Permeation of Amphipathic Sweeteners into Taste-Bud Cells and

2College of Dentistry, New York University, 245 East 24th Street,. New York, NY 10012. 3Monell Chemical Senses Center, 3500 Market Street,. Philadelph...
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Chapter 17

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Permeation of Amphipathic Sweeteners into Taste-Bud Cells and Their Interactions with Post-Receptor Signaling Components: Possible Implications for Sweet-Taste Quality 1





M. Naim , M. E. Shaul , A. I. Spielman, L. Huang , and I. Peri 1

Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition, Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel College of Dentistry, New York University, 245 East 24 Street, New York, NY 10012 Monell Chemical Senses Center, 3500 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 2



The sweetness of sugar is regarded by humans as the optimal sensation; that of alternative non-sugar sweeteners possesses an inferior sweet quality, which limits their use in low-calorie foods. These sweeteners may produce bitter, metallic or cooling sensations, as well as lingering sweet aftertaste. The molecular basis for these undesirable sensations is poorly understood. Although various sweeteners may stimulate the same G-protein-coupled taste receptors (GPCRs), inferior sweet-taste quality is uniquely related to some non-sugar sweeteners. This chapter presents data indicating that such tastants may rapidly permeate taste cells under physiological conditions in vivo and interact with downstream signaling components such as signal-termination-related kinases in vitro. The implications of these properties for sweet-taste quality are discussed.

© 2008 American Chemical Society Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


242 Our intake of foods containing refined sugars and high-caloric-density constituents has increased significantly in the last century (1), and has been linked to metabolic disorders such as diabetes and obesity, coined 'diabesity' (2), considered to be the main threats to human health in the 21 century (3). In response to such health hazards, for the last four decades chemical studies have been exploring alternative low-calorie sweeteners with high sweet potency (4-8). The resulting synthetic (and some natural) non-sugar sweeteners include a large collection of diverse compounds such as sulfamates, flavonoids, oximes, amino acids, peptides, proteins, guanidines and terpenoids. The nutritional justification for sweeteners as alternatives to sugars has led to increased consumption of low-calorie soft drinks and other low-calorie foods. However, the sweet taste of sugars, especially that of sucrose, is regarded as pure with optimal sensation in humans, whereas many non-sugar sweeteners possess inferior sweet quality. Psychophysical sensory studies in humans using the multidimensional similarity (MDS) analysis (9) have clearly shown that the sweetness of a variety of non-sugar sweeteners may be located at a different site in the sweet M D S map from that of sugar sweeteners. Indeed, they may produce bitter or metallic sensations, as well as lingering sweet aftertaste (9). A further factor that in many cases makes non-sugar sweeteners inferior to sugars is their temporal properties. Time-intensity relationship studies have indicated that, compared to sucrose, it takes a longer time for the sensation of a non-sugar sweetener to reach maximal sweet-taste intensity, and more time (sometimes minutes) for the sweetness to be extinguished (lingering aftertaste) (4,10-12,). As a result, when water is being tasted after tasting some of these sweeteners, water becomes sweet, i.e., "water sweet aftertaste" (12,13). The lingering aftertaste phenomenon is also known to occur with a variety of bitter stimuli. Delayed sweet-taste termination following the tasting of non-sugar sweeteners is not unique to humans. It has also been shown to occur in Old World monkeys during behavioral studies (14) and during electrophysiological recordings of taste nerves (15). Some evidence suggests that the phenomenon is peripheral: electrophysiological recordings of taste nerves at the periphery (15) have indicated "taste persistence" in response to stimulation by non-sugar sweeteners. Furthermore, a delay in inositol 1,4,5-trisphospahte (IP ) accumulation in taste cells following stimulation by some bitter tastants known to possess lingering taste has also been reported (16). These results suggest that the delay in taste-signal termination induced by some non-sugar sweeteners and bitter tastants is at the periphery, at the taste-cell level. Nevertheless, the molecular basis for the "slow taste onset" and "lingering aftertaste" phenomena is still not known, even though it has significant implications with respect to the acceptance of a variety of food products. The existence of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in taste cells for both sweet and bitter tastes, as well as for umami taste, is now well established (17-24), Apparently, both sugar and non-sugar sweeteners stimulate the same sweet receptors (19, 26). Nevertheless, the lingering aftertaste phenomenon is uniquely related to non-sugar sweeteners. One may hypothesize that while the receptors

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Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

243 may be the same, modifications in cellular-signal activation and/or signal termination may be responsible for the changes in temporal properties induced by non-sugar sweeteners. In the following we discuss the hypothesis that one reason for the lingering aftertaste produced by non-sugar sweeteners and bitter tastants is their ability to permeate taste cells and interact with signal-termination components located downstream of the taste GPCRs.

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Permeation of Amphipathic Tastants into Taste-Bud Cells For amphipathic (i.e., containing both hydrophobic and hydrophilic domains) tastants to interact directly with membrane-transduction components located downstream of the GPCRs, they need to be able to permeate the membrane and translocate to the cytosolic side of the cell. In contrast to sugars, the chemical structures of non-sugar sweeteners (as well as bitter tastants) are very diverse, often amphipathic, and therefore they are putative membrane-permeant compounds. A variety of membrane-permeant amphipathic compounds that affect GPCR-signal-transduction-related pathways and specific downstream transduction components are routinely used for research or in clinical practice as activators or inhibitors of downstream signaling. Among them are direct G-protein activators such as the peptides mastoparan and melittin (27-30); the diterpene forskolin, a direct activator of adenylyl cyclase (31, 32); various xanthines such as I B M X and theophylline inhibitors of phosphodiesterases (PDE) (33, 34); and the aromaticisoquinoline derivatives such as H-89 (35, 36) and H-7 (37), which specifically inhibit protein kinase A (PKA) and protein kinase C (PKC), respectively. Permeation through the plasma membrane of living cells may include passive diffusion, i.e., translocation of a solute across a membrane down its electrochemical gradient according to Pick's law without the participation of a transport protein (38). Diffusion has a low temperature coefficient and usually occurs with small, neutral molecules that are soluble in the lipid membrane. In facilitated diffusion, translocation of a solute across a membrane also occurs down its electrochemical gradient but is catalyzed by a transport protein which may obey Michaelis-Menten relationships. Biological substrates that follow this mechanism are typically charged or larger than the size of glycerol (39). Active transport occurs when net transport of a solute across a biological membrane moves from a low to high electrochemical potential. This transport is characterized by the following: the solute is not chemically modified, saturable steady-state kinetics is observed, substrate specificity is restricted and an input of metabolic energy is required. Active-transport processes involve a variety of molecular mechanisms, for which energy may be derived from light, oxidoreduction, A T P hydrolysis, or a pre-existing solute gradient. Obviously, the transport reactions involved in A T P synthesis are localized in the mitochondria, which use an H* electrochemical gradient for energy coupling. Mammalian cells utilize a N a gradient generated by a N a / K ATPase to accommodate solute-Na symporter or antiporter (40). +




Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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244 Our previous experiments, utilizing the auto-fluorescence properties of some amphipathic tastants, indicated that the sweetener saccharin and the bitter tastants quinine and the cheese-derived cyclo(Leu-Trp) peptide can translocate through multilamellar lipid vesicles (MLV)(liposomes), apparently due to their hydrophobic or amphipathic properties (41). Under the experimental conditions (pH 6.8 to 7.25), quinine was a slightly cationic (pKa 8.52) tastant with a significant portion in an uncharged form. The cyclo(Leu-Trp) peptide is uncharged under these conditions (42). Saccharin is a strong anion (pKa 1.8) under these conditions, but appears to be more lipophilic than would be inferred from its dissociation constant (43). Using their autoflourescence, confocal microscopic studies and H P L C analyses indicated that the same tastants also rapidly permeate the cells of isolated taste-bud sheets derived from rat circumvallate (CV) papillae (41). The following experiments were designed to further characterize saccharin permeation into taste-bud cells using the above preparation. C V taste-bud sheets were prepared by means of collagenase treatments (41, 44). They were then incubated for 30 s with increased concentrations of saccharin, washed, the cells were permeabilized by freeze-thaw processes (44) and the intracellular content of saccharin was determined by H P L C as previously described (41). As shown in Figure 1 A , the saccharin permeation rate fits Michaelis-Menten kinetics, resulting in a Kd of approximately 52 m M with a maximal (V,,^) accumulation rate of 5.5 mM/s, similar to the value we found previously (41). This permeation into the taste-bud cells appeared to be against the "concentration gradient" (see discussion below). Next, we aimed at revealing whether saccharin permeation into taste-bud cells requires the use of metabolic energy, i.e., A T P . Since a main force for ensuring a desirable A T P level in the cell depends on maintaining the proton gradient across the mitochondrial membrane needed for oxidative phosphorylation, we first used the uncoupling ionophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP), which is expected to abolish this proton gradient and inhibit oxidative phosphorylation, and thus the availability of cellular A T P (45). Saccharin permeation into taste-bud cells was significantly reduced when cells were pre incubated for 5 min with C C C P (Figure IB). Nevertheless, it should be noted that CCCP, a proton ionophore that collapses the mitochondrial potential, may also change the plasma membrane's potential (46). If a given solute is charged, changes in membrane potential may affect its permeation independently of cellular A T P availability. Consequently, we next used oligomycin, which inhibits A T P synthase, an enzyme located on the internal mitochondrial membrane, and thus inhibits the formation of A T P from A D P without affecting membrane potential. In addition, since saccharin is a strong anion under the experimental conditions used, the effect of pentachlorophenol (PCP), an electron uncoupler and a potent aniontransport inhibitor (47, 48), was tested. Figure IB shows that, in contrast to CCCP, preincubation of taste-bud cells with oligomycin for 30 min or with PCP for 40 min does not affect saccharin permeation (glucose was removed from the assay buffer to abolish or significantly reduce A T P formation via glycolysis).

Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.




C Φ Ο c ο ο

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1 S





Extracellular concentration (mM)




Figure 1. Permeation of saccharin into taste-bud cells. A . Permeation into taste-bud cells during 30 s of incubation as a function of extracellular concentrations of sodium saccharin. Results are means ± SEMof two replicates for each data point. Each point represents the responses of four rats. Saccharin permeation fits Michaelis-Menten kinetics (R? = 0.99, ρ < 0.001), K = 52.2 mM, ^max 5.54 mM/s. B . The effect of carbonyI cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrozone (CCCP), oligomycin andpentachlorophenol (PCP) on saccharin permeation into taste-bud cells. Taste-bud sheets were preincubated with (black bars) and without (hatched bars) CCCP (50 μΜ), oligomycin (10 Mg/mL) or PCP (500 μΜ) for 5, 30 or 40 min, respectively. Then, sheets were incubatedfor 30 s with saccharin (30 mM) and the intracellular content was determined as previously (41). Results are means ± SEM of three to four replicates for each data point Each point represents four rats. * indicates significant inhibition of saccharin permeation (p < 0.05). d


Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

246 Therefore, it is likely that saccharin permeated the cells without the involvement of metabolic energy. The likelihood that saccharin permeation does not involve an active carrier may be partly supported by the rates at which saccharin permeated the taste cells. The estimated volume of a taste cell is about 0.25 pL (41), suggesting that the accumulated rate of saccharin into a taste cell was 5.54 mM/s (around 10 molecules/cell per second). We estimated the surface area of a taste cell to be about 300 μιη , but due to the large diversity in the number of channels that are present per square micrometer in different cells (49), it is difficult to estimate the number of putative "saccharin channels" in one taste cell. However, i f one speculates between 1000 and 10,000 "saccharin channels" per cell, the permeation rate would be between 10 and 10 molecules/s for a single channel. These rates are higher than the uptake rates of 10 to 10 molecules/s which are known for solutes being taken up by various active carriers (glucose transporters, N a - K ATPase, C17HC0 " exchanger) and lower than those found for passive diffusion flux (10 /s), known for water or ions via the model pores of gramicidin (49). Therefore, the permeation of saccharin via putative "saccharin channels" may be classified as facilitated diffusion (38) which does not use metabolic energy for permeation even though shows Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Could it be that our amphipathic tastants are able to form pores as they do in lipid vesicles (41)1 This remains to be determined. Nevertheless, independent of the mechanism involved, it appears that such high permeation rates of saccharin into taste cells may not be achievable with active carriers; this would support a diffusion process which does not depend on metabolic energy. If this is indeed the case, how does saccharin permeate the taste-bud cell against a concentration gradient? Our localization experiments (41, 50) suggested the presence of saccharin attached to cytosolic organelles. This may suggest the binding of saccharin, as well as other amphipathic tastants, to cytosolic organelles (e.g., the nucleus), and perhaps to cytosolic proteins (41). The latter observation suggested that such binding actually reduces the concentration of these tastants in the cytosol and thus permeation occurs along the concentration gradient, not against it. In the aforementioned studies with isolated taste-bud sheets (41), it is likely that not only the apical mucosal side (where tastants normally interact with sensory cells), but also the serosal side of the taste-bud cells was exposed to saccharin and other tastants. Therefore, we further investigated whether amphipathic tastants can permeate taste cells via the apical oral route under physiological conditions. The auto-fluorescence that some sweet and bitter amphipathic tastants possess was used to monitor tastant permeation into taste cells by two different procedures (51). First, in-situ confocal-microscopy imaging of an intact C V papilla surgically removed without collagenase treatment (thus, avoiding exposure of the basolateral side) indicated the dynamics of tastant permeation [using the sweeteners saccharin and D-tryptophan and the bitter tastants caffeine, cyclo(Leu-Trp), naringin and quinine] into C V papilla cells located around the circular inner trench where most of the C V taste buds are found. 9

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Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


247 Addition of the membrane-impermeant quencher, KI, to the tastant-permeated C V buds had no effect on tastant fluorescence, indicating the presence of such tastants inside the cytosol or on the cytosolic side of the membrane rather than their adsorption to the extracellular surface of the cells.

Table I. Estimated permeation of amphipathic tastants into C V taste-bud cells via the apical side

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Extracellular cone. (mM) during oral stimulation

D-Tryptophan Quinine Cyclo(Leu-Trp) Caffeine

30 2 2 10

Efflux (%) during collagenase trt.

86* 75* 64* 70*

± 9.5 ± 5.6 ± 3.0 ±2.5

Intracellular cone. (mM) after oral stimulation 6.4** ± 1.0 5.5** ± 0 . 8 0.96** ± 0 . 1 13.7* ± 3 . 6

Oral stimulation was conducted for 90 s; collagenase treatment (trt) for 25 min. Data are means ± SEM of four to nine replicates, each derived from one or two rats. * and ** indicate significant values at ρ < 0.03 and ρ < 0.001, respectively. Reproduced from reference 51. Used by permission from The American Physiological Society.

In a second series of experiments (Table I), to further verify that tastants indeed permeate taste-bud cells under physiological conditions and to quantify the intracellular content of each tastant, the oral cavity of anesthetized rats was stimulated on-and-off with tastant solutions for 90 s, followed by immediate animal sacrifice. Tongues were then removed, and the C V taste-bud sheets were prepared by collagenase treatment (41). Cells were then washed, permeabilized as described earlier and the intracellular content of each tastant was determined by H P L C (51): millimolar levels of these tastants were found inside the taste cells following this oral stimulation (Table I). One might assume that some of the tastants would be likely to leave the cells (e.g., by M D R 1 , (52)) during the collagenase treatment after the 90-s oral stimulation. The efflux of tastants, estimated from additional experiments, during the enzymatic treatment was 64 to 86% (51). Together, the in-situ confocal laser-scanning imaging and H P L C analyses provide evidence that these and perhaps additional (although not necessarily all) amphipathic tastants rapidly permeate taste-bud cell membranes under physiological conditions (in vivo), either through the taste-bud pore or through the tight junctions, and that such permeation also occurs in non-sensory lingual epithelial cells. Nevertheless, one would anticipate no significant modifications in

Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

248 cell volume or ion gradients due to the permeated millimolar concentration of tastants under physiological conditions.

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Inhibition of Signal-Termination-Related Kinases by Membrane-Permeant Sweet Tastants G P C R signaling often desensitizes rapidly as a consequence of receptor phosphorylation by two families of protein kinases (53-56). One possibility is second messengers-dependent kinases (e.g., P K A and PKC): this is termed heterologous desensitization. The others are dependent on GPCRs (homologous desensitization), such as G P C R kinases (GRKs). In contrast to the secondmessenger-dependent kinases, GRKs discriminate between the inactive and agonist-activated states of the receptor (catalytically activated by stimulated receptors) (55, 56), and specifically phosphorylate the agonist-activated form of GPCRs. Cellular-transduction experiments indirectly suggest the presence of P K A and P K C in taste cells (36, 57). Recently, two studies were published on the presence of G R K s in taste-bud cells (51, 58, 59). Our recent study (51, 59), using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), suggested the presence of G R K 2 , G R K 3 , G R K 5 and G R K 6 along with T2R4 and T1R3 in cells of isolated taste-bud sheets of rat C V papillae (Figure 2). The same G R K s were found to be expressed in non-sensory epithelium but as expected, no P C R products for the T2R4 and T1R3 receptors were observed in the latter. Furthermore, antibodies against G R K 2 , G R K 5 and G R K 6 (with weak staining of GRK3) yielded clear, positive immunostaining in the 10-//m frozen sections of the C V papilla (51). However, only G R K 5 was clearly stained in the C V taste-bud cells; G R K 2 and G R K 6 were notably stained in the surrounding epithelium but their presence in the taste cells remains questionable. These immunostaining experiments cannot provide evidence for T2R4 and T1R3 receptor expression in the same subpopulation of taste cells that contains the GRKs. However, since G R K 5 appeared to be expressed in almost all taste-bud cells, it is likely that it co-expresses in cells expressing taste GPCRs. A study in mouse (58), using immunohistochemistry of the C V papilla, suggested the differential distribution of G R K 2 , G R K 3 and G R K 5 in the C V papilla while only G R K 2 was present in taste-bud cells. It remains to be determined whether the discrepancy between these two studies results from the different species used (rats vs. mice) or the different methodologies for G R K detection. Nevertheless, these results warrant further investigation to verify that G R K 5 , and possibly other GRKs, are co-expressed and functionally coupled with T1R2/T1R3 receptors. Subsequently, the effect of tastants on G R K 2 - and GRK5-mediated rhodopsin phosphorylation, a well-studied in-vitro model for G P C R phosphorylation (55), was investigated in the same study (51). Because an isolated

Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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Figure 2. RT-PCR analysis of GRK1, GRK2, GRK3 GRK5, GRK6, T2R4 and T1R3 mRNA in circumvallate taste-bud sheets (CV) and non-sensory epithelium (EP). cDNA was synthesized from CV and EP RNA and then amplified by PCR using specific primers for GRK1, GRK2, GRK3, GRK5, GRK6, T2R4 or T1R3; GAPDH was used as an internal reference gene. CON designates parallel PCR, omitting the RT step and using GRK2 primers. Reproduced from reference 51. Used with permission by The American Physiological Society.

taste-receptor protein was not yet available, rhodopsin, the vision G P C R , was used as a model. The ability of tastants to affect the incorporation of P from [yP ] A T P into rhodopsin by G R K 2 and G R K 5 and into casein by P K A was monitored. As shown in Figure 3, the amphipathic non-sugar sweeteners cyclamate, saccharin, neohesperidin dihydrochalcone (NHD) and D-tryptophan, with diverse chemical structures, significantly inhibited the phosphorylation of rhodopsin by G R K 2 and G R K 5 and of casein by P K A in vitro. Their effects depended on the types of kinases being tested. Acesulfame Κ did not affect kinase activity under the experimental conditions. The tastant concentrations needed to stimulate these kinases under the experimental conditions were at the millimolar level, higher than the micromolar levels usually used with other kinase inhibitors in vitro and in vivo clinically (60) or experimentally in nontaste systems (61). Moreover, these tastants do not appear to be very specific since they inhibited P K A as well as the G R K s , and may very well inhibit additional kinases. Nevertheless, the range of tastant concentrations applied in this study (51) matches that used in sensory and biochemical studies (9, 15, 19, 33, 62, 63) and the tastant levels found inside taste-bud cells within seconds after their extracellular application (Table I). Therefore, their physiological significance as kinase inhibitors in taste cells may result from their almost 3 2


Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.






60 40 20

• I

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0 **-


100 80















Figure 3. Amphipathic tastants inhibit GRK2- and GRKS-induced phosphorylation of rhodopsin and PKA-induced phosphorylation of casein. GRK2 or GRKS with rhodopsin or PKA with casein were incubated with [r- P]ATPfor!5 min with the following sweeteners: D-tryptophan (D-TRP, 20 mM), sodium cyclamate (CYC, 20 mM), sodium saccharin (SAC, 20 mM), acesulfame Κ (ACE-K, 3.5 mM) and neohesperidin dihydrochalcone (NHD, 1.25 mM). Results (% of kinase activity obtained during incubation without tastants) are the means and SEM of four independent experiments. ^Significantly (at least at the ρ < 0.05 level) lower value than controls incubated without tastants. (Adapted with permission from reference 51. Copyright 1985 The American Physiological Society.) 32

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Figure 4: Hypothetical pathways for the desensitization of sweet-taste receptors. Non-sugar sweeteners (T) stimulate receptors (R) from the extracellular side to activateG-proteins (α, β, γ), βγ-subunits, in turn, activate PLCp2. Receptor-mediated signaling may be desensitized by G-protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) which phosphorylate R and promote the binding of arrestin proteins to the receptor, uncoupling the receptor from the G-proteins. Alternatively, R may be phosphorylated and desensitized by second-messenger-dependent kinases, e.g., protein kinase A (PKA) or protein kinase C (PKC). Intracellular inhibition of these receptors phosphorylation, e.g., directly by the membrane-permeant Ts, would be expected to inhibit desensitization and therefore delay taste-signal termination. Modified from reference (55) and based on reference (51).

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252 immediate access to the cytosolic side of those cells, and thus to GRKs, which are present in taste tissue and to P K A or P K C , which have been indirectly shown to be active in taste cells (36). Interestingly, the same tastants have also been recently shown to act on the melatonin and a -adrenergic receptors (both are GPCRs) to reduce cellular c A M P in Xenopus laevis melanophores (50). Since both of these receptors appear to occur in taste-bud cells (50, 64), such tastants may further inhibit P K A activity in those cells due to the reduction in c A M P . These results led to a new hypothesis which may partly explain the lingering aftertaste produced by non-sugar sweeteners and bitter tastants (Figure 4). According to this model, amphipathic tastants stimulate sweet-taste GPCRs located on the extracellular surface of taste cells, and concomitantly permeate to the cytosolic side of the cell membrane or to the cytosol under physiological conditions. Thus, such tastants have access to direct interaction with G R K s or with other receptor-related kinases (e.g., P K A , PKC). Inhibition of G R K - and/or PKA/PKC-induced phosphorylation of GPCRs then leads to a delay in signal termination, and therefore may extend the taste response (i.e., lingering). In conclusion, the cellular events occurring in taste cells upon stimulation by sweeteners are very diverse and complex. The present results suggest that following taste stimulation, direct interactions of some of these sweeteners with downstream transduction components occur. This may explain some of the remarkable differences in the sweet taste quality of different sweeteners and calls for further investigation of such intracellular events.

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Acknowledgements Constructive discussions with Prof. S. Nir, Dr. N . Moran and M r . A . Aliluiko are gratefully acknowledged. This study was supported in part by grant 2003015 from the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF) and grant IS-3366 from the US-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (BARD).

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