People: Dal Nagare Award

cultural Products Dept., Mobile Manufac- turing Center Laboratory, P.O. Box 525,. Axis, AL 36505. Deadline is Dec. 31,1999. BUSINESS ... checking the ...
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times at scientists, always at pseudoscience, sometimes at our listeners, and oftentimes at ourselves. Nothing is sacred and everything is eligible."

1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 0 DAC officers Theodore R Williams (top photo) of the College of Wooster began a one-year term as chair of the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry. Williams also serves as an ex officio member of Analytical Chemistry's Editorial Advisory Board. Bruce Chase (bottom photo) of DuPont will replace W3lams as chair-elect John Richardson of Shippensburg University has been elected secretary and Carolyn Ribes of Dow is the treasurer. Isiah Warner of Louisiana State Univer-

sity and Karen B. Sentell of Ciba Vision were reelected as councilor and alternate councilor, respectively, and Michelle Buchanan of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was elected alternate councilor. They join councilors Sally Stafford of Hewlett-Packard, Roland Hirsch of the U.S. Dept. of Energy, and Sarah Rutan of Virginia Commonwealth University and alternate councilors R Mark Wightman of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and Jon Parcher of the University of Mississippi.

Dal Nogare a w a r d The Chromatography Forum of the Delaware Valley is seeking nominations for the 2001 Dal Nogare Award, given each year to an outstanding scientist in the field of chromatography. The awardee is selected on the basis of contributions to the fundamental understanding of the chromatographic process. Nominating documents should include a resume, examples of publications, and seconding letters, if any, to Dal Nogare Award Committee, Mary Ellen P.

McNally, E. I. DuPont deNemours, Agricultural Products Dept., Mobile Manufacturing Center Laboratory, P.O. Box 525, Axis, AL 36505. Deadline is Dec. 31,1999.


First commercial lab-on-a-chip Lab-on-a-chip devices have gone commercial with the introduction of Hewlett-Packard's HP 2100 Bioanalyzer. Based on Callper Technologies' LabChip, the system provides sample preparation, microfluidics, and biochemical analysis of DNA on a microchip. Assays are available for analyzing restriction digests with DNA fragments 100-12,000 bases long; determining size and concentration information for DNA fragments 100-7500 bases long; ;nd checking the quality of various RNA products. The complete kit has a list price of $18,000 and includes a chip reader, a computer outfiited with application-specific software, and various LabChips and reagents.

Reagent for Determination of H2O2 A5020 Oxo[5, 10, 15, 20-tetra(4-pyridyl)porphinato]titanium(IV)



The Titanium-porphyrin complex 1 is useful for spectrophotometric determinination truce amounts of H2O2. The colorimetric method is based on the formation of the Tiianiumorphyrin-H2U2 complex 2, which is relatively unaffected by interferences from reducing substances. The molar absorptivity of the complex is 190,000M cm , which is much igher than other coloring reagents. The lower limits of detection are 10 nM by the batch method or 1 pmol per injection by flow injection analysis(FIA). The combination of colorimetry and FIA has been successfully used in the ullramicro analysis of H2O2 featuring rraid dnalysis and digh precision.



U l t r a - h i g h sensitivity spectrophotometric r e a g e n t for H2O2 C. Matsubara. N. Kawamoto, K. Takamura, Analyst, 117, 1781 (1992) D e t e r m i n a t i o n of biological substances C. Matsubara. N. Kawamoto. K. Takamura. Bunseki Kagaku, 41. 215 (1992); CA, 117, 43817 Tokyo Kasei Kogyo Co., Ltd., Japan Kokai Tokkyo Koho. .IP 93076395 Flow-injection analysis for H 2 O 2 C. Matsubara. N. Nakamichi, N. Kawamoto, K. Takamura, Bunseki Kagaku, 42, 363 (1993); ('A, 119, 79649



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9211 N. Harborgate St. Portland, OR 97203 USA Phone: (800) 423-8616 Fax; (503) 283-1987 E-mail: [email protected]:

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