Peroxide reaction mechanisms (Edwards, John O., ed.)

Edwards, Brown. University, Providence, Rhode ... John Tiley & Sons, Inc.), Few York,. 1062. ix + 245 pp. ... demic Press, Inc., New York, 1!162. viii...
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BOOK REVIEWS book is an enjoyable and instructive introduction.

0.T. BEXFEY Earlham College Rtchmond, Znrlmna Peroxide Reaction Mechanisms Edited by John 0. Edwards, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. Interscience Publishers [ a division of John T i l e y & Sons, Inc.), Few York, 1062. ix 245 pp. Figs. and tables. 15.5 X 24 cm. .$a.


This hook contains ten of the pnwrs presented a t the Pcroxide Reaction hlcchanisms Conference a t Brown University in June, 1960, cowring the topics of perester chcmistry (P. 1). Bsrblctt), peroxides as nuclcaphiles (C. A. Bunton), peroxides in ozone reactions (R. Cricgee), peroxydiphosphoric acid (M. >CrutchI. field), noclrophilic displitcement,s on oxygen (J. 0. Edwards), peroxides in autoxidstion (G. A. Russell), physical chemical properties of hydrogen peroxide (E. S Stanley), photolysis of hydrogen peroxide [ h C. R. Symons), dwompositians involving simultaneous fission of several bonds (M. Szwarc), and rnechsnisms of persulfate oxidation (W. Ii. Wlmarth and A. Haim). It must have been a stimulating and inkresting conference, and, even two years lat,er, several of the papers represent the hest short revieass available. Thus, for material not available elsewhere, the papers by Bunton, Wilmarth, and Edwards are particularly recommended, while Bart,iett, Criegee, Russell, and Symons give discussions which are excellent sommaies and provide introductions t o fields in xhich much ~ o r kis in progress. Peroxide chcmistry is a fascinating and active field which has provided many useful synthetic reactions and eontrihuted much t o our understanding of hoth polar and radical reactions. T o workers in the field and others intrrested in the particular prohlems treated, this book is m r m l y recommended. Others desiring a more comprehensive review of the entire chemistry of peroxides, waold be hetter scrved h y A. G. D a v i d "Organic Peroxides,'' published in 1961.

CHEVES\ ~ . \ L L I U C C'oli~rnhinUniversity Xezo Fork, S e w York Introductory Organic Quantum Chemistry Georg Iiarayounis, University of Frriburg, Germmy. Translated by F . C. A'aehod, Sterling-Winthrop Researrh Institute, Rensselaer, New York. Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1!162. viii 204 pp. Figs. and tahlrs. 16 X 23.5 em. 86.50.


This book attempts t o introduce the organic chemist t o the method of application of quantum mechanics t o prob(Continued on page A982)