Pergamon Press

The microcomputer revolution, T C O'HAVER. Ion-pair extraction and. HPLC in pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, E TOMLINSON. Potentiometric titrat...
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capabilities as well as more powerful computing facilities became necessary. Networks are like trees. They can ex­ tend their root systems down and reach for sunlight with their branches. The separation of responsibility at the broadband level has permitted the laboratory to continue to control how its chemistry is performed, and yet have easy access to the large comput­ ing resources it requires at a very low cost. Acknowledgment The network implementation at VPI & SU has been a group effort, to which Charles Knipe, Mark Wingerd, Jim Bergquist, Steve Conder, and two former members of the group, Michael Starling and David Hooley, have con­ tributed greatly.

The Upjohn Company Physical and Analytical Chemistry Research Kalamazoo, Mich. 49001 Contributors: David J. Duchamp and Edward C. Olson The Upjohn Physical and Analyti­ cal Chemistry System (UPACS II) supports the needs of Physical and


Analytical Chemistry Research, a unit of about 40 research personnel, in­ cluding 11 PhD scientists and 17 BS/MS research assistants. Approxi­ mately 60% of the efforts of this group are in organic structure proof via physical methods, 20% in applications of physical methods to drug design and drug interaction studies, and the remaining 20% in analytical method development and characterization of experimental bulk drug lots. The de­ partment houses much major instru­ mentation including two four-axis X-ray diffractometers, five mass spec­ trometers, three NMR instruments, two Fourier transform infrared spec­ trometers, three ultraviolet spectrom­ eters, a circular dichroism instrument, an ESR spectrometer, several liquid and gas chromatographs, a thermogravimetric analyzer, a differential scanning calorimeter, an atomic ab­ sorption spectrometer, three CHN an­ alyzers, an oxygen analyzer, and sever­ al balances. The UP ACS II system is required to provide real-time data acquisition, data reduction, on-line data storage and retrieval, and interactive data in­ terpretation support. An earlier sys­ tem, UP ACS I, operational in 1969, was very successful in providing the data acquisition, reduction, and stor­

an Important

New Journal

age support. Experience with this sys­ tem taught us that we needed to pro­ vide rapid and powerful interactive data interpretation support, essential­ ly simultaneously with the data acqui­ sition and reduction activities. Since our researchers frequently are collabo­ rating on the same projects, much is gained by having them all on the same system, with access to centralized data files. The system is required to pro­ vide uninterrupted operation for long periods of time, 24 h/d, 7 d/wk. All ex­ periments are initiated and terminat­ ed from the respective laboratories, via terminals in the laboratories. All interfaced instruments must operate simultaneously and asynchronously regardless of data acquisition rate, which varies from 80 Κ words per sec­ ond for mass spectrometers, to less than a point per second for some of the slower analytical instruments. Some applications require that data be transferred to Upjohn's large main­ frame research computer, an IBM 3033, for large-scale computations. Another requisite was the capability of processing chemical structures on­ line to be able to effectively provide support for the interactive interpreta­ tion of spectral data and computeraided structural elucidation. In addi­ tion, we required large amounts of on-

— First Issue due Winter


Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Analysis An International Journal on all Drug-Related Topics in Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Clinical Analysis Editors-in-chief:

A F FELL, Deportment of Pharmacy, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, and J Ν MILLER, Department of Chemistry, University of Technology, Loughborough, UK J o u r n a l o f P h a r m a c e u t i c a l & B i o m e d i c a l A n a l y s i s will chromatography, τ τ ζ. I-AKIL> et οι. Reparation d amidines IN-IN publish original research papers, short communications and authoritative substituées par chromatography liquide haut-performance en phase reviews on all aspects of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis. Attention inversée: recherche de certaines impuretés de synthèse, M H A N O C Q et al. will be focussed on analytical instrumentation and methodology; on relevant Analytical methods based on transformations induced by hydrochloric acid. developments in computation and interpretation; drug analysis in S GOROG et al. An HPLC method for the analysis of tricyclic pharmaceutical, clinical and forensic fields; drug stability studies, antidepressant drugs at therapeutic drug levels using pairing and organic pharmacokinetics, therapeutic monitoring, and metabolic profiling; counter-ions, C Τ HUNG and R Β TAYLOR. A new selective industrial quality assurance of pharmaceuticals and drug-related aspects of spectrophotometric method for the determination of ampicillin, industrial health and safety. amoxycillin and cyclacillin in the presence of polymers and other degradation products, Η BUNDGAARD and C LARSEN. Simultaneous Forthcoming Papers determination of Cortisol and cortisone in serum by HPLC with The microcomputer revolution, Τ C O'HAVER. Ion-pair extraction and fluorescence detection, J GOTO et al. HPLC in pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, Ε TOMLINSON. Subscription Information Potentiometric titration of thiols, cationic surfactants and halides, using a Published quarterly solid-state silver-silver sulphide electrode, S PINZAUTI et al. Separation Annual subscription US$60.00 and determination of the sodium, benzathine and procaine salts of Two-year rate US$114.00 benzylpenicillin by reversed-phase HPLC, M PUTTEMANS et al. An assay FREE SPECIMEN COPY GLADLY SENT O N REQUEST for methotrexate and its metabolites in serum and urine by ion-pair

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P e r g a m o n Press Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 1304 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 54, NO. 12, OCTOBER 1982