PEOPLE - Chemical & Engineering News Archive (ACS Publications)

Jul 15, 1996 - De SANTIS , Phil, appointed vice president, validation and regulatory compliance, Fluor Daniel, Philadelphia. DOUGLAS , Richard, appoin...
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National Science Foundation's fiscal 1997 budget. Because of the questions ad­ dressed to him during his testimony, GRASP is arranging a meeting between the ACS Minority Affairs Office and Rep. Louis Stokes (D-Ohio), the ranking minori­ ty member of the appropriations subcom­ mittee, who is keenly interested in the ACS Minority Scholars Program. Judith C. Giordan, chairman

PEOPLE Business. ANIDO, Vicente Jr., appointed president and chief executive officer, CombiChem, San Diego BETLEM, Dick, named temporary head, worldwide operations, Albemarle Corp., Baton Rouge, La. CLARK, Harlan E., promoted to assistant editor-in-chief, publications department, International Centre for Diffraction Data, Newtown Square, Pa. COPE, Roger, named vice president and

business director, personal care, Interna­ tional Specialty Products, Wayne, N.J. De SANTIS, Phil, appointed vice presi­ dent, validation and regulatory compli­ ance, Fluor Daniel, Philadelphia DOUGLAS, Richard, appointed vice pres­ ident, corporate development, Genzyme Corp., Cambridge, Mass. ERICKSON, Peter L., named business de­ velopment manager, Chevron Chemical, Houston HATTORI, William S., named marketing manager, color compounds, Quantum Chemical Co., Cincinnati HAYES, L. Douglas, joined as vice presi­ dent, international market development, Petrolite, St. Louis HOLGADO, Rosauro (Ross), named vice president, quality and purchasing, Hough­ ton International, Valley Forge, Pa. HUNTINGTON, Clarence, appointed manager, technical service representative, graphics and specialty coatings, Sequa Chemicals, Chester, N.C. JONES, Karen, named market manager, nonwovens, Hoechst Fibers, Hoechst Celanese, New York City KERRISON, Dennis J., joined as manag­ ing director, petroleum additives, Associ­

ated Octel Co. Ltd., Great Lakes Chemi­ cal, West Lafayette, Ind. KUBERA, Gary, appointed vice presi­ dent, corporate development, McWhorter Technologies, Carpentersville, 111. LEEMANN, Christian, named director, marketing and sales, bulk pharmaceuticals and intermediates, Lonza, Fair Lawn, N.J. LOMBARDO, Brian S., promoted to se­ nior development engineer, Uniroyal Chemical, Middlebury, Conn. MARTENS, Jurgen, appointed director, business process development, fine chemi­ cal intermediates, Lonza, Fair Lawn, N.J. McCRACKEN, Lee R., appointed vice president, business development, Com­ biChem, San Diego MILLIKIN, Samuel Α., named marketing manager, tires, silicas unit, chemicals business, PPG Industries, Pittsburgh ORWIG, Dennis Α., named executive vice president, Catalytica Combustion Systems Inc., Mountain View, Calif. PRINZO, Felix J., retired as senior vice president and chief financial officer, LaRoche Industries, Atlanta RAINES, Lisa, appointed vice president, government relations, Genzyme Corp., Cambridge, Mass.

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