Permanence as an Ideal of Research. - ACS Publications - American

To the extent that the saving of white wheat flour means an increased use of the coarser flours and of oatmeal and potatoes in breadmaking (or potatoe...
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No. 5

7-Benedict: of transportation and high prices of beef (and of cattle feed) “The Nutritive Requirement of the Body,” American there is great danger that a diminution of demand for market Journal of Physiology, 16 (1906), 409. 8-Mills: Archives of internal Medicine, 7 (1911), 694. milk would lead to slaughter of the cow rather than to her ship9-Falk and Siguira: Journat of the American Chemical Society, 37 ment to a distant milk-condensing region. (1915), 217. lO+hermanandSchlesinger: In general the milk condenseries compete with butter and cheese I b i d . , 3 4 (1912). 1104; 37 (1915). 1305. l l - s h e r m a n and Gettler: Ibid.. 36 (1913), 179. factories rather than with city milk dealers so that if we wish t o 12-Willcock and Hopkins: Jouvnal of Physiology, 36 (1906), 88. increase the supply for the condensery we should diminish o w 13-Osborne and Mendel: Journal of Biological Chemistry, 17 (1 91 4), consumption of butter rather than of milk. 328. 14-Osborne and Mendel: “Feeding Experiments with Isolated Food We are asked by the Food Administration both to economize in the use of meats, sugar and fat, and to consume less wheat. Substances,” Publications of Carnegie Institution of Washington, 191 1, and aubsequent papers in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. To the extent that the saving of white wheat flour means an 15-Mendel: “Nutiition and Growth,” Harvey Lectures for 1914increased use of the coarser flours and of oatmeal and potatoes 1915, p. 101. Archiv fur Anatomie und Physiologie, 1909, p. 219. 16-Thomas: in breadmaking (or potatoes in place of white bread) this also 17-Hindhede: Skand. Archiv fur Physiologie, 30, p. 97; 81 (1913-14). will result in an improvement in the mineral and vitamine con259. tent of the diet. To the extent that wheat flour is replaced by 18-Rose and Cooper: Journal of Biological Chemistvy, 30 (1917). cornmeal, we may anticipate no appreciable gain or loss in 201. 19-Sherman and Osterberg: Unpublished. nutritive value. 2 0 4 h e r m a n and Wheeler: Unpublished. The rat-feeding experiments of McCollum, often continued American Journal of Physiology, 39 (1911), 215. 21-McCollum: for the lifetime of the experimental animal and sometimes through 22-Shermaq Mettler and Sinclair: U. S. Dept. Agriculture, Bull. more than one generation, have shown that the corresponding 337, Office of Experiment Stations: Forbes and Keith: Ohio Agricultural products from the different cereal grains are very similar in their Experiment Station, Tech. Series, Bull., 6 (1914). 23-McCollum and Simmonds: Journal of Biological Chemistry, nutritive properties, and preliminary experiments in our own passim. laboratories, upon the substitution of corn protein for wheat 24-Von Wendt: Skand. Archiv f u r Physiologie, 17 (1905), 211. protein in human nutrition, tend toward the same conclusion. 25-Sherman: Office of Experiment Stations, U. S. Dept. AgriculIn these experiments it has been found that nitrogen equilib- ture, Bulletin 166, p. 37. 26--McCollum, Simmonds and Pitz: Journal of Biological Chemistry. rium can be maintained, and apparently all the requirements 27-Sherman and Gillett: “A Study of the Adequacy and Economy of of the protein metabolism fully met, by low protein diets in which Some City Dietaries,” published by New York Association for Improving at least four-fifths of the protein is from wheat or wheat and corn the Condition of the Poor. 28-Sherman: “Chemistry of Food and Nutrition,” 2nd Ed.,1918. (maize) and that the results are apparently as good when maize 29-McCollum: “Supplementary Dietary Relationships Among is substituted for a considerable part of the wheat as when wheat Natural Food Materials,” Harvey Lectures for 1916-1917. furnished all of the grain protein. 30-ROSe: “Feeding the Family.” Beginning this discussion with a reference to the material COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY requisites of an adequate diet we have so far not felt called upon NEWYORKCITY to specifically discuss psychological aspects, but we have not forgotten that “aside from all questions of physiological need, PERMANENCE AS AN IDEAL OF RESEARCH’ eating has an immense vogue as an amusement.” In the present By S. R. SCHOLES world food situation we would perhaps be justified in asking that people regard food primarily as a source of nutrient and only Truth, beauty, and goodness are accepted as the ideals for secondarily of entertainment, since it is possible for us to find human endeavor. Of these ideals, truth is the special goal of our entertainment in “amusements” which do not involve de- the man of science, and he must lead in its discovery and espriving our friends abroad of their daily bread. But particularly tablishment. And among scientific men, it is the chemist who in this very matter of the use of other things than patent flour must discover the truth about the changes that occur or may be in breadmaking we have been so often and emphatically warned made to take place in the composition and constitution of material that any change must be considered from the standpoint of things. psychology as well as nutrition that it may not be out of place The outstanding attribute of truth is its eternal character, to ask whether American psychology will be always and alto- it endures, it is permanent. We deny the notions of the early gether on the side of conservatism as against conservation. It chemists who held the phlogiston theory, because it did not stand is commonly assumed that our national psychology is and always the test of time. We call Lavoisier the Father of Modern will be opposed to any change in the color or flavor of our familiar Chemistry because his master-concept of the quantitative charwhite wheat bread. But is this necessarily true? Is there not a acter of chemical reactions has endured and become stronger psychology of conviction, of ethics, of patriotic emotion if you through the years. Permanence is the criterion of ideas, in our will, as well as a psychology of habit and prejudice? As our Science as in any other; but this test should be applied more people come to realize more fully and more keenly the needs of severely, not only to ideas, but to things, to the utilities that our friends abroad, a pure-white, all-wheat loaf may possibly chemistry produces, that justify it to the world. cease to be regarded as the standard of excellence and desirability If right ideas are permanent, so also must be the material and a bread tasting of corn or tinted by oatmeal may come to things into which natural resources are made, if they are to be seem a more worthy staff of life. worthy of final acceptance. Against this ideal of permanence stands the great natural tendency of all things to disintegrateBIBLIOGRAPHY and decay-to pass into a useless state. The action of the ele1-Lusk: “Science of Nutrition,” 3rd Ed., 1917. 2-Benedict: “Metabolism during Inanition,” Harvey Lectures for ments, of abrasion and vibration, erosion and corrosion, disinte1906-1907, p. 170, and Publications of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. gration and destruction continually operate to nullify the labors. 3-DuBois: “The Respiration Calorimeter in Clinical Medicine,” of man and to bring to naught his best material achievements. Harvey Lectures for 1915-1916, p. 101, and papers in the Archives oflnternal Steel, for example, is the strongest and most adaptable of our Medicine. 4-Gillett: “Food Allowances for Healthy Children,” published by engineering materials, but it yields t o the action of the atmosNew York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. phere, and eventually falls into useless rust. With few excep-


5-Chittenden: “Physiological Economy in Nutrition and The Nutrition of Man.” 6-Meltzer: “The Factors of Safety in Animal Structure and Animal Economy,” Harvey Lectures for 1906-1907, p. 139.

1 Summary of Address delivered at the October 1917 meeting of thePittsburgh Section of the American Chemical Society. Reprinted from= The Crucible, the monthly of the Section.

M a y , 1918


tions, all our materials follow similar courses, so that the ultimate triumph of decay is voiced in many a pessimistic proverb. Here is a challenge to the chemist. How to meet it seems a problem more worthy of his effort than is the extension of the number of substances, regardless of their lasting character, or even the establishment of new laws of chemistry, except as they have a bearing on the question of permanence: to make steel in large quantities, not only strong and cheap but resistant to rust, vibration and other destructive forces; to protect wood from the attack of air and moisture, of insects and fungi; to make glues and cements that will last as long as the substances they bind together; to make dyes that will not fade, and paints and varnishes that will retain color and protective power; to develop rubber so that its useful life is years instead of months; to improve clay products, mortars, and Portland cement until they are indifferent to heat and cold, dryness and moisture; to discover new treatments for textile fabrics that will greatly increase their strength, and resistance to wear and the agencies of decay, and even to fire itself while preserving all their useful characteristics; to improve paper so that the printed page may have some of the lasting qualities of the carven tablets of antiquity; to take from glass some of its fragility-these are among the aims that our research must seek, if our science fulfills its highest mission. I n addition to the value of such results merely as ideals, there



would be tremendous economic gains, and, as a corollary, a vast improvement in the condition of the race. So long as the forces of ruin hold their present sway over our best and strongest materials, so long must a large part of the available human energy be expended in repairing and rebuilding. If such duplication of effort could be eliminated, not only would the wealth of the world increase much more rapidly, bringing us more of the useful things for our enjoyment, but the economic leisure of all men would be extended, with all the beneficial results which sociologists can hope from that desideratum. We are already making progress and considerable research is now under way as everyone knows, along these lines. Most of the work remains to be done and the initiative rests with the chemists who can understand both the necessity and the promise of research ; who have intelligent dissatisfaction with present achievement and imaginations trained to picture ideal materials and to plan for their manufacture. Here in this great manufacturing district, where huge quantities of engineering materials are made and fabricated, the call for such research is doubly emphatic. It is not only a call, but an opportunity to win fame and fortune together with the deep satisfaction of having rendered real and lasting service. H. C. FRY GLASS COMPANY ROCHESTER, Nsw YORK


The University of California celebrated its semicentenary during the week March 18 to 23, 1918,with an appropriate and interesting program of events, one of which was the dedication on Friday, March 2 2 , of a new building for chemistry which as it now stands is the front wing of the future Chemistry Building of the University. It was erected a t a cost of $zzo,ooo; measures 190by 60 feet; has four floors, a basement and a sub-basement; and constitutes a departure from the architecture OF the new University in being built OF reinforced concrete. The addresses delivered a t the dedication exercises, a t which Professor Edmond O’Neill, of the University of California, presided, are printed in full below,-- [EDITOR] INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS By EDMOND O’NEILL, Professor of Chemistry, University of California

We meet to-day to dedicate this building. It is called Gilman Hall, in honor of Daniel Coit Gilman, the first President of the University, from 1870 t o 1874. Under his administration the University was organized, the Faculty enlarged, and the course of instruction amplified. Unusual for the administrators of his day, he believed in the importance of science, and it was through his efforts that the College of Chemistry was established and the first laboratory built. Afterwards, as the first president of Johns Hopkins University, he had a larger field for his administrative genius, and we all know the impetus given to science as the result of the establishment of Johns Hopkins, of the eminent leaders of science that were gathered in its halls, and of the influence of its sons in so many American universities. For these reasons it is eminently fitting that this building should commemorate his name, and the words Gilman Hall will ever serve to bring b a d his personality and the services he rendered t o this University. The dedication of a building is like the launching of a ship. The architect, or the designer, must plan his building, or his vessel, keeping in mind the experience of the past, endeavoring to correct errors, planning improvements, giving rein to his imagination to create a new design more beautiful, or more harmonious, or better fitted for its purpose. And then comes the period of building when the architect or designer sees his dream take form, when the artisans fashion the stone and the steel and

the wood, each workman a specialist in his task, each craftsman doing the work that lies before him, in apparent confusion and aimlessness. But gradually the structure shapes itself, the casual onlooker can understand the meaning of the seeming disconnected efforts, can recognize the outlines of what it is meant to be, and finally the building or the ship is finished and ready for its purpose. The launching or the dedication is a gala day, a day of festivities and celebration. The vessel glides down the ways festooned with banners and streamers, with the sound of music and the plaudits of the assembled multitude. The dedications of great buildings are carried out with pomp and ceremony. Are those ceremonies and festivities merely in commemoration of the completion of a great work? Only in part. It seems to me that it is more a mark of what the future will bring. The ship sails away to foreign shores, with its passengers and cargo, bearing new materials and new ideas to other parts of the world and returning with a freight of material and spiritual things for our enlightenment and betterment; and so it is with this building. We commemorate its completion, we recall to our mind the labors and devotion of the architect and advisers and builders of this beautiful structure. But still more, this dedication is to mark the promise of the future. Year after year students, instructors and investigators will work in these laboratories, teaching the experience of the past, expounding the knowledge of the present, and unveiling the mysteries of the future. Future generations will throng this hall; professors and students, mutually helpful, pioneers in science exploring new fields, attacking new problems, solving the riddles of the Universe. To-morrow is the fiftieth birthday of the University. The founders of the College of California are not here to witness the development of their little college. I remember as a boy going to the evening lectures of Professor Carr, the first professor of chemistry, where he presented the elementary principles of chemistry, illustrated with experiments. Although i t was fifty years ago, I remember the lectures and experiments as though they occurred yesterday. It fired my imagination and gave me my first insight into the charm and interest of science. Little did I think then that fifty years later I would assist in the dedication of a chemical laboratory, many times larger, many times more costly, than the entire college of those days. Would that