Perhaps you can do it better with a NOPCO® THICKENER - C&EN

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NOPCO THICKENER . for m a k i n g greases that lubricate efficiently a t low t e m p e r a t u r e s

. . . for t h i c k e n i n g l a t e x p a i n t s , i m p r o v i n g p i g m e n t suspension a n d b r u s h a b i l i t y too

. . . a s effective and economjcal gelling a g e n t s in m a k i n g p l a s t i g e l s

Nopco thickeners are used to bring about manufacturing improvements—economies too—in many industries. In addition to the uses mentioned above, a Nopco thickener gives controlled penetration to the latex used for backing cotton tufted rugs. Another is used in textiles, to give uniform control of viscosity to water-soluble gums for printing pastes. Still another gives stability at high temperatures to rocker arm lubricants. Perhaps you have a production problem that could be simplied by utilizing the varied properties of a Nopco thickener—or some other Nopco chemical. Why not tell us the ends you wish to achieve? We'll work closely with you... try our best to help you attain substantial results, as we have done for others.


Nopco Chemical Company, 176 Davis Street, Harrison, N. J.

PLANTS: Harrison, N. J. · Cedartown, Ga. · Richmond, Calif.

Nopco processing chemicals include: Esters, Ethylene Oxide Condensates, Amides, Metallic Soaps, Sulphonates, Emulsion Polymers, Foamed Plastics For:



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