accomplished. Perkin-Elmer Limited. Maxwell Road, Reaconsfield,. Buckinghamshire HP9 1QA. CIRCLE 116 ON READER SERVICE CARD. PERKIN ELMER...
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FT-Raman. Emission accomplished. L-Cystine IR

I n 1987 Perkin-Elmer installed prototype FT-Raman Systems in several major industrial and university laboratories in Europe and the United States. T h e n we listened.. "Ideally, we'd like to measure both Raman and IR spectra on the same spectrometer, without changing optical com­ ponents." "We'd like to do FT-Raman and IR microscopy on the same system." "We need prealigned sample holders for solids and liquids — and why not base them around the IR sample slide?" "Raman collection optics should not restrict the maximum sample size. "



IR and Raman spectra may both be collected using a Model 1700X widerange KBr beam­ splitter.

The full IR capability of the Model Π 00Χ FT-spectrometer is maintained when the FT-Raman system is installed.

Lens collection optics ensure that samples of all shapes and sizes may be accommodated easily.

It will be no surprise to learn diat the new Perkin-Elmer 1700X Series FT-Raman System incor­ porates all these ideas and many more. It may be a surprise to learn that it is the only FT-Raman System to do all diis.

PERKIN ELMER Perkin-Elmer Limited Maxwell R o a d , Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire H P 9 1QA CIRCLE 116 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Liquids, powders, solids and gels may all be examined interchangeably without the need for realignment between samples.