Percolator Series of Prints - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

Publication Date: August 1931. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind. Eng. Chem. 1931, 23, 8, 966-967. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's...
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Percolator Series of Prints F o r a irurnber of issues The Percolator, oficial organ of The Chemists' Club (New York), has carried upon its front cover reproductions of famous paintings. These have been chosen and co(1ected by D. D. Bero(zheimer, editor qf The Percolator. who has also underfaken to suppry photographic prints o j suitable sire f o r framing. I n the News Edition for Ma,y IO, I911, wc reproduced the illustration from one of these covers. The interest expressed i n art of this character has led us to arrange to perpefuate i n fhis edition of h">USTRlAL AND ENGINEERING C i i E M I s T R Y the series which has been used on The Percolator covers. The first of these illustrations are rcproduced on these pages, wi&h such information as is available concerning them. Ofhcr numbers i n the series w i l l be reprinted from time to fime. INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHP:MISTKY is indebted to The Percolator and to D. D. Berohheimer for permission fhus to acquaint ifs readers with some famous works of art.

REPROUUCIION 01 'TIW . M e m ~ v ~ i . Prrnnnncv IN T l l E CASTLE O F SAINT AXGELOI N ROME The castle of Saint .hgclo in Roiite originally built SI Hadtian's tomb and during the 'Middle Ages was converted into a hospital. which naturallp contained e pharmacy and laboratory. The castle later became an adjunct to the Vatican Museum, arid the old pharmacy was restored, as shown in the photograph. Many of the pieces 01' apparatus i n the pharmacy now are originals. was



This is n reproduction of a w ~ t ~ r - c ~ pointing by \V. Hunt, of the Irbonitovy of John Bell, i n Oxford S t n e t , London. I t shows John Sinimonds and the laburatory boy, William. This painting, made i n 1842, has for many years been eiruneousl,y considered to he a picture of ,Michael Faraday washing apgx~ratusin the laboratory o f Sir Humphre,y Davy. The iris tor,^ of this picture is fully rrlntcd Iry Elsie \Voodward Kassner, in the .loumnl o j /he h u r i c a n Pharmawutieai .hociafiorr, 20, KO. 3, 236 ('x