Perhaps you can do it better with a NOPCO® PROCESS LUBRICANT

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NOPCO PROCESS LUBRICANT . '. .jtor giving fine leathers perfectly controlled surface lubrication as-well as degree of softness

'il J'? for giving syrtthetic yarns perfect wèqvm lubrication plus the proper internal softness ;. *^^§Κ:'


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)i:-;"i:.Cfir reducing costs in ^etdrawing w ν by greatly^^xtending i'life:' ot^iies ^:;Jv,:ί^

Nopco lubricants ease the w a y i n m a n y industries for finer products, lower costs. One of them i s in great demand as a penetrating agent in soaking t h e skeins of silk fibers prior to weaving. Still another helps molders of plastics re­ duce the waste from breakage b y facilitating quick and smooth release of products from the molds. Perhaps you have a production problem that could be simplified b y using t h e varied properties of a Nopco lubricant — or some other N o p c o chemical. W h y not tell us the ends you wish to achieve? We'll work closely with y o u . . . try our best to help you attain substantial results, as we have done for others.


N o p c o Chemical Company, 174 D a v i s Street, Harrison, N . J.

PLANTS: Harrison, N. J. • Cedartown. Ga. · Richmond. Calif.

Nopco processing chemicals include: Esters, Ethylene Oxide Condensates, Amides, Aletallic Sulphonates, Emulsion Polymers, Foamed Plastics for:



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