People: Division awards - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

People: Division awards. Anal. Chemi. , 1998, 70 (15), pp 509A–509A. DOI: 10.1021/ac981930s. Publication Date (Web): June 2, 2011. View: PDF | PDF w...
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Division awards

Pont His research interests include timeresolved luminescence, near-IR reflectance analysis, and basic mechanisms in atomic emission, absorption, and fluorescence spectrometric analysis.

Six analytical chemists will receive awards from the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry. All but the Findeis Award, which will be given at the EAS in November in Somerset, NJ, will be presented at special symposia Robert T. Kennedy, will leceive the at the ACS fall national meeting in Boston. Arthur F. Findeis Award for AchieveDavid Allara, professor of materials ments by a Young science and chemisAnalytical Scientist, try, will receive the sponsored by Philip Award in SpectroMorris Companies. chemical Analysis, Kennedy has develsponsored by Peroped a broad-based kin-Elmer. Allara's interdisciplinary approach to studying the research interests interface of analytical chemistry and biolinclude surface ogy with the objective of developing techchemistry, materials interfaces, thin films, niques and instrumentation for studying composite materials, and sensors. neurotransmitters and hormones in biological systems. Henry N. Blount, III, director of the Office of MultidisciMilton Lee, professor of chemistry at plinary Activities at Brigham Young the National Science University, will reFoundation, will ceive the Award in receive the Award Chemical Instrufor Distinguished mentation, sponService in Analytical sored by the Dow Chemistry, sponChemical Company sored by Waters. Blount has been involved Foundation. Lee's with research fellowships, Presidential Young Investigator awards, and moderniza- research includes capillary supercritical fluid chromatography, ,tme-of-flight MS, tion of academic research facilities. polysiloxane stationary phases, and CE. Stephen W. Feldberg, ,enior chemist aa Brookhaven National Laboratory, will reDal Nogare Award ceive the Award in nominations Electrochemistry, sponsored by EG&G The Chromatography Forum of Delaware Princeton Applied Valley requests nominations for the SteResearch. Feldberg's phen Dal Nogare Award for Excellence and research focuses on Significant Contributions to the Field of the theory of coupling transport, computer Chromatography. This award will be presimulation of electrochemical phenomena, sented in the year 2000. Nominations and studies of fast interfacial electron should consist of one or more letters of transfer. nomination and a biographical sketch listing experience and significant contributions. Gary M. Hieftje, professor of chemistry at Indiana UniPrevious nominations can be renewed versity, will receive or appended with an updated letter and any the Award for Exadditional information. Nominations should cellence in Teachbe sent to Mary Ellen McNally, E. I. du ing, which is coPont de Nemours, Central Research and sponsored by the Development, Experimental Station E228/ Division of Analytical 220A Wilmington, DE 19880-0220. DeadChemistry and Duline is Dec. 31,1998.

23rd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid

Phase Separations and Related Techniques Granada Exhibition and Conference Center May30-June4, 1999

Granada, Spain H P L C '99 will be held in Granada, Spain—one of the most exciting and picturesque cities in the world. Session topics will include all practical and fundamental aspects of analytical and preparative liquid separations ( L C , CE, CEC) including micro- and nano-LC technologies. Deadline for submission of regular abstracts is October 16,1998. To be considered for an oral presentation and for the preliminary program, all abstracts must be received by this date. Deadline for late-breaking abstracts is April 10, 1999. Abstracts received after this date will only be included in an addendum to the final program. The event will be highlighted by one of the richest social programs ever in this meeting series. A key feature of HPLC '99 will be the international technical exhibition supported by a selected program of vendor's seminars.

S Y M P O S I U M SECRETARIAT Ms. Ana Costeja, Palacio de Congresos.Avda. M a Cristina s/n, 08004 Barcelona, Spain Phone 34-93-233-23-77 Fax 34-93-426-28-45 e-mail to [email protected] For more details check our website at

Analytical Chemistry News & Features, August 1, 1998 5 0 9 A