his career in the laboratory of t h e

L a u r e n e Paterson Opferman, general m a n a g e r and technical director of Drug Research, Inc., Adrian, Mich., h a s been given an Alumni Award b y W a y n e University, o n e of five which honors outs t a n d i n g alumni in service to the university or t h e community. Mrs. Opferman is widely known for her discovery of a new production method for cortisone which h a s increased t h e supply and lowered the cost from $200 to $28 a gram. K e n n e t h $. Pitzer has resigned as Director of Research for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission a n d will return to the University of California, Berkeley, to b e c o m e d e a n of t h e college of c h e m istry. T h e two-year t e r m w b i c h h e originally agreed t o serve with A E C had been extended to two and a half years. His resignation is effective

June 18. H a r o l d L. Rosenthal has been appointed senior research biochemist at the department of cardiology, Philadelphia General Hospital. He comes from the bureau of biological research at Rutgers University. P a u l B. D u n b a r

Charles W . Crawford

Drug Administration, Federal Securit> Agency, W a s h i n g t o n , D. C . on Ma\ 31. He will b e 69 on May 29 and has spent nearly 44 years in government service. Charles \V. Crawford. Depnt> Commissioner, succeeds Dr. D u n b a r . Dr. D u n b a r obtained a Ph.D. in chemistry from Johns Hopkins Cniversity and was one of the original group to undertake enforcement of the Pure Food and Drug

Bureau of Chemistry. When t h e F D A was established as a separate enforcement bureau in 1927 he was m a d e assistant chief. He b e c a m e Commissioner in 1944. Mr. Crawford has been in government service for 34 years, and b e g a n as an analyst at F D A ' s Chicago a n d New Orleans stations before coming to W a s h i n g ton in 1918. He received his education at Oklahoma A&M.

ffiniJll^llWVl George Granger Brown, a m e m b e r of the faculty of the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, since 1920, has been appointed d e a n of t h e college of engineering. He will succeed Ivan C. Crawford, w h o reG . G. B r o w n tires Jnl\ 1 to return io private practice as an engineeriniz consultant. M a r g a r e t C a m e r o n of Houston, Tex., who is completing work for a F h . D . in chemistry at T u l a n e University, h a s been a w a r d e d a F u l b r i g h t postdoctoral fellowship at t h e University of Leeds, E n g l a n d , to w o r k o n heterocyclic c o m p o u n d s . W . O. C a s t e r has accepted an assistant 2074

professorship in the physiological chemistry d e p a r t m e n t of the University of Minnesota. I le was previously director of the nutrition chemistry laboratory of the U. S. Public Health Service, Atlanta, Ga. Stanley V. D u b i e l , Jr., w h o is graduating as a chemistry major from the Bradford Durfee Technical Institute, Fall River, Mass., has been awarded a teaching fellowship in chemistry at Northeastern University, Boston. Taul H. T e r r y , also a chemistry major at Bradford Durfee, has accepted a g r a d u a t e assistantship in chemistry at Washington University, St. Louis. Vasili I. Komarewsky, professor of chemical engineering and director of t h e catalysis laboratory at Illinois Institute of Technology, will lecture next month b e fore the Societe de Chimie Industrielle in Paris on "Catalytic Aromatization of Hydrocarbons." Aleksandr Nikolaevich Nesmeyanov has been elected to succeed t h e late S. I. Vavilov as president of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences. He is also the present C H E M I C A L

T h e T e n n e s s e e Eastman research fellowship for 1951—52 has been awarded to A d a m E . Skrzec, who is a candidate for t h e P h . D . in chemical engineering at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. F . D . T u e m m l e r of Shell Development Co., Emeryville, Calif., has been appointed to the Commission on the Expression of Analytical Results, a subdivision of t h e International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. He is treasurer of t h e California Section of ACS.

IwiB'ifSTliii C l a r e n c e E . Albertsoi* has joined the B o r g - W a r n e r Central Research Laboratory in Bellwood, 111. H e comes from the R o b e r t s h a w Laboratory in Pittsburgh. H . E . Bayer b a s been appointed general superintendent of construction at t h e chemical plants division of Blaw-fCnox Construction C o . , Pittsburgh, Pa. C. W . Bell lias been elected president a n d general manager of Table Rock Laboratories, Inc., Greenville, S. C. He has b e e n assistant manager. W . Austin Bishop has been appointed t o t h e personnel division staff of t b e Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co., Philadelphia. H e has b e e n a colonel in the Office of the Adjutant General. Neil J. Braski, superintendent of the p o w e r d e p a r t m e n t of the Diamond Alkali Co., Pinesville, Ohio, has been appointed plant engineer. Jack R. Horacek, who has been m a n a g e r of utilities at t h e elect roAND



lytic chlorine-caustic soda plant at Hous­ ton, has b e e n n a m e d to succeed him. O . R. Brunkow has b e e n appointed sales m a n a g e r of the Hardesty Chemical Co., NVw York, N. Y. Ile comes from Com­ mercial Solvents Corp. H a r o l d J. B y r n e has been appointed director of clinical research at C o n m v r cial Solvents t i o r p . a n d will b e in charge of clinical evalua­ tion of new drugs a n d antibiotics at t h e company's re­ search center in TVrre Haute, Ind. H e was previously m r d i c a l director of Baxter Laboratories.

Busch as superintendent of the products purification unit and J o s e p h Neely suc­ ceeds Phelps as superintendent of the acetic acid unit. John F. Krasny, formerly of the Na­ tional JBureau of Standards, has joined t h e staff of the Harris Research Laboratories, Washington, D. C , to work on physical properties of textiles. O t h e r new members of the staff are M a r y Cozart, Mary Imrey, and Betty Hollingsworth. Howard A. Kreith has been appointed purchasing agent of D e a r b o r n Chemical Co., Chicago. Pie comes from McKesson & Rohbins, Inc. Charles Kuhn, oldest active employee

G. D . C r e e l m a n , formerly director ot research of the M. A. Hanna Co., Cleve­ land, Ohio, has been named research co­ ordinator. D . N . Vedensky has been a p ­ pointed director of research and develop­ ment. H e has been in charge of metal­ lurgical research and development.

This improved method of heat application for the chemical and process indus­ tries combines a jacketed scl of conven­ tional design with an elec­ trically-heated Dowtherm vaporizer, in a single com­ pact unit. Electrical energy is transformed into heat by Blaw-Knox immersion heaters. Dowtherm is vapor­ ized and transfers its latent heat to the inner vessel by condensation. The cycle of vaporization and condensa­ tion is continuous, and the fast, u n i f o r m , efficient heating inherent in vapor systems is fully realized.

Brownlee O. Currey has been elected to t h e board of directors of Commercial Solvents Corp. H e is president and a director of E q u i t a b l e Securities Corp.. Nashville, Tenn. θ

Julian Dorsky has joined the Givaudan Corp., D e l a w a n n a , X. J., as plant chemist. He has been senior fellow in charge of the phenolic chemicals fellowship at Mel­ lon Institute, under a Koppers Co. grant. Arthur C. E m e l i n has been elected presi­ dent of Schenley Laboratories, Inc., L a w r e n c e b u r g , Ind. H e succeeds t h e late Irv­ ing j . Seskis. Aaron F . Levy oi the engi­ neering staff has been n a m e d executive vice president.

For a brief description of Blaw-Knox Electro-Vapor Heating Systems write for Bulletin No. 2324.

Richard W . KixMiller has been m a d e assistant general manager of the chemical division of Cclanese Corp. of America, N e w York City. Kenneth D . Bowen, plant m a n a g e r at Bishop, Tex., will continue in that post and will assume t h e additional responsibility of manager of plant opera­ tions of the chemical division. John H . Frick has been n a m e d manager of t h e n e w chemical plant to b e built at P a m p a . Tex. William O r r becomes production superintendent at Bishop. Η . Κ. Busch has been promoted to assistant production su­ perintendent at Bishop, and B . C. Martin succeeds Orr as superintendent of t h e t o r m a l d e h y d e unit. S. T. Ross replaces NO.

2 1




J. J. Leavitt has been named a group leader in the organic section of the chemi­ cal research department, Calco Chemical Division of American Cyanamid Co., Bound Brook, N. J. Frederic H . Adams has been appointed a research associate. H e has been a group leader in the re­ search department.


W . D . Croswhite, Sr., production su­ p e r i n t e n d e n t of Industrial Rayon Corn.'s Pinesville, Ohio, plant, has b e e n appointed m a n a g e r of the company's Covington, Va., plant, succeeding I. T. Meyer, now on t h e executive staff in Cleveland.

2 9,

Raoul J. Landry has joined the surface coatings division of L. H. Butcher & Co., Los Angeles. He comes from McGuireLandry Co., San Francisco.

The BLAW-KNOX Electro-Vapor1 Heating System provides ο €f?iiîiiitf©ys cvcie

F r a n k T. Clark of Ft. Worth, Tex., w h e r e he was division geologist, has been a p p o i n t e d chief geologist for Cities Serv­ ice Oil Co., Bartlesville, Okla. Frank C o o t e r has been m a d e exploration field division manager at Ft. Worth.


of Manhattan Rubber Division, RaybestosManhattan, In< ., retired April 30 after 57 years of sen. ice as a sales executive in the company's New York sales office. He started as an office boy in 1894.

mnΑ» Ε sisim&mmm'&HW **!in distinguished service to Canada to the field of geology, particularly . . . bis outstanding method of making quan­ titative expressions of geological proba­ bilities for use in the control and direction of mining operations and exploration. Ralph C. Tallman has been named di­ rector of research for Lion Oil Co.. El Do­ rado. Ark. H e has been manager of the planning and survey department of the company's research division, and replaces Frank J. Soday, who R. C. Tallman has headed t h e re­ search division. Soday has resigned to become director of research for Chemstrand Corp., Decatur, Ala. Arthur E . T e m p e l , Jr., has joined Com­ mercial Solvents' research and develop­ ment department in Terre Haute, Ind., as bio-engineer in the microbiological pilot plant. He comes from Merck & Co., I n c .

m\m %imum 37 E. 28th St., New York 16, N. Y.

cables: UIISTERFLA Phone: MUrray Hill 9-2686


J. H. T h a c h e r has been appointed to the position of executive assistant to t h e vice president of Standard Oil Co. of California, San Francisco. He was for­ merly southern district producing manager. W . D. Thomas, Jr., has been appointed a technical representative of the petroleum chemical department of industrial chemi­ cals division, American Cyanamid Co., Stamford, Conn. J. B . Peeso, Jr., succeeds CHEMICAL

him as a group leader in petroleum chemi­ cals. He h a s been in the petroleum chemi­ cals sales department.

m&smSffl^'Sim Paul M. Bigley, assistant general sales manager of the Michigan Alkali Division of Wyandotte Chemicals Corp.. Wyan­ dotte. Mich., has been appointed to serve with thi' Economic Stabilization Agency in Washington and is on a leave ot ab­ sence from his company. Bruce \ V . D u k e lias been recalled to active duty with the Army as a first lientenant in t h e Chemical Corps and has been assigned t o the chemical and radiological laboratories. Army Chemical Center. Md., to do research and development work in the field of high polymers. He comes from Behr-Manning C o : p . Karl V. E r d m a n is on leave from Shell Chemical Corp. and is serving in Wash­ ington with the National Production Autborit\ as commodity industrial analyst in the sohents and alcohols section, eh.-lin­ eal division. Lujos'Janossy, professor of cosmic phys­ ics at the- Irish Institute for Advanced Studies, h a s been appointed to direct all cosmic ray research in Hungary. Donald R. Klang of Sherwin-Williams Co., has been called to active duty as a first lieutenant in the Air Force and is stationed at Columbus. I n d . Seth Q. Kline, chemical ordnance engi­ neer in t h e munitions division ot the chemical and radiological laboratories of Army Chemical Center, Md., has retired after 24 years of service with the Fed­ eral Government. Montagu Travers M o r g a n , medical of­ ficer for the Port of L o n d o n , has been unanimously elected president of the World Health Organization Sanitary Con­ ference which met in Geneva in April to draft new international sanitary regula­ tions for world trade and travel. Daniel B. M u r p h y has resigned as in­ structor in chemistry at t h e University of Scranton to accept a position as a re­ search chemist at Picatinnv Arsenal. Dover, N. J. Richard &. Panzer, w h o has been a graduate teaching fellow in t h e chemistry department of the University of N e v a d a , is now chemist with the Titanium Unit at t h e U. S. Bureau of Mines Experiment Sta­ tion in Boulder City, N e w Joseph H. R o w e has joined the tech­ nical staff of t h e Natural Rubber Bureau research laboratory, Washington, D . C. H e comes from the materials testing labo­ ratory of the Texas Highway Department, Austin, T e x . AND