Perkin-Elmer Corp. - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Chemical Society, 1155 16th St.,. N. W., Washington, D C. 20036. developments ... full details, write Perkin-Elmer Corp.,. Mail Station 12, Main Ave.,...
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Editors' Column Analytical Chemistry and Medicine The recent publication of a study, "Chemistry in Medicine", by the American Chemical Society outlines the contributions of chemists in pro­ viding improved products and proce­ dures for health care. The report, pub­ lished by the Committee on Chemistry and Public Affairs, reviews past ac­ complishments, discusses the current state of knowledge, and suggests fu­ ture potentials of chemistry in medical research. In one section on the contri­ butions of basic research, "Chemistry in Medicine" discusses the value of

Copies of "Chemistry in Medicine" are available at $7.50 each from Special Issues Sales, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.

developments in analytical chemistry. Increased sensitivity of analyses and sophisticated instrumentation now allow for the measurement of a chemi­ cal's presence or behavior in a com­ plex system to a degree not possible before. Basic analytical methodology plays an important role in chemistry's con­ tributions to medical research. Contri­ butions related to the development of drugs are some of the most widely known. Drugs available today radical­ ly alter the capabilities for treating ill­ nesses. Most drugs are transformed in the body. The reactions involved must be studied to understand drug metabolism and to aid in the discovery of new drugs. Here very sensitive (parts-per-million) separation and de­ tection techniques identify these reac­ tion sequences and their importance. Many of the sensitive methods and instruments widely used in pharma­

ceutical as well as other areas of medi­ cal research were originally developed for use in other fields. Mass spectrom­ etry, for example, can detect minute quantities of drugs and their metabo­ lites. Structures can be deduced from mass spectra by studying the ion frag­ ments. Radioisotope techniques also provide highly sensitive and practical methods for quantitative drug metab­ olism studies. In medical research, different forms of chromatography are used to sepa­ rate small amounts of both natural and synthetic chemicals. Chromatog­ raphy is important in the study of dis­ eases caused by inborn errors of me­ tabolism. In addition, the combination of gas chromatography with mass spectrometry produces a powerful tool for separating and identifying chemi­ cals important in disease studies. Other forms of spectrometry, especial­ ly infrared and ultraviolet, are used in the study of steroid chemistry. Flu­ orescence spectrometry detects ele­ ments present in living tissues. Laser probe technology and x-ray emission spectrometry are two analytical tech­ niques that also show promise in med­ ical science. These techniques will allow the detection of trace elements in very small sample sizes, such as a single drop of blood.

UNEXCELLED FLUORESCENCE, UNBEATABLE PRICE Nothing tops the sensitivity of lumi­ nescence spectroscopy for measuring pico-to-nanograms of amino acids, hormones, enzymes, nucleic acids, proteins or phenols. And with the Perkin-Elmer MPF-44A fluorescence spectrophotometer, you get the high performance sources at a price you can afford. The MPF-44A handles practically any research situation. It has a wavelength range from 200-1200 nm, resolution of 0.2 nm, and the sensitivity to detect picogram/ml concentrations of quinine sulfate. It's the newest addition to the line that made Perkin-

Elmer the acknowledged leader in fluorescence performance. Two new microprocessor-based accessories. One gives you corrected excitation and emission spectra. The other, the Differential Corrected Spectra Unit, adds differential (double-beam) operation without sacrificing sensitivity.

A new ultra-micro flow cell acces­ sory with 20 μ\ sample capacity con­ verts the MPF-44A into an extremely sensitive, versatile LC detector. Other accessories let you select TLC, low temperature luminescence (phos­ phorescence), polarization, and solid sampling (front surface viewing). If you have any questions on a specific application for the MPF-44A, call us now at (203) 762-4379. Or for full details, write Perkin-Elmer Corp., Mail Station 12, Main Ave., Norwalk, CT 06856.