People - Chemical & Engineering News Archive (ACS Publications)

Industry. Richard L. Iazzetti named materials production manager, corrosion control division, Ceilcote Co., Berea, Ohio ... G. E. Ivory appointed gene...
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People Industry Richard L. Iazzetti named materials pro­ duction manager, corrosion control division, Ceilcote Co., Berea, Ohio . . . G. E. Ivory ap­ pointed general manager of polystyrene, Gulf Oil Chemicals, Houston. R. T. Jacquet appointed manufacturing improvement program manager, phosphorous chemicals division, FMC, Philadelphia . . . John W. Johnstone appointed senior v.p., chemicals group, Olin, Stamford, Conn. . . . Joseph H. Jones elected v.p., Allis-Chalmers Corp., Milwaukee, and appointed group exec­ utive, A-C Process Equipment—Central and South America . . . Randall Jones named business planning manager for Uniroyal Agri­ cultural Chemicals worldwide, Naugatuck, C o n n . . . . Joel J. Joseph appointed manager, facilities planning, Durkee industrial foods group, SCM Corp., Cleveland . . . Richard D. Joslin joins Mobil Chemical, Edison, N.J., as chemist, coatings R&D . .. David S. Junge promoted to product manager, equipment and chemical feed systems, Dearborn Chemical, Lake Zurich, 111. Andrew G. Kallianos joins Philip Morris Research Center, Richmond, Va., as associate principal scientist . . . Ramesh M. Kanojia promoted to research fellow, Ortho Pharma­ ceutical, Raritan, N.J. . . . Dan Kaufman ap­ pointed director of R&D, Gingi-Pak Labs, Camarillo, Calif. . . . Brian D. Keller joins B. F. Goodrich Chemical, Cleveland, as sales representative, new products and specialty polymer sales . . . Paul J. Kemper promoted to technical coordinator-international, Emery Industries, Cincinnati... Marshall Kendrick named v.p., Denka Chemical, Houston . . . James R. Kimbrough promoted to superin­ tendent, National Starch & Chemical, Long Mott, Tex. Ivan V. Klumpar joins Charles River Asso­ ciates as director of engineering analysis, Bos­ ton . . . Fred Knight named v.p. and general manager of petrochemicals, Borg-Warner Chemicals, Parkersburg, W.Va. . . . Alan D. Kornfeld appointed v.p., business manage­ ment, Oxirane Europe Inc., Eton, U.K... . Jo­ seph M. Kosiner appointed specialty surfac­ tants product manager, GAF Corp., New York City . . . Allen A. Kurnick named v.p. and di­ rector of R&D, chemical division, Hoff­ mann-La Roche, Nutley, N.J. . . . Harold E. Kyle joins IU Conversion Systems, Horsham, Pa., as director of concept engineering. Barry C. Lange joins chemical process re­ search department of Rohm & Haas, Phila­ delphia . . . Larry C. Lapple named technical manager, Marshall, Tex., plant, ICI Americas . . . Chuck M. Less appointed market devel­ opment representative, polymers, resins & monomers North America business team, Rohm & Haas, Philadelphia . . . Danny H. Lewis named head, biosystems, applied sci­ ences research department, Southern Research Institute, Birmingham, Ala.. . . Henry G. Lex appointed director of international market development, Norton Co.'s chemical process products division, Akron. Darol S. Lindloff appointed Southwest re­ gional sales manager, air correction division, UOP I n c . . . . Robert B. Login named assistant technical director, Jordan Chemical, Folcroft, Pa.. . . D. Bruce Losee Jr. appointed associate senior scientist, Philip Morris Research Center, Richmond, Va.. .. William R. Ludwig named v.p., innovation and planning, Lord Corp., Erie, Pa. Thomas Marcotte named technical director, Norcross lab for Wyandotte Paint Products Co., Troy, Mich. . . . Stephen C. Mariconti appointed quality control manager, Mercer Rubber, Trenton, N . J . . . . Gregory D. Martin joins Setpoint Inc., Houston, as senior control 34

C&EN June 2, 1980

engineer . . . John B. Martin named manu­ facturing director, alkali chemicals division, FMC, Philadelphia . . . James W. Mason ap­ pointed v.p., R&D, Alta-Pak International, Pico Rivera, Calif. . . . Rolland S. Mather promoted to manager, PVC expansion, B. F. Goodrich chemical group, Cleveland. William H. McCarty promoted to manager, coatings R&D, Mobil Chemical, Edison, N.J. . . . Robert C. McCay elected senior v.p., Tex­ aco, White Plains, N.Y Leroy Κ. McCune, director of departmental plans, Du Pont's textile fibers department, Wilmington, retiring after 37 years of service . . . John T. McCroarty appointed sales representative for Chicago sales office, Tenneco Chemicals . . . John B. Meek elected v.p. and business man­ ager, amines, Virginia Chemicals, Portsmouth, Va. . . . Robert J. Meredith joins industrial marketing department, Citro-tech division, Miles Labs, Elkhart, Ind. Arthur P. Micek named national sales manager, ingredients, food ingredients division, Stauffer Chemical, Westport, Conn. . . . Her­ bert C. Miller named head, analytical and physical chemistry, Southern Research Insti­ tute, applied science research department, Birmingham, A l a . . . . Richard E. Miner named v.p., development, Marathon Morco Co., Houston . . . Henry R. Mitchell appointed president, engineering division, Day & Zimmermann, Philadelphia.

Deaths A. Clinton Andrews, 79, emeritus professor of chemistry, Kansas State University, Manhat­ tan, April 17. Joined ACS in 1924; emeritus member. Robert M. Atchley, 77, formerly with Ar­ kansas Power & Light Co., Little Rock, Nov. 25, 1979. Joined ACS in 1945; emeritus member. Chairman Central Arkansas Section 1959. Henry Aughey Jr., 73, formerly with Du Pont Co., Wilmington, March 10. Joined ACS in 1930; emeritus member. Charles W. Beggs, 76, Feb. 17, Fair Haven, N.J. Joined ACS in 1938; emeritus member. Heinz R. Berlt, former chemical engineer with U.S. Navy, Great Lakes, III, Feb. 14, Chicago. Joined ACS in 1942; emeritus member. Fred L. Billings, 66, Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Toronto, Ont., Canada, Feb. 25. Joined ACS in 1956. Abe R. Bozarth, 70, formerly with Harshaw Chemical, Cleveland, Jan. 5. Joined ACS in 1931; emeritus member. Harold T. Byck, 77, Feb. 29, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Joined ACS in 1927; emeritus member. Chairman of ACS Division of Colloid Chemis­ try 1953-54. Fred G. Drommond, 68, professor of phar­ maceutical chemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, Jan. 13. Joined ACS in 1938; emeritus member. Richard C. Evans, 63, senior chemist at Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Md., April 28. Joined ACS in 1939. Clyde P. Ferguson, 79, chemistry professor at Palm Beach Junior College, Lake Worth, Fla., Feb. 27. Joined ACS in 1947. James F. Foote, 50, PPG Industries, Dec. 29, 1979. Joined ACS in 1952. George F. Grannis, 53, Jan. 14, Columbus, Ohio. Joined ACS in 1951. Henry C. Harris, 54, March 28, Green River, N.Y. Joined ACS in 1956. Frederick E. Herman, 47, Dec. 14,1979, La Jolla, Calif. Joined ACS in 1957.

Carl E. Johnson, 63, retired vice president of R&D, Amoco Chemicals Corp., Feb. 13, San Diego. Joined ACS. in 1942. Samuel B. Johnston, 50, senior research chemist, Reynolds Metals Co., Feb. 11, Greg­ ory, Tex. Joined ACS in 1962. Max M. Karrer, 72, Jan. 3, Sun City Center, Fla. Joined ACS in 1937; emeritus member. Charles T. Lattimer, 58, Dec. 28, 1979, Lancaster, Pa. Joined ACS in 1948. William J. Link, 52, research chemist, Du Pont Co., Wilmington, March 6. Joined ACS in 1951. Duncan MacRae, 89, former chief chemist at Edgewood Arsenal, April 12, Bel Air, Md. Joined ACS in 1909; emeritus member. Richard D. Meyer, 53, Melt Spinning Sys­ tems, Greenville, S.C., Feb. 7. Joined ACS in 1954. Past chairman of Mobile-Pensacola Section. John F. Mulvaney, 63, American Hoechst Corp., Coventry, R.I., Feb. 16, East Greenwich, R.I. Joined ACS in 1940. Harry T. Neher, 78, former assistant direc­ tor of research at Rohm & Haas, Philadelphia, Jan. 29, Tucson. Joined ACS in 1925; emeritus member. Charles H. Schultz, 61, vice president of faculty and instruction, Wilbur Wright College, Chicago, April 30. Joined ACS in 1960. Waldo L. Scovill, 87, Feb. 29, East Lansing, Mich. Joined ACS in 1920; emeritus member. William C. Sharpies, 78, retired chemist, Du Pont Co., March 2, Niagara Falls, N.Y. Joined ACS in 1927; emeritus member. Joseph F. Skelly, 67, senior staff consultant in environmental engineering, Master Engi­ neers Corp., Pittsburgh, March 15, Millville, Del. Joined ACS in 1935; emeritus member. Throughout most of his life Skelly was engaged in environmental controls and research in the iron and steel industry. He was'the author of many technical articles and the holder of eight patents. John F. Socolofsky, 61, manager of products research and technical services division, Mobil R&D Corp., Paulsboro, N.J., May 8. Joined ACS in 1944. Socolofsky was internationally recognized for his expertise and contributions to the advancement of petroleum product technology. Among his many accomplishments were development of the first synthetic lubri­ cating oil for high-performance jet aircraft and new generation automobile engine lubriArthur B. Steele, Feb. 20, Ossining, N.Y. Joined ACS in 1941. Luke E. Steiner, 79, formerly with de­ partment of chemistry, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, April 13. Joined ACS in 1925; emeritus member. Steiner served on the advi­ sory board of Chemistry from 1964-68. He was chairman of the Division of Chemical Educa­ tion 1963-64. Gertrude Van Zandt, 69, former chemistry professor, Wesleyan College, Jan. 20, Fort Worth, Tex. Joined ACS in 1937. Abraham White, 71, former professor and associate dean, Yeshiva University, New York City, Feb. 14, Santa Barbara, Calif. Joined ACS in 1934. Louis E. Wise, 92, wood chemist and pro­ fessor emeritus, State University College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, N.Y., April 4. Joined ACS in 1908. Reuben E. Wood, 64, professor of chemistry, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., March 24. Joined ACS in 1940. Sybil Woodruff, 89, professor emeritus of home economics, University of Iowa, March 16, Topeka, Kan. Joined ACS in 1924; emeritus member.