TWO WAYS TO BUY TOP-OF-THE-LINE ATOMIC ABSORPTION THE 6 0 3 WAY Everything you could possibly want in atomic absorption is built into our top-of-the-line Model 603. Features you couldn't get before and still can't find anywhere else. The 603 puts all the latest advances in AA literally at your fingertips. With pushbutton ease, you enjoy state-of-the-art versatility, performance, convenience and speed.
From arsenic at 194 nm to cesium at 852 nm, no other instrument can match the complete performance capabilities of the 603. The 603's double-beam optical system and highresolution, dual-grating monochromator are the standard against which all other AA instruments must be compared.
THE460WAY If our 603 has more than you need, you'll find all you need in the lowerpriced Model 460. In anyone else's line, it would be at the top. The 460 differs from the 603 primarily in its optical system. The 460's double-beam optical system also uses high quality,
coated front-surfaced optics and a wide-range detector. Its monochromator, however, uses a single large (64x64 mm), finely ruled (1800 lines/mm) grating to provide high energy and performance and broad wavelength coverage at a moderate cost.
EITHER W A Y , Y O U ' R E A H E A D Both the 603 and 460 share these Unmatched versatility. The 603 advanced features: and 460 let you select atomic absorption or flame emission, continuous or Plain-talk, no-code microcomputintegrated readings, peak height or ers. The 603 and 460 are controlled by integrated peak area measurements. a microcomputer that talks your lanBoth are designed for flame and guage. You don't need computer exflameless sampling. And both are pertise. No complicated codes. The compatible with the largest product microcomputer even catches misline of light sources, sampling devices takes. And the optional RS-232-C and other key accessories available interface lets you expand the instrufrom any manufacturer. ments' capabilities with a wide variety of data handling and data logging Proven reliability. The 603 and 460 systems. are designed to provide the reliability Pushbutton simplicity. Whether you need in analytical instrumentation you're calibrating with up to three - f r o m their high-energy optical sysstandards, setting integration time tems to the proven performance of the from 0.2 to 60 seconds or setting exnebulizer and laminar-flow burner pansion from 0.01 to 100X, all you do system; from the safety features of is push the buttons. The microcomtheir gas controls to the proven puter does the rest - automatically, reliability of their solid-state microquickly, and accurately. computer electronics.
PLUS C O M P L E T E B A C K U P With the 603 and 460, you also get all the unexcelled backup that comes from the world leader in atomic absorption. Technical assistance in using your instrument to its full abilities. Product specialists located throughout the world to help you with your analytical problems. Factory trained service personnel close by to keep your instrument's performance at its peak. Plus our AA "Cookbook," the Atomic Absorption Newsletter, and a wide variety of other technical materials to keep you current in atomic spectroscopy. If you need help in deciding between the 603 and 460, your nearest Perkin-Elmer representative can make your task easier. Just ask for details or a demonstration. Write Perkin-Elmer Corporation, Main Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06856. Or phone (203) 762-1000.