PERSONAL NOTES - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

PERSONAL NOTES. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1915, 7 (1), pp 77–77. DOI: 10.1021/ie50073a048. Publication Date: January 1915. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind...
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Jan., 1915




A meeting of the Perkin Medal Committee was called a t the Chemists’ Club on December 7th by President G. W. Thompson. The proposals for candidates for the Perkin Medal for 1914 were carefully discussed. Edward Weston was the unanimous choice of the committee for the medal t o be conferred by the New York Section of the Society of Chemical Industry a t its regular January meeting. Arthur D . Little, Inc., of Boston, have established a popular journal of industrial chemistry, known as “The Little Journal.” This journal will be published monthly and contain information in regard to industrial processes, products and plants, written in a popular but authoritative style. The first issue, which was put out in December, consisted of zo,ooo copies and will be mailed without charge upon request. The University of Michigan Section of the A. C. S., a t its regular meeting on November 24th, elected the following officers: Chairman, L. H . Cone; Councilor, S. I,. Bigelow; SecretaryTreasurer, H. H . Willard ; Executive Committee--hl . Gomberg, W. G. Smeaton and B. W. Peet. Mr. F. P. Dewey, of the Bureau of the Mint, presented a paper on “The Recovery of Osmiridium in the Electrolytic Refining of Gold,” before the Chemical Society of Washington, on December 10th. Dr. C.-E. A. Winslow has resigned from the College of the City of New York to become director of .education in the reorganized State Department of Health. His work a t the American Museum of Natural History will continue as heretofore. Mr. Henry A. Gardner, assistant director of the Institute of Industrial Research, Washington, D. C., spoke on the “Technology of Various Painting Materials” before the Rochester and Syracuse Sections of the A. C. S., on the 7th and 8th of December, respectively. The 28th meeting of the Connecticut Valley Section of the A. C. S. was held a t Springfield on December 12th. I n the afternoon the Section toured the plant of the Hendee Manufacturing Company a t Winchester Square, State Street. In the evening Mr. Carleton Ellis delivered an address on “Progress in the Hydrogenation of Oils.” Prof. L. H. Harris, formerly associate professor of the University of Pittsburgh, has been appointed consulting engineer to the Public Service Commission of Pennsylvania. The December meeting of the Iowa Section of the A. C. S. was held December I2th, a t Coe College, Cedar Rapids. Dr. Herman Schlundt, of the University of Missouri, spoke on the subject, “Radio-Activity of Waters;” Mr. L. H. Goebel, of the Cedar Rapids Water Works, presented a paper on the “Purification of Water.” Afternoon excursions were made to t‘he Starch Works, Quaker Oats Plant, and Packing House. Mr. A. Fleck, demonstrator a t the University of Glasgow, has been appointed physical chemist t o the Glasgow Radium Committee, established to administer a large fund collected in the city for the purpose of acquiring and distributing radium for therapeutic purposes. Under the auspices of the committee, a radiometric laboratory has been fitted up a t the university. The 3rd regular meeting of the Maryland Section of the A. C. S. was held on December 19th. Dr. Ira Remsen read a paper on “Reminiscences of Liebig and Wohler.” Prof. H. A. Huston, of the German Kali Works, gave a lecture on “The Potash Industry,” illustrated by lantern slides and motion pictures, before the Gamma Chapter of Phi Lambda Upsilon and the Institute of Arts and Sciences of Columbia University, on December 10th.



Mr. James G. Callan, of Arthur D. Little, Inc., Boston, addressed the Rhode Island Section of the A. C. S.on “Abrasives,” on December 17th. At the December meeting of the Detroit Section of the A . C. S. on the ISth, the following program was presented: “The Bleaching of Shellac,” by Mr. C. T. Bragg, of Berry Bros.; “The Manufacture of Chemical Porcelain in Detroit,” by Mr. Harry Spurrier, of the Jeffery-DeWitt Co. ; “The Manufacture of Insulated Wire,” by Mr. Jas. H. Bogart, of the Detroit Insulated Wire Co.; “Comparison of the Pharmacopoeias of Different Countries,” by H. T. Graber, of the Digestive Ferments Co.; “Some Features of the Gas Industry,” by Leigh E. Worthing, of the Detroit City Gas Co. Dr. Arthur Romaine Hitch, formerly assistant instructor in chemistry a t Cornel1 University, and research chemist of the Solvay Process Co., Syracuse, N. Y., has been appointed instructor in chemistry at the Rice Institute, Houston, Texas. Prof. William J. Gies, of Columbia University, delivered an address on “The Chemical Investigation of the Cause and Prevention of Dental Caries,” before the Philadelphia Section of the A. C. S.on December 17th. The Pittsburgh Section of the A . C. S., a t its meeting on December 17th, gave the following program: “The Freezing of Nitroglycerin and Its Detonation by Shock,” Dr. Harold Hibbert, Mellon Institute, University of Pittsburgh ; “Prbtein Charts,” Prof. Alexander Silverman, University of Pittsburgh; “A New Process for the Manufacture of Steel,” Isador Ladoff, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co. Mr. Francis A. J. Fitzgerald lectured on “Thermitite” before the Western S e w York Section of the A . C. S. on December 17th. Dr. M. L. Crossley, professor of organic chemistry a t William Jewel1 College until 19x3, and lecturer in Wesleyan Cniversity, 1913-1914,has been appointed associate professor and acting head of the Department of Chemistry in Wesleyan University. Dr. H . Lee Ward has been appointed associate professor in the department. The Chemical Abstracts index began going into the mails on December nznd. This number contains 7653 titles and the mailing of the entire issue involves the handling of six and one half tons of paper, The Chicago Section of the A. C. S.held its December meeting on the 11th. The occasion was the Section’s regular “Ladies’ Night” and the program consisted of a series of Industrial Motion Pictures, showing the Iron and Steel Industry, Lead Mining, and Paint Manufacture from start to finish. The following associates have been added to the editorial staff of the Anesthesia Supplement of the American Journal of Surgery: Prof. Charles Baskerville, head of the department of chemistry in the College of the City of New York; Prof. Dr. Guido Fisher, director of the Royal Dental Institute of the Cniversity of Marburg, Germany ; and Dr. Torrance-Thompson, of Edinburgh. The Revision Committee of the United States Pharmacopoeia announce that they have adopted the suggestions formulated by Dr. Charles Baskerville, in regard t o the standards for purity of ether. Prof. W. D. Bancroft was the guest of honor a t an informal dinner given by the Pittsburgh Sections of the American Electrochemical Society and the A. C. S., previous to their joint meeting on December 10th.